Reese, John T.

Reese, John T.






-Mr. Reese plays right field for the Chandler regulars who beat the San Marcos Hotel mechanics in a baseball game.  (Chandler Arizonan 1/31/1913)

-Mr. Reese joined 12 other men for dinner Monday at the Bob Plenty's Food House with a meal of quail and cottontails.  Other diners included S.S. Bradley, F.V.N. Dana, J. Cashman, Turner, Jr., Mr. Hibgen, Claude Hanna, B. Chisholm, C. Zeiger, Stanley Darrow, Frank Newman, J.K. Halstead, and G.H. Binkley.  (Chandler Arizonan 1/31/1913)

-In a game against the San Marcos Hotel mechanics he got three runs, more than anyone on the team.  His fielding couldn't be called classic though.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/7/1913)

-Mr. Reese went with F.V.N. Dana, Joseph Cashman, Mr. Pringle, and Mr. Turner, Jr. by motor to Phoenix.  A good time was had by all.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-Mr. Reese is a rancher, hotel boss, and a baseball player.

He is being visited by his brother, Dan Reese, for an extended sojourn.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Mr. Reese has exchanged his contract with the Chandler Improvement Company for a deed to his land.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. Reese is building a 150 ton capacity hay shed to store his hay since he believes the price of hay will go up.  The barn will have a galvanized roof, and rest on a cement foundation.  His ranch is east of town. (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

His brother, Dan, is the new gardener for the Chandler Improvement Company.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. Reese with Joe Cashman, Dan Reese, and Mr. and Mrs. Dana and daughter, Ruth, went to Granite Reef Dam on Sunday afternoon.  An evening dinner was enjoyed in the evening.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)

  • John T. and Daniel Reese are listed in the

1916 Chandler City Directory as owners of Reese or Rees Bros. pool hall. But the 19171918 and 1919 directories list John T. Reese as a farmer. The 19201921 and 1923 directories call him a rancher.

The 1929 directory said John T. Reese had or worked at a garage at 101 E. Commonwealth Ave. and lived at 250 N. Delaware.

The 1930 directory said he and Leonard S. Breckler owned the Reese & Breckler garage at 9 E. Commonwealth. His wife was Florence, and they lived at 269 N. Delaware.

The 1931 and 1932 directories said the garage he and Breckler owned was the San Marcos Garage, at 1 E. Commonwealth. John T. and Florence lived at 369 N. Delaware. The 1932 Phoenix Telephone Directory, Chandler section, said John Reese lived on north Delaware and had the  phone number 17.