Weber, John B. "Doc"

Weber, John B. "Doc"

Served as a City Councilmember from February 1912 until May 1912. He served again as a City Councilmember from May 1922 - May 1923.

He appears in the 1920 Chandler City Directory  as proprietor of Webers Arrow Pharmacy and a member of the city council. His wife was Luella R., and they lived on California St. (1920, 1921, 1923).

The 1921 directory does not show him on the council.

The 1923 directory said he was an owner of Weber's Arrow Pharmacy and member of the City Council

In the  1925 directory, he is listed as an owner of Weber's, living with Luella R. on north California St. 

The 1926 directory said he worked in drugs on Boston at the southwest corner of Arizona Ave., lived on Boston and that Esther J. Weber and John Weber lived with them.

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