Adams, Jeff
Adams, Jeff
-Mr. Adams is from Phoenix, and is Sheriff of Maricopa County.
He was in Chandler last week to hand out subpoenas to witnesses in the bootlegging case. He was accompanied by Constable Murphy. (Chandler Arizonan 4/11/1913)
-The Sheriff has agreed to appoint a deputy for Chandler with the approval of the Chamber of Commerce. (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)
-Sheriff Adams arrested M.J. Trainer on Wednesday afternoon for bootlegging. He searched Mr. Trainer's place, and found several barrels of sweet cider. Messrs. Freeman, Holly, and others tested and declared it harmless. The Sheriff declined to drink it on grounds of not being a drinker. He took Mr. Trainer to Phoenix. (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)