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Acosta, F.: POB (Post Office Box) 484
Addy, Hattie (widow, I. S.): 339 N. California
Aguilar, Catalina: POB 556
Alaso, Maria: POB 485
Alcantar, Frank (Maria): laborer, 176 S. Delaware
Alcantar, Samuel: caddy, 176 S. Delaware
Allen, Bailey: POB 982
Allen, J. S.: Route 1
Allen, Taft L.: assistant manager, J C Penney Co.
Allgood, E. Y.: POB 407
Allison, John J. (Effie L.): machinist, 150 E. Boston; home, 130 W. Boston
Almendez, Selvestie: POB 654
Alvarado, Jose: POB 602
Anaya, Antonio: POB 523
Anaya, Jim M. (Josephine): gardnener; 140 S. Washington
Anderson, Gladys Mrs.: waitress; home, 101 N. Arizona Ave.
Anderson, Hans: POB 942
Anderson, Jennie: POB 162
Anderson, John: POB 953
Anderson, Thomas: POB 93
Anderson, W.T.: POB 16
Andrade, Robert L.: meats, 38 S. San Marcos Pl.; home, 107 S. Colorado
Andrade, Robert L. Jr.: meat cutter; home, 107 S. Colorado
Anguano, Antonio: POB 573
Appleby, G. L.: Route 1
Appleby, George B.: Route 1
ARIZONA EDISON CO.: E. H. Brown, manager; Denver, SE corner of Delaware; POB 359
Armenta, Jesus: POB 513
Arneli, Joseph D. (Belle C.): veterinarian; home, 48 W. Boston
Arriaga, Gavino (Concepcion): restaurant, 4 E. Boston; home, 126 S. Delaware
Arriaga, Gavino Jr.: laborer; 126 S. Delaware
Arriaga, Juan: POB 523
Arriaga, Sarah: POB 562
ARROW PHARMACY (J. H. Shrewsbury): 1 W. Boston, Tel. 37
Arvallo, N.: POB 614
Arvizu, Pete: POB 516
Auguari, Antonio: POB 517
Austin, A. G.: Route 1
Austin, Fred P. (Mary): superintendent, high school; home, 278 W. Washington
Austin, Laura: clerk, San Marcos Hotel
Austin, T. W.: Route 1
Austin, Wilfred G. (Dorothy): high school coach; home, 171 N. Washington
Autrey, C. W.: POB 1041
Avala, G. : POB 545
Bablon, Irma: POB 48
Backer, F.: Route 1
Bailey, Carl (Laura): mechanic Lee Milton; resident at Tourist Park
Baker, J. C.: Route 1
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): employed at Chandler Improvement Co.; H, 115 N. Arizona
Bandy, T. C.: P.O. Box 295
BANK OF CHANDLER: A. J. Chandler, president; 35 W. Boston
Barnes, A.P.: P.O. Box 116
Barnes, Clarence: cook, H. A. Hunt
Barnes, Claude E. (Rosa A.): laborer, H, 185 S. Dakota
Barnett, A. F.: P.O. Box 993
Barr, R. J.: P.O. Box 299
Barrett, O. S.: P. O. Box 448
Barron, Jacinto: P.O. Box 521
Basha, Azez N.: dry goods, 100 E. Boston; H, 241 N. Washington
Basha, Edward N: furniture, 98 E. Boston; H, 241 N. Washington
Basha, Louise: student; R, 241 N. Washington
Basha, Nejeeb (Nejeba): dry goods; H, 241 N. Washington
Bayless, W. H.: Route 1
Bear, Paul W. (Kathleen R.): bookkeeper, Chandler Improvement Co.; H, 202 S. California
Bearden, Carl L. (Mae): laborer, 340 N. Dakota
Beatty, Claude R.: P.O. Box 223
Beckham, Anna L.: student; R, 130 N. Dakota
Beckham, Charles M. (Quintilla): bridge builder; H, 130 N. Dakota
Bedell, Edgar E. (Christine R.): H, 119 N. California
Beer, Frank W. (Louise) (Price & Beer): H, 200 N. Washington
Begley, Amos H. (Helen G.): P. O. Box 73
Begley, Walter J. (Geraldine): assistant engineer, Arizona Edison Co.; H, 375 W. Denver
Benard, A.: Route 1
Benites, J. M.: P. O. Box 596
Bennett, A. L.: P. O. Box 396
Binion, Martin H. (Gertrude): rancher, P. O. Box 314
Birks, P. D.: Route 1
Bishop, John R.: 200 S. Oregon
Bishop, Thomas O. Rev. (Verna): pastor, Christian Church, 200 S. Oregon
Bjork, I. H.: Route 1
Blake, E. M.: P. O. Box 195
Blake, Edward T. (Alis): chief clerk, Arizona Edison Co.; P.O. Box 122
Blevins, G. J.: P.O. Box 1073
Bolen, Ordie P.: Route 1
Booker, Don: salesman, Standard Oil Co.; R, 139 N. Washington
Booker, Loga B. (widow, C. A.): H, 139 N. Washington
Booth, Frank C.: laborer; R 293 S. California
Booth, Susie J. Mrs.: H, 293 S. California
Borillo, J. I.: P. O. Box 405
Bouton, Floyd H. (Pearl): cashier, Bank of Chandler, H 203 W. Commonwealthg
Bowling, Charles V. (Gertrude): H, 373 N. Dakota
Bowling J. V.: P. Box Box 417
Boyd, Charles W. (Della): clerk, Reliable Hardware Co.; P. O. Box 274
Bradford, W. M.: P. O. Box 297
Bradley, George R: physician, 131 W. Commonwealth; R, 205 N. Arizona Ave.
Brewer, W. W.: P. O. Box 3123
Brewster, Marshall (Ruth): P. O. Box 164
Brimhall, O.: P. O. Box 174
Brion, A. A.: Route 1
Brockett, L. W.: Route 1
Brockett, Martin L. (Mary E.): janitor, P. O. Box 143
Brok, L.: POB 951
Brooks, A. J.: Route 1
Brooks, A. L.: Route 1
Brooks, Carl B. (Verna): H, 111 N. Oregon
Brooks, Carl M.: R, 111 N. Oregon
Brooks, John P. (Irene W.): POB 33
Brooks, John W. (Willie): H, 271 N. California
Brooks, Stanford M.: R, 111 N. Oregon
Brooks, William T. (Pearl): garage, 4 E. Boston; H, 304 N. Colorado
Brown, C. M.: deputy county assessor
BROWN CHEVROLET CO.: E. D. Brown, president; L. M. Mecham, vice-president; 123 S. Arizona
Brown, E. D. (Irene): president, Brown Chevrolet Co; R, 3/4 of a mile east of city; Route 1
Brown, Edwin H. (Pauline): manager, Arizona Edison Co.; H, 225 E. Denver
Brown, Earl M. (Maggie): bookkeeper, Brown Chevrolet Co.; R, 3/4 mile east of city; Route 1
Brown, Florence Mrs.: clerk, L. S. Udell; R, 10 1/2 mile southeast of city
Brown, Sarah (widow, J. W.): Hk, 305 N. California
Buckelew, J. W.: Route 1
Burnett, Charles M. (Ida M.): employed, county highway department; H, 189 S. Dakota
Burns, George W. : Route 1
Butterfield, Shirley D. (Bessie I.): POB 44
Bynum, Carl H.: R, 327 N. California
Bynum, Fay L.: teacher; R, 327 N. California
Bynum, Jasper T. (Mary): farmer, H, 327 N. California
Calder, Helen: teacher, R, 200 N. Washington
Calley, Ella Mae: steno, Chandler Improvement Co., R, 288 N. Dakota
Calley, Matthew N. (Belle): 288 N. Dakota
Cameron, Mary: manager, San Marcos Indian Shop; R, Phoenix
Campbell, Alex J.: baker, POB 279
Campbell, Clara: teacher, POB 366
Campbell, Mae: 392 N. Dakota
Campbell, Thomas: POB 279
Campbell, William: POB 279
Campos, Henry (Jennie): laborer, 331 N. California
Candalot, Joe: POB 126
Candelera, Pedro: POB 532
Capavilla, V: Route 1
Cardon, Ed: POB 257
Careaga, Bartolo (Rosie): trucking, 120 S. Delaware; home, same
Careaga, Charles: chauffeur, 120 S. Delaware
Careaga, Frances: 120 S. Delaware
Careaga, Jose: chauffeur, R, 120 S. Delaware
Careaga, Nancy: R, 120 S. Delaware
Carlson, Clarence: 126 W. Boston
Carlson, Evelyn: teacher, High School; R, 126 W. Boston
Carlson, Gustav H. (Jennie): H, 126 W. Boston
Carlson, Winona: 126 W. Boston
Casillas, Narciso (Juana): laborer; H, 200 S. Delaware
Caudill, William E. (Frieda M.): H, 119 S. California
Caudill, William S. (Bessie): manager, Railway Express Agency; H, 117 N. California
CENTRAL ARIZONA LIGHT & POWER CO.: J. A. McCue, manager; 92 S. San Marcos Place
Chacon, S: POB 503
Chandler, Alex J. (Charlotte): president, Bank of Chandler and Chandler Improvement Co.; R, San Marcos Hotel
CHANDLER ARIZONIAN (newspaper) (Park R. and C.A. Mitten): 75 W. Commonwealth
Chandler Chamber of Commerce: 66 W. Buffalo, Tel 95
Chandler City Government: City Hall, 128 S. Arizona (all offices located at City Hall, unless otherwise specified.)
Attorney: D. A. Keener
City Jail -- 128 S. Arizona
Clerk: L. H. Edwards
Council: R. E. Ward, J. H. Shrewsbury, W. G. Vaughn, Fred Price
Fire Dept.: Henry Hardt, chief
Health officer: J. M. Meason
Marshall: Henry Hardt
Mayor: J. F. Salladay
Police Court: L. H. Edwards, judge
Street Department: Henry Hardt, superintendent
Treasurer: L. H. Edwards
Water Department: Henry Hardt, superintendent.
CHANDLER CLEANERS: J.O. Thomas, manager; 20 S. San Marcos Place
Chandler Grammar School: 215 N. Oregon
Chandler High School: 325 N. Arizona
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; real estate and development, 2 S. San Marcos Place; Tel 25
Chandler Junior High: 325 N. Arizona Ave.
Chapman, Alta: telephone operator; R, 113 N. California
Chapman, Nellie M. (widow, O. C.); H,113 N. California
Chapman, Oliver C.: 113 N. California
Chason, John W. (Elsie M.): engineer; H, 202 W. Cleveland
Chavez, Jose (Josie): laborer; H, 206 E. Chicago
Chavis, John N. (Ella): barber, 40 S.San Marcos Place; H, 132 S. Colorado
Chew, J.: POB 322
Chittick, Zuda: POB 346
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary): carpenter; H, 219 N. Dakota
Chitwood, Mabel: teller, Bank of Chandler; R, 219 N. Dakota
Chitwood, Philip G.: carpenter; R, 219 N. Dakota
Christian Church: Rev. T. O. Bishop, pastor; 40 E. Cleveland
Christian Science Society: 150 N. Colorado
Chung, P. H.: waiter, San Marcos Hotel; H, 305 W. Boston
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: G. V. Lamoreaux, bishop; east Buffalo
Church of the Nazarene: Rev. L. H. Ritter, pastor; 147 S. Oregon
Clark, Edith B.: accountant; Chandler Improvement Co.; H, 211 Commonwealth Ave.
Clark, Joseph: 211 Commonwealth Ave.
Close, W. O.: Route 1
Cluff, O. L.: POB 72
Cobb, Hanna: POB 96
Community Methodist Episcopal Church: Rev. J. V. Taylor, pastor; 245 W. Cleveland
Connely, Josephine: POB 2
Contreras, F. C.: Route 1
Cooksey, Samuel A. (Callie): laborer, H, 321 N. Dakota
Cooper, Ezbon E. (Jessie): postmaster; H, 142 N. California
Cooper, F. W.: POB 1103
Cooper, Jessie I.: teacher, POB 182
Cooper, Samuel A. (Eliza J.): laborer: P:OB 182
Copeland, Duke C. (Mattie): carrier, post office; H, 122 S. Colorado
Cowley, Ray N.: teacher: R, 171 N. Washington
Cox, D. C.: Route 1
Crail, J. L.: POB 188
Craven, R. A.: POB 38
Crismon, William: Route 1
Cronin, Elizabeth: POB 455
Crouch, Leonard (Ethel): serviceman, Power Co.; H, 51 W. Cleveland
Curry, William W. A. (Mina): (Curry & Hinson); H, 109 S. Washington
CURRY & HINSON (W. W. A. Curry and W. W. Hinson): shoe repair; east Boston
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl): teacher; H, 300 N. Washington
Curtiss, Vienna I.: R, 300 N. Washington
Curty, L. D.: Route 1
Daniell, Rose E. (widow, R. W.): H, 281 N. Dakota
Daniels, John W. (Alma): gardner, San Marcos Hotel; H, 103 S. Colorado
Davidson, John: Route 1
Davis, A. Jack (Etta L.): laborer, H, 183 S. Dakota
Davis, Blake H. (Laura): POB 207
Davis, Bud: POB 134
Davis, John K.: 304 N. Dakota
Davis, John P. (Emma): farmer; H, 304 ? N. Dakota
Davis, Kathleen N.: 304 N. Dakota
Davis, Pauline: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.: R, 1 1/2 miles southeast of city
Davis, T. C.: POB 276
Davis, Wesley J.: laborer; 183 S. Dakota
Day, Fred A. (Elizabeth): gardener; H, 138 N. Dakota (rear)
Day, William A. (Kathleen): H, 202 W. Boston
De Bolt, William E.: POB 114
Delci, Hilario (Lydia): laborer; H, 118 S. Delaware
Delci, Robert: laborer; R, 118 S. Delaware
Della, L.: POB 281
Dennis, V. B.: POB 232
DePriest, J. M.: Route 1
DeWeese, Lavergne E.: meat cutter, Piggly Wiggly; POB 214
DeWitt, E. R.: POB 1012
DeWitt, Henry C.: POB 237
DeWitt, John (Carrie): POB 1011
Dill, Robert: POB 84
Dipple, E. B.: POB 334
Dishman, William A.: POB 663
Dobbins, Edith I.: student; R, 316 N. Dakota
Dobson, Roy: Route 1
Donaldson, J. O.: POB 203
Dowdell, L. S.: Route 1
Drain, W. H.: Route 1
Duarte, C.: POB 486
Duenez, Epefanio: POB 523
Duron, Ramon: Route 1
Dwiggins, Clarence (Vernice): baker; R, 210 S. California
Eagle, O. H.: POB 211
Eathington, E. A.: Route 1
Eberling, L. A.: Route 1
Echols, K. B.: POB 53
Eckles, Charles: groceries, 80 S. San Marcos Place; lived at Plaza Hotel
Edwards, Bertha: POB 172
Edwards, Leonard H.: City Clerk and treasurer, police judge, 28 N. Washington
Egly, Henry (Dessie M.): Manager, O. S. Stapley Co.; H, 162 N. California
Eikenberry, U. Lloyd (Josephine): teacher; H, 337 N. Colorado
Elaby, Mabel: stenographer, Price & Beer, R.F.D.
Elder, M. H.: POB 201
Eldredge, Daniel (Mary): H, 124 S. Oregon
Ellis, Grace M. (widow H. J.): restaurant, 107 W. Boston; H, same
Ellis, William G.: POB 368
Ellsworth, Ed: POB 55
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church: 151 W. Cleveland
England, W. B.: Route 1
Englad, W. P.: Route 1
Entz, J. C.: POB 375
Episcopal Church: north Washington
Esber, Alex (Victoria H.): dry goods, 34 E. Boston; H, 217 S. Oregon
Escando, C.: POB 501
Esterly, Phil: H, 102 N. California
Estrella, Joaquina (widow of Manuel): H, 119 S. Colorado
Estrella, Louis: laborer: R, 119 S. Colorado
Estrella, Manuel: caddy: R, 119 S. Colorado
Estrella, Ralph (Alicia): gardener, H, 184 S. Delaware
Estrella, Ray: POB 462
Ethington, J. G.: Route 1
Etter, H. Rowan (Jadie): clerk, Piggly Wiggly; H, 146 N. California
Evans, B. A.: POB 1051
Evans, Barkely B. Rev. (Ida): pastor, Pentecostal Church of God; H, 219 S. California
Everett, J. T.: POB 76
Faltis, Steve: Route 1
Farmer, Ben: Route 1
Farrell, J. T.: POB 1101
Felix, Esther: POB 404
Fergerson, May: POB 167
Fergerson, Oliver: POB 1101
Festner, Bertha Mrs.: 304 N. Washington
Festner, Julius: 304 N. Washington
Fillisetti, Beatrice: teacher; R, 116 N. Oregon
Fimbres, Rita: POB 503
Finch, Clarence A. (Cora): teacheer; H, 201 E. Buffalo
First Baptist Church: 123 S. Dakota
Fisher, Jesse: secretary, Sid Fisher Motor Co.; R, 242 N. Washington
Fisher, Sid (Sue): president, Sid Fisher Motor Co.; H, 279 N. Washington
SID MOTOR CO. INC.: Sid Fisher, president; 135 S. Washington
Flake, G. M.: Route 1
Fleming, D. C.: Route 1
Fletcher, C. Clifton (Vera): clerk, Arrow Pharmacy; R, 119 S. California
Fletcher, Erma: maid, San Marcos Hotel; R, 102 S. Oregon
Fletcher, John B. (Annie): employee, City Street Department; H, 102 S. Oregon
Florez, Juan: POB 502
Fogal, Frank (Eleanor): garage, 107 S. Arizona; H, 307 N. Washington
Fosler, Fred: attendant, C. W. Rowland; R, 139 S. California
Fountaine, H. D.: POB 253
Fountaine, Margaret Mrs.: teacher, R, Plaza Hotel
Fowler, E. C.: POB 226
Fowler, Otto: POB 401
Fraser, C.: POB 1032
Frese, Santiego (Otilla): H, 124 S. Delaware
Fricker, L. H.: Route 1
Friedberg, Joseph (Julia): mens furnishings, 102 S. Arizona; R, Plaza Hotel
Frye, George; POB 1062
Fullen, Smith E. (Anna): curios, 128 N. Oregon; H, same
Fuller, Alvin: baker, L. S. Udell; R, Plaza Hotel
Fuller, Annie (widow J. H.): R, 299 S. Oregon
Fuller, Newell K. (Tude): groceries, 36 S. San Marcos Place; H, 299 S. Oregon
Fuller, Orin T.: 299 S. Oregon
Gale, G. W.: POB 264
Garath, Fred: Route 1
Garcia, Bonifocia: POB 444
Garcia, Salvador: mechanic, Ricardo Ortega; R, 171 S. Washington
Garnica, Manuel: POB 633
Garrett, Wesley H. (Nora E.): R, 108 S. Dakota
Gawthrop, E. S.: Route 1
Gaylord, William N. (Hattie E.): H, 112 S. Oregon
Gaylord, W. Norman Jr.; 112 S. Oregon
Gephard, J. S.: Route 1
Gibbs, J. W.: Route 1
Gibson, Earl: bin A
Gibson, Irving L. (Margaret B.) (White Cross Drug Co.); R, 1 mile west of city
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie S.): physician, 71 W. Boston; H, 114 N. Colorado
Giles, Dick: POB 456
Gipe, Howard C. (Ruth): bookkeeper, Chandler Improvement Co.; H, 175 N. Washington
Gleason, Fred: Route 1
Goetz, William E. (Anna L.): hay and grain; H, 169 N. Oregon
Goff, Edward S. (Grace): service station, corner of Arizona and Denver; H, 305 N. Washington
Golden, John T. (Mollie): chauffeur; H, 154 S. California
Golden, Susie J. Mrs.: laundry worker; H, 340 N. Dakota
Gonder, F. C.: POB 86
Gonzalez, Paula Mrs.; H, 202 E. Chicago
Goodykoontz, Von: Route 1
Graham, Malcolm: POB 1013
GRANADA THEATRE: Albert Strauss, manager; 69 W. Boston
Grasty, Louise (widow R. S.): H, 242 N. Washington
Gray, Cath L.: 295 S. California
Gray, Lewis (Mary C.): H, 205 S. California
Gray, Robert J.: rancher, 295 S. California
Green, Christian F. (Bertha): building contractor, 190 W. Boston; home, same
Green, Fred P. (Bessie): clerk, Post Office; POB 1104
Gregg, A.T.: Route 1
Gribbens, Gertrude: clerk, San Marcos Hotel
Gribbens, R. F.: Route 1
Griffith, Dio D. (Myrtle H.): plumber; H, 102 S. Colorado
Groce, Carl: P. O. Box 7
Grosh, George V. (Mildred S.): salesman, S. O. Co. (Standard Oil); H, 126 N. California
Groshong, L. M.: POB 404
Guptill, B. A.: Route 1
Gutysell, C.: POB 147
Habeich, Joe: POB 315
Haggard, J. H.: POB 267
Haggerton, N. C.: POB 131
Haire, Y.L.: POB 498
Hale, Howard M. (Adele A.): agent, Southern Pacific Co.; H, 300 E. Commonwealth Ave.
Hale, Lee: POB 931
Hall, Everett E. (Carrie): clerk, J. W. Sinks; H, 169 N. California
Hall, Thomas: POB 1072
HALLSTEAD, J. D. LUMBER CO.: J. M. Shearer, manager; 150 S. Washington
Ham, O. R.: POB 3
Hamilton, Frank Jr. (Edith): H, 528 N. Dakota (rear)
Hamilton, J. R.: POB 488
Hamilton, Lillian: POB 1052
Hamilton, R. G.: route 1
Hamm, Ernest M.: chauffeur, R: 331 N. Dakota
Hamm, Linbil O.: laborer; R, 331 N. Dakota
Hamm, Orivs R. (Aletia): laborer, H, 331 N. Dakota
Hammond, Emma (widow, Charles): R, 115 W. Chicago
Handcock, B. L.: POB 56
Handley, O. N. (Lily): real estate, 67 W. Boston; H, 1 mile east of town
Hansen, S. A. Mrs.: Route 1
Hardin, Warren M. (Viola): laborer, H, 207 S. California
Harding, Katie: Route 1
Harding, William: POB 144
Harding, W. C.: Route 1
Hardt, Henry F. (Rose B.): city fire chief, marshall, superintendent of street department and water department; H, 215 W. Boston
Hardwick, B.: POB 415
Harrington, K. J.: POB 354
Harris, Walker J. (Wilda): manager, Pay'n Takit; H, 317 W. Commonwealth
Harrison, C. R.: POB 1071
Hayes, Jasper L. (Idela J.): clothes cleaner, 110 W. Boston (rear): H, same
Hays, Ethel (widow, D. A.): H, 215 N. California
Hays, J. L.: POB 66
Hays, Lloyd A.: student; R, 215 N. California
Hays, Manuel L.: student; R, 215 N. California
Hays, T. Frank: laborer, R, 215 N. California
Head, J. A.: Route 1
Heffron, Mary: POB 37
Heflin, E. L.: POB 158
Heisser, Kate: POB 236
Helm, S. E.: POB 991
Henderson, C. H.: Route 1
Heney, W. R.: POB 263
Henly, Gong Y.: clerk, G. Y. Wah:, R, 13 E. Boston
Henry, George: barber, 84 S. San Marcos; R, 3 miles northwest of city
Hensley, Eva: bookkeeper, Reliable Hardware Co.; R, 326 N. Dakota
Hensley, Lou Mrs.: H, 326 N. Dakota
Herman, Daily (Edith): chauffeur; H, 298 N. California
Herman, W. C.: POB 962
Herring, J. A.: POB 365
Hewitt, Ronald E. (Kathlyn B.): H, 108 S. Dakota
Hickman, Joe: POB 8
Hiesser, Katie (widow, Frank); clerk, Popular Store; R, 215 S. Oregon
Hiesser, Mildred: R, 215 S. Oregon
Higashioka, Y.: POB 554
Higgins, Margaret Mrs.: clerk, W. T. Lafever
Higgins, Nellie (widow Curgus): R, 120 N. Dakota
Hill, Bert (Bernice M.): grocer, 199 N. Oregon; H, 161 N. Oregon
Hill, Nellie: POB 56
Hinson, Julia: stenographer: R, 187 W. Boston
Hinson, William W. (Laura) (Curry & Hinson): H, 187 W. Boston
Hodge, H. R.: Route 1
Hoggard, Arizona D. (widow W. H.): R, 275 N. Dakota
Hoggard, James W.: mechanic; H, 275 N. Dakota
Hoggard, Martin J.: laborer, 275 N. Dakota
Holloway, Richmond H.: clerk, Chandler Cleaners; R, 20 S. San Marcos Pl.
Horn, B. L. (Eleanor): 254 W. Cleveland (rear)
Houch, L. C.: POB 222
Houston, C.C: Route 1
Howey, Frank V. (Emma P.) (Min o Linx Golf Course; H, 307 Commonwealth Ave.
Huddleston, J. C.: POB 8
Hughey, A. A.: POB 1003
Huleatt, Clarence F. (Mary): H, 138 N. Dakota
Hull, F. A.: Route 1
Hullet, D. J.: POB 286
Humphries, George: laborer; R, 128 S. Colorado
Humphries, Monroe M. (Gertrude): laborer, H, 128 S. Colorado
Hunt, Horace A. (Buelah): restaurant 48 S. San Marcos Pl.; H, same
Hunt, Troy: clerk, H. A. Hunt; R, 48 S. San Marcos Place
Hunter, Jess: Route 1
Jackson, Roy A. (Nellie C.): assistant principal, high school; H, 202 W. Buffalo
Jahn, Fred M. (Elinor): foreman, Chandler Arizonian; H, 221 N. Dakota.
Jahn, Walter F.: printer; R, 221 N. Dakota
Jepsen, A.: POB 955
Jepsen, J.: POB 266
Jimenez, B.: POB 584
Johnson, Abel: POB 402
Johnson, Axel: chauffeur, R, 207 Commonwealth Ave.
Johnson, Clarice (widow J.T.): clerk, Post Office; R, 357 N. Colorado
Johnson, Clyde, R. (Ida): trucker; R, 310 N. Dakota
Johnson, Gus: Route 1
Johnson, J. W.: Route 1
Johnson, John L. (Eloise A.): mechanic, Brown Chevrolet Co.; H, 137 S. Dakota
Johnson, Lutie (widow Jack): H, 319 N. Delaware rear
Johnson, Osborne G. (Capitola) (White House Drug Co.): R, 1 mile east of city
Johnson, Vernon R. (Nellie): chauffeur; H, 310 N. Dakota
Johnston, Paul B. (Willa L.): painter; H, 120 W. Boston
Johnston, W. L.: POB 246
Joiner, Ada Mrs.: H, 301 N. California
Joiner, Adrian: student, 301 N. California
Jones, Delphia: POB 307
Jones, J. W.: Route 1
Jones, Leland J. (Minnie): implements; H, 398 N. Dakota
Jones, T. C.: Route 1
Jontz, Ralph: 397 N. California
Jontz, Ralph E. (Nettie): watchmaker; H, 397 N. California
Jontz, Sydney: 397 N. California
Joplin, William P.: operator, Arizona Edison Co.; R, 225 E. Denver
Juul, J. T.: POB 201
Kartchmer, Henry: Route 1
Kay, Bessie: POB 27
Kearney, W. W.: POB 121
Keating, Jeffery: POB 104
Keener, David A.: lawyer and city attorney, 45 W. Boston; R, Plaza Hotel
Keith, J. H.: POB 1102
Keithley, W. A.: POB 128
Keller, Harvey: laborer; R, 108 S. Dakota
Kelly, Emma J.: teacher, high school; R, 200 S. Dakota.
Kelly, Paul F.: laborer; R, 293 N. Delaware
Kelly, Robert R. (Mattie): laborer, H, 293 N. Delaware
Kennison, J. D.: meatcutter, Pay'n Takit; R, Phoenix
Kerby, Homer S. (Doris): service station, 99 S. Arizona Ave.; H, 130 N. California
Kesler, O. M.: Route 1
Kesler, Ray: Route 1
Kilpatrick, Dalton J. (Mattie): laborer; H, 285 N. Delaware
Kilpatrick, Hubert L.: laborer, R, 126 S. Colorado
Kilpatrick, Newton G. (Bessie M.): laborer, H, 126 S. Colorado
Kimbro, Ruby: operator, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.
King, L.: POB 58
Knox, T. A. Mrs.: Route 1
Knudsen, W. W.: POB 17
Koch, Ernest: POB 26
Koons, George H. (Margaret A.): manager, J. C. Penney Co.; H, 157 N. Washington
Krebs, John W. (Ethel): blacksmith, 147 S. Washington; H, 201 N. California
Krepela, Charles: POB 474
Krepla, Vencel (Josie): 159 S. Dakota
Krouse, Fred: POB 473
Kunce, O. H.: POB 105
Kuykendall, Arlene: waiter, Mrs. G. M. Ellis; R, 17 W. Chicago
Kuykendall, E. Imo: laborer; R, 17 W. Chicago
Kuykendall, Jeff D. (Annie J.): watchman, H, 17 W. Chicago
Kuykendall, Lavell: 17 W. Chicago
Lefever, William T. (Susie): restaurant, 77 W. Boston; H, 115 S. California
LaForge, Roy: POB 855
Lamoreaux, D. C.: Route 1
Lamoreaux, Guy V. Bishop: Route 1
Lamoreaux, O. A.: Route 1
Lane, H. W.: POB 302
Lane: W. H.: POB 1014
Lang, H. B.: Route 1
Lang, William H. (Elmina): service station; H, 345 N. Washington
Lankford, Beatrice: POB 972
Lankford, May: domestic; R, 100 N. Washington
LaPoglia, V.: Route 1
Lawhorn, Willie: POB 151
Lawshe, Joe L. (Louise): mechanic; R, 205 N. Dakota
Lee, K. C.: POB 287
LEMON BROS. (H. G. Lemon and R. G. Lemon): hardware, 110 S. Arizona
Lemon, Hubert G. (Gladys) (Lemon Bros.): H, 202 W. Chicago
Lemon, Roy G. (Tillie H.) (Lemon Bros.): H, 184 S. Oregon
Lilly, George: POB 46
Lindley, Curtis M. (Dona): laborer, H, 117 S. California
Lindley, R. A.: POB 373
Line, Thomas: painter; R, 345 N. California
Linton, Melissie (widow, Dock): R, 235 N. California
Little, W. R.: POB 227
Little, W. R. Jr.: Route 1
Loose, C. H.: POB 456
Lopez, Ralph (Eleanor): mechanic, J. J. Allison; H, 126 S. Colorado
Lorenz, William H. (Mary): saddle horses, 25 E. Boston; H, 3 W. Commonwealth
Lossie, Billie: clerk, W. T. Lafever
Love, Joe (Maggie): clerk; H, 179 N. Colorado
Love, William: Route 1
Loveless, J. Lee: POB 192
Lovitt, Virgil M. (Jimmie): clerk, Post Office; H, 263 S. Dakota
Low, John: groceries, 9 E. Boston; H, same
Lowe, Lloyd: laborer; R, 210 S. California
Loyd, P. H.: POB 394
Lundquist, Ernest A. (Ellen): carpenter; H, 345 N. California
Lundquist, J. D.: POB 101
Lytle, William: POB 61
Madison, Leslie L. (Gladys J.): golf pro; H, 207 Commonwealth Ave.
Madrigal, Miguel (Amelia): 144 E. Boston
Mallory, Harry: POB 371
Marquez, Jesus: POB 505
Marquis, Thomas: POB 481
Martin, Claude T. (Jane): Barber; H, 216 N. Dakota
Martin, J. C.: POB 364
Martin, Travis C. (Martha): barber, R. C. Muse; R, 785 N. Dakota
Martinez, Praxedis (Jesus): barber, 8 E. Boston; H, same
Mathews, Cleo: R, 136 S Dakota
Mathews, Ina (widow, J. W.): H, 136 S. Dakota
Mathews, William M. (Edith): employee, City Street Department; H, 121 S. California
Matthews, Dan J. (Odie): rancher; H, 379 N. Colorado
Matthews, Clyde C.: rancher; R, 379 N. Colorado
Matthews, Mildred D.: clerk, Power Co., R, 379 N. Colorado
Matthews, Paul R. (Nellie): county employee; H, 229 N. California
Mayfield, George: Route 1
McAdams, A. C.: H, 391 N. Dakota
McAdams, W. C.: POB 141
McAfee, Johnson: POB 464
McCally, C. W.: Route 1
McCoy, C. B.: Route 1
McCue, John A. (Helen): manager, Power Co.; H, 158 S. Oregon
McCutcheon, Sallie (widow, J. R.): R, 357 N. Colorado
McDonald, Dan H. (Agnes B.): POB 285
McDuffie, Lou: POB 135
McGaughey, Otto M. (Faye): foreman, Brown Chevrolet Co.: H, 320 N. Colorado
McGaughey, William A.: zanjero, Water Users Assn.; POB 305
Meacham, Melvin: salesman, Farmers Auto Inter-Ins. Exchange
Means, Ambrose: clerk, W. H. Lorenz; R, 25 E. Boston
Meason, James M. (Anna): health officer and physician, 131 W. Commonwealth; H, 205 N. Arizona Ave.
Mecham, L. M. Jr. (Kate): vice-president, Brown Chevrolet Co.; R, 3/4 mile east of city
Melton, G. Evan: clerk, White Cross Drug Co.
Melton, J. L.: POB 275
Metcalf, Bert H. (Bess): janitor; H, 225 N. California
Michaels, William R.: gunsmith; H, 293 N. Delaware (rear)
Miller, Lee: POB 1021
Miller, Ruby: operator, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.; R, 288 N. Dakota
Miller, W. T.: Route 1
Milton, Lee (Edna): garage, 157 S. Washington; H, same
MIN-O-LINX GOLF COURSE (F. V. Howey): Arizona Avenue near Buffalo
Mitchell, Jerome: salesman, J. C. Penney Co.; R, 204 W. Boston
Mitchell, John D. (Josephine): mining engineer; H, 204 W. Boston
Mitchell, Lillie (widow, W. P.): manager, MST&T Co.; H, 120 N. Oregon
Mitten, Charles A. (Florence): (Chandler Arizonian): H, 201 N. Arizona
Mitten, Park R. (Irma): (Chandler Arizonian): H, 199 E. Buffalo
Monsoo, Jew: clerk, G. Y. Wah; R, 13 E. Boston
Montijo, Manuel: 208 E. Chicago
Moore, William O. (Mary): carpenter; H, 209 Commonwealth Ave.
Morgan, Dewey: POB 1033
Morganson, P. C.: POB 82
Morgareidge, Alva T. (Halycyone): councilman and manager, Reliable Hardware Co.: R, 1/2 mile southwest of city
Morgensen, Al: POB 82
Mortenson, T. H.: Route 1
Morton, John: POB 15
Moseley, J. M.: POB 425
Moses, Aron (Alice): H, 235 N. California
Mosely, E. H.: Route 1
Mott, Arthur: clerk, Pay'n Takit
MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO.: Mrs. Lillie Mitchell, manager; 120 N. Oregon
Mouser, Noah W. (Lucile): groceries; 131 S. Arizona; H, 169 S. Oregon
Mullenaux, Jack Jr.: attendant, G. J. Trosper; R, Gila Bend
Mumford, Jennie: 202 W. Buffalo
Murdock, R. H.: POB 36
Murietta, Dolores (widow, Juan): restaurant; 140 E. Boston; R, same
Murietta, Ralph (Dolores): laborer; H, 206 E. Chicago
Murphree, F. P.: Route 1
Murphree, J. D.: Route 1
Murphree, Loyd: Route 1
Murray, Al: POB 52
Murray, Joseph S. (Lillian D.): teacher; H, 247 N. Dakota
Muse, Rutherford C. (Leona): barber, 83 W. Boston; H, 201 N. Dakota
Nanez, J. M.: POB 501
Neir, Harry: POB 1103
Nevitt, J. M.: Route 1
Nichols, Oscar: POB 148
Noriega, Frank B.: pharmacist, Arrow Pharmacy
Norman, W. G.: POB 23
Novak, Alouis L. (Viola): jeweler, 91 W. Boston; H, 178 N. Dakota
Nunn, W. C.: Route 1
Nygren, Emily O.: 124 N. Oregon
Nygren, Mathilda J.: 124 N. Oregon
Oesterle, Philip (Kathleen): clerk, White Cross Drug Co.; R, 102 N. California
Okamato, Frank: POB 187
Olsen, Ola: Route 1
O'Neil, Frank X.: salesman, Standard Oil Co.; R, 126 N. California
Openshaw, D. A.: Route 1
Ortega, Ricardo: garage, 171 S. Washington; Home, same
Ortiz, Leo M.: Route 1
Osterle, Phil: Route 1
Othon, Amelia: waiter, Mrs. G. M. Ellis; H, 222 E. Boston
Othon, Josephine: 222 E. Boston
Othon, Rosa: 222 E. Boston
Parkhurst, J. L.: Route 1
Parrish, B. F.: POB 185
Parrish, Earl D. (Shirley): clerk, E. P. Parrish; H, 275 N. California
Parrish, Earl P. (Beryl): second-hand store, 198 E. Boston; R, 200 S. Dakota
PAY'N TAKIT STORE: W. J. Harris, manager, 10 S. San Marcos Place
Payne, Levie M.: 241 N. California
Payne, Ollie J.: 241 N. California
PENNEY J. C. CO.: G. H. Koons, manager; 65 W. Boston
Pentecostal Church of God: Rev. B. B. Evans, pastor; 108 N. Oregon
Perez, Hermenejildo: mechanic, Ricardo Ortega; R, 171 S. Washington
Perkins, J. N.: Route 1
Pernell, W. Earl: dentist, 73 W. Boston; H, 114 N. Colorado (rear)
Peterson, Sofus: POB 183
Phelps, Rebecca: POB 5
Phillips, C. B.: POB 84
PIGGLY WIGGLY: Dee Powell, manager; 2 E. Boston
Pine, Amos: POB 1053.
Pinelda, Leo: laborer; R, 111 S. Colorado
Pines, George: POB 248
Pittard, H. A.: Route 1
PLAZA HOTEL: Mrs. M. A. Stow, manager, 2 W. Boston
Pleasant, William P. (Ethel L.): carpenter; H, 210 S. California
Plumb, Elsie: Route 1
Pollard, H.L. POB 936
Polley, James R. (Maude S.) POB 235
POPULAR STORE (L. P. Serrano & Bros.) 26 E.Boston
Porter, M. E.: POB 153
Post Office: E. E. Cooper, postmaster, 93 W. Boston
Pounds, Dana Mrs.: 281 S. Oregon
Powell, Dee (Lucille H.): branch manager, MacMarr Stores; H, 184 S. California
Powell, Jack W.: 184 S. California
Powers, W. E.: POB 1016
Price, Arthur E. (Louise C.) (Price & Beer); vice-president, Chandler Improvement Co. and councilman; H, 100 N.Washington
Price, Fred V. (Lorene): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler and councilman; H, 180 N. Colorado
PRICE & BEER (A. E. Price and F. W. Beer): lawyers, 6 San Marcos Place
Prine, George: POB 196
Prine, William J. (Nell): carpenter; H, 118 S. California
Pritchard, Etta Mrs.: clerk, San Marcos Hotel
Pullins, Dean: Route 1, Box 1
Pyle, George W. (Aleta): mechanic, Frank Fogel (Frank Fogal); R, 357 N. Delaware
Rae, Emma: POB 1048
Rael, Victor: POB 535
Railey, Beatrice: POB 154
RAILWAY EXPRESS AGENCY: W. S. Caudill, agent, 28 S. San Marcos
Ray, J. A.: Route 1
Ray, M. Wardlow: laborer; R, 114 S. California
Ray, Maria H. (widow J. W.): 114 S. California
Ray, Marion: Route 1
Ray, Nellie: teacher, Grammar School; R, 114 S. California
Reese, John T. (Florence): (San Marcos Hotel Garage): H, 369 N. Delaware
Reese, Veleda Mrs.: clerk, San Marcos Hotel; H, 375 N. California
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO.: A. T. Morgareidge, manager; 17 W. Boston
Reynolds, B. B.: POB 247
Reynolds, Dale A.: laborer; R, 104 S. Dakota
Reynolds, Frank D. (Ethel M.): rancher; H, 104 S. Dakota
Rice, Julia: POB 283
Riggs, Ben: Route 1
Ritter, Leander H. Rev. (Junia): pastor, Church of the Nazarene: H, 22 W. Chicago
Roach, Harry: POB 1086
Roach, N. T. (Helen M.): H, 203 N. Arizona
Robinson, Dorse: POB 1091
Robinson, W. H.: bin B
Rodgers, E. A.: Route 1
Rodriguez, Angela: clerk, JC Penney Co.
Rodriguez, Frank: salesman, Brown Chevrolet Co.
Roe, Ernest D. (Gladys): assistant sales manager; H, 254 W. Cleveland
Roger, Britt M.: mechanic: H, 301 N. Dakota
Rogers, F. J.: Route 1
Rohrig, Gomer: clerk, MacMarr: Route 1
Rohrig, Martin: Route 1
Romandia, Alice (widow, Delphino): H, 130 S. Colorado
Romandia, Edward (Aurelia): caddy; H, 208 E. Chicago
Romandia, Ernest (Lupe): caddy, San Marcos; R, 130 S. Colorado
Romandia, Helen: 130 S. Colorado
Rosas, Guadalupe (widow Alex): clerk, Dolores Murietta
Rose, B. H.: POB 1102
Ross, J. E.: POB 374
Roundtree, Guy H. (Minnie A.): 320 N. Dakota
Rowland, Creed W.: service station, Buffalo and Arizona Ave.: R, 54 W. Boston
Rowland, Jeanetty C. (widow J. P.): H, 54 W. Boston
Rowland, W. E.: POB 252
Rucker, L. F.: Route 1
Rucker, Robert L. (Hazel): 289 N. California
Russell, O. W.: POB 431
Ruthford, B. M.: POB 161
Rybolt, George W.: Route 1
Saba, David (Adele): general merchandise on west Boston; H, Mesa
Salladay, James F. (Rose J.): mayor, City of Chandler; H, 151 N. California
Sanchez, Apolonio (Concho): laborer; H, 109 S. Colorado
Sanchez, Mary: waiter: R, 111 S. Colorado
Sanborn, C. B.: Route 1
Sanford, Al: POB 454
Sanford, Charles: POB 111
SAN MARCOS HOTEL: Mrs G. P. Robinson, manager; 25 N. San Marcos Place; Tel 49
SAN MARCOS HOTEL GARAGE (John Reese and L. S. Breckler), 1 E. Commonwealth
SAN MARCOS INDIAN SHOP (Glen Skiles): 15 N. San Marcos Place
Sargent, Ray G. (Fulvia): electrician: H, 267 N. Dakota
Schaffer, Emily: POB 242
Scheule, J. M.: Route 1
Schluegger, Conrad: POB 271
Seaver, Anna N.: teacher: R, Plaza Hotel
Seely, L. F.: Route 1
Sellers, Martha E. (widow, S. S.): H, 115 W. Chicago
Sellers, Robert P.:Justice of the Peace; R, 1 1/4 mkile northwest of city
Serrano, Albert P. (Dolores) (Popular Store):219 W. Boston
Serrano, Charles P. (Cecilia) (Popular Store): R, Casa Grande
Serrano, George P. (Sarah) (Popular Store): H, 217 W. Boston
Serrano, Luis P. (Maria) (Popular Store): H, 118 W. Boston
Shawver, M.N.: POB 91
Shearer, J. Marion (Myrtle): manager, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.; H, 231 N. Washington
Shepherd, Robert L. (Mary C.): barber, J. M. Chavis; H, 200 S. California
Sherwood, Marion: POB 258
Shields, Claude B. (Elizabeth): mechanic, for Sid Fisher Motor Co.: H, 242 N. Washington
Shine, Edgar S. (Ethel C.): pharmacist, White Cross Drug Co.: H, 127 N. Washington
Shrewsbury, J. H. (Alice): (Arrow Pharmacy) and councilman: H, 39 N. Washington
Shultz, A. F.: Route 1
Shumway, W. H.: Route 1
Siddler, Anna: POB 47
Simmons, Carl: POB 1
Simpson, F. B.: POB 941
Sinks, Edward E.: laborer: R, 200 W. Boston
Sinks, James W. (Beatrice): billiards, 70 S. San Marcos Place; H, 200 W. Boston
Sinks, Monty B. (Ruth L.): clerk, Piggly Wiggly; H, 215 S. Oregon
Sitzer, Charles H.: carpenter: H, east Buffalo
Skousen, James G.: POB 116
Skousen, John W. (Mary): salesman, O. S. Stapley Co.; H, 380 N. Colorado
Skousen, Joseph N. (Alice): teacher, H, 361 N. Colorado
Skousin, Grant (Rhoda): H, 283 S. Dakota
Slawson, Amos P. (Elfrieda V.): building contractor 207 Commonwealth Ave.; H, same
Smith, Jessie (widow Frank): H, 120 N. Dakota
Smith, Joseph H. (Lucy N.): deputy sheriff, H, 112 S. California
Snow, William: POB 1061
Sorensen, D. J.: POB 286
Soto, Guadalupe (Maclovia): billiards, 17 E. Boston: H, 3 miles southwest of city
Southard, C. V.: Route 1
SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.: H. M. Hale, agent; Delaware, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
Spark, Maude S. (widow, J. F.): H, 200 S. Dakota
Sparks, Iona: teacher: R, 157 N. Washington
Sparks, Willa T.: R, 200 S. Dakota
Stall, J. F.: Route 1
Stamper, Myrtle L.: clerk, S. E. Fullen; POB 412
STANDARD OIL CO.: G. V. Grosh, area salesman, 151 S. Delaware
Stanfield, Clair J.: driver, Arizona Edison Co.: POB 176
Stanifird, L.: Route 1
STAPLEY O. S. CO. THE: Henry Egly, manager, 46 E. Boston; Tel, 107 Chandler
Stark, J. D.: Route 1
Strauss, Albert (Thelma): movie, H, 118 N. Colorado
Stephenson, J. H.: Route 1
Stevens, Alvin (Mollie): mechanic, Sid Fisher Motor Co.; R, south Dakota
Stevens, Samuel D. (Julia): groceries, 109 W. Arizona: H, 295 S. Oregon
Stewart, Charles D. (Cecilia R.): janitor, Brown Chevrolet Co.: R, north Colorado
Stewart, J. V.: POB 476
Stewart, Lewis F. (Pearl E.): mechanic, H, 205 N. Dakota
Stewart, Owen: Route 1
Stidham, A. D.: POB 411
Stiles, Alice (widow, Philemon): R, 337 N. Colorado
Stow, Mark (Martha): painter; R, Plaza Hotel
Stow, Martha A. Mrs.: manager, Plaza Hotel; R, Plaza Hotel
Stowe, W. H.: Route 1
Stuard, William: Route 1
Sturgill, June (widow, F. H.): H, 116 N. Oregon
Sutton, Maud: POB 933
Swader, J. A.: Route 1
Tate, Charles F. (Leslie A.): carrier, Post Office; H, 385 N. California
Taylor, A. K.: POB 123
Taylor, James V. Rev.: pastor, Community Methodist Episcopal Church; H, 199 N. California
Taylor, Jessie L.: POB 1054
Telles, Ramon: Route 1
Tenney, Jesse: POB 335
Tenny, S. B.: Route 1
Thims, Hans: POB 377
Thomas, J. O.: manager, Chandler Cleaners; R, 20 S. San Marcos Place
Thompson: James: POB 345
Thompson: Robert E. (Addie): bookkeeper, H, 271 N. Delaware
Thornton, S. C.: POB 13
Thude, Hans: POB 95
Thude, Simon: POB 85
Treadway, W. L.: POB 127
Trosper, George L. (LIllian): service station, Buffalo and Arizona Ave.; H, 191 N. Colorado
Tyler, R. M.: POB 102
Udell, Lester S.: baker 24 E. Boston; H, Mesa
Underhill, Amon (Vera): salesman, Underhill Mtr. Co.; H, 165 N. Oregon
Underhill, S. M.: POB 1055
Urton, William: H, 260 W. Cleveland
Valdenario, Manuel (Susanna): laborer; H, 204 E. Chicago
Valdez, Jose (Frances): laborer, H, 111 S. Colorado
Valencia, Maria (widow, Felix): H, 148 S. Delaware
Velenzuela, Jose F. (Mary): employed, San Marcos Hotel; H, 115 S. Colorado
Valenzuela, Julia: domestic, J. M. Meason; R, Saragosa
Vance, Benjamin V.: R, 210 S. California
Vance, Gladys S.: stenographer; R, 210 S. California
Vance, O. N.: Route 1
Vasquez, Juan: POB 524
VAUGHN LUMBER CO.: W. G. Vaughn, president; 181 S. Washington
Vaughn, W. Gentry (Gladys J.): councilman and manager, Vaughn Lumber Co.: H, 115 S. Oregon
Veale, Edna: Route 1
Veatch, Varley N. (Dessie): mechanic, O. S. Stapley; H, 124 S. Colorado
Vest, Robert (Bertha): bookkeeper, HB, 343 N. California
Victor, John: POB 435
Wadle, Bessie L. (widow, J. A.): H, 209 S. California
Waddle, Floyd F.: R, 209 S. California
Waddle, M. Oleta: operator, MST&T Co.: R, 209 S. California
Wah, George Y. (Wong S.): groceries, 13 E. Boston
Walker, John H.: R, 357 N. Colorado
Walker, Mack C.: county employee; R, 357 N. Colorado
Walker, Pennie M. (widow, B. W.): H, 357 N. Colorado
Wann, Erwin L.: laborer: R, 44 W. Boston
Wann, Thomas J. (Hattie L.): laborer: H, 44 W. Boston
Ward, Robert E. (Josephine): councilman and auto repair 21 W. Chicago; H, 201 S. Oregon
Ward, Thomas: POB 16
Warren, E. May: R, 207 S. California
Washburn, J. B.: Route 1
Waters, Marguerite: teacher: R, 157 N. Washington
Watkins, A. E.: Route 1
Webster, John: H, 293 N. California
West, J. W.: :POB 673
Western, George W.: POB 1051
Western, P. G.: POB 225
White, Asa E.: welder: 146 E. Boston; H, same
WHITE CROSS DRUG CO. (I. J. Gibson and O. G. Johnson), 1 N. San Marcos Place
White, Joseph L. (Lula): teacher, H, 22 N. Colorado
Whitlock, Cora: Route 1
Whitten, Guy R.: Route 1
Whitten, L. R.: POB 443
Wigley, Ralph: laborer; R, 200 W. Boston
Willett, Max: clerk, Pay'n Takit
Williams, I. W.: POB 1063
Williams, O. A.: POB 136
Williams, W. C.: Route 1
Willis, A. L.: Route 1
Willis, C. H.: POB 1022
Willis, J. Pearl: teacher, Grammar School: R, 114 S. California
Willis, W. C.: POB 323
Winn, Ezra: POB 22
Winsor, George: P:OB 152
Wolf, Albert: Route 1
Wood, Phillip C. (Annie): H, 239 N. California
Woods, Roy: POB 142
Woolf, Fred M. (Edith): farmer; H, 182 N. Dakota
Woolf, Robert H.: chauffeur: R, 182 N. Dakota
Worley, Arthur B. (Dora E.): carpenter, H, 303 W Boston
Worley, Boone M.: 303 W. Boston
Worley, Leola E.: music teacher, 303 W. Boston
Wright, George M. (Sallie): H, 130 S. Dakota
Wright, Mary: POB 293
Yontz, Sydne E.: secretary, Chamber of Commerce; R, 399 S. California
Young, John M. (Ida A.): carpenter; H, 113 S. California
Zeh, I. H.: POB 171
Ziehr, William: POB 236