Morgareidge, Halycon (Halcyone) G. (C.)

Morgareidge, Halycon (Halcyone) G. (C.)

She is listed in the 1916, 1917 and 1918 Chandler City Directories as the wife of  Alva F. Morgareidge, aka Albert T. Morgareidge

Her name is also spelled Halcyon.

The 1923 directory said she Halcyone was married to Albet (Albert?) T. Morgareidge, and that their home was half a mile east on Higley.

The 1925 directory called him Albert, and said they lived on north Oregon. The 1926 directory said his name was Alva and that students Clayton Morgareidge and Kenneth Morgareidge lived with them.

According to the 1929 directory, they lived at 11 N. Oregon. Kenneth lived with them.

She also appears in the 1930, 1931  and 1932 directories as the wife of Alva T. Morgareidge. The 1931 directory said they lived half a mile southwest of the city.

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