Morris, Clementine P.

Morris, Clementine P.


SPOUSESEllis R. Morris



Mrs. Ellis R. Morris went with her husband to attend the wedding of Richmond Peeler to Beatrice Clemens, last Sunday.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/11/1913)

Mrs. Morris with her husband chaperoned a picnic party Sunday to Granite Reef Dam.  The girls brought the lunch which included Southern style chicken.  The boys went swimming, while the girls hung out by themselves.  Others who attended were Ralph and Lester JaycoxLee S. ParkeWill MoorePaul JohnsonMadge PeelerGrace and Ruth Johnson, and Bee Peeler.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

The 1916 and 1917 Chandler directories list  her as the wife of Ellis R. Morris, who works at a restaurant. She doesn't appear in the 1918 directory and is listed again in the 1919 and 1920 directories.

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