Chandler Republic Newspaper Articles

Chandler Republic Newspaper Articles

From 2014 to 2016, Museum Administrator Jody Crago wrote a weekly column on Chandler history in the local section of the Arizona Republic, the Chandler Republic. Explore all the stories here!

Week 1: Land Sales Day

Week 39: The 1914 Ostrich Drive and Rough Neck

Week 2: The Steam Dredge

Week 40: Spring Training in Chandler

Week 3: The Silicon Desert

Week 41: Clarence Baldwin Kidnapping

Week 4: Why Dr. Chandler came to Arizona

Week 42: E. W. Edwards

Week 5: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ocatilla Camp

Week 43: Dr. C. L. von Pohle

Week 6: Chandler and the Arizona Cotton Industry

Week 44: St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Week 7: Zora Folley Fights Muhammad Ali for the Heavyweight Title

Week 45: Arizona Republic 125 Years

Week 8: Eddie Wilson, Chandler’s First NFL Star

Week 46: Rosa Chandler

Week 9: Olive Goodykoontz: Change Agent

Week 47: La Hacienda

Week 10: Arizona’s Original Grass Golf Course

Week 48: Noel Addy

Week 11: Building the San Marcos Hotel

Week 49: Arthur Burnett Benton

Week 12: The Farm Security Administration in Chandler

Week 50: Chandler’s First Airport

Week 13: Hightown

Week 51: The Great Chandler Crime Spree of 1935

Week 14: Grace Perley Robinson

Week 52: Rinear & Montgomery

Week 15: Goodyear

Week 53: The San Marcos Summer Club

Week 16: The Chandler School District Beginnings

Week 54: The Evans School

Week 17: Bashas' Arizona’s Hometown Grocery Store

Week 55: Eulogio “Lefty” Soto

Week 18: George T. Peabody, Chamber of Commerce Founder

Week 56: The Suhwaro Hotel

Week 19: Julia Pope, Dr. Chandler’s First Wife

Week 57: Chandler Service Club

Week 20: Dr. Chandler and Land Fraud

Week 58: Frank Lloyd Wright and Lloyd Wright

Week 21: Corley Haggarton

Week 59: John Andersen

Week 22: Chuck Wagon History

Week 60: 1949 Chandler High School Football Team: Chandler’s First State Champions

Week 23: Fritz Werner: Portrait Painter at the San Marcos

Week 61: The 1946 Chandler Fire

Week 24: Harriet “Flip” Price and JFK

Week 62: Dr. Chandler: Turn of the Century Forrest Gump

Week 25: Tumbleweed Tree

Week 63: Serrano’s

Week 26: Williams Air Force Base

Week 64: 1916 Chandler Popularity Contest: Shop Local!

Week 27: Will Robinson

Week 65: McArthur Brothers Flying Squadron

Week 28: Charlotte Boyd Chandler

Week 66: Chandler’s 1913 Christmas Celebration

Week 29: The Acrojets

Week 67: El Verjel Cannery

Week 30: The McCullough-Price House

Week 68: Getting to the Bottom of Downtown Chandler’s Tunnels

Week 31: Irene “Animal Girl” Schroeder

Week 69: N. J. Harris

Week 32: Frank Lloyd Wright and Broadacre City

Week 70: Olympian Lyndsey Fry

Week 33: Walking the Sheep Trail

Week 71: J. M. Herman: The Bee Man

Week 34: Snaketown

Week 72: Carlos LaPaglia and the USS Indianapolis

Week 35: The Spanish Influenza Comes to Chandler

Week 73: Manny Valenzuela

Week 36: Jack Bogle and the China, Burma, India Theater in World War II

Week 74: Chandler’s First City Hall

Week 37: Ira Hayes

Week 75: Mayor Kenneth Thomas

Week 38: The Origins of the Ostrich Industry in Chandler

Week 76: International Museum Day

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