Lembke, Glenn
PARENTS: W.J. Lembke, Blanche S. Lembke
SIBLINGS: Armond Lembke
GRANDPARENTS: W.J. Lembke Sr., Mrs. Lembke Sr.
Mr. Lembke with his brother, Armond, were driving horses and a buggy toward Gilbert with some cream on board when the tongue dropped near the old headquarters of the Chandler Improvement Company. It upset the boys and the milk into a ditch of water. The team of horses bolted, but were stopped by a telephone pole. The buggy was badly damaged, but the boys had only a bad scare. The youngest received a smashed little finger which was fixed by Dr. Gilbert. (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)
Mr. Lembke is going to California with his grandmother, Mrs. Lembke Sr., to visit relatives for several weeks. (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)