1921 Chandler City Directory

1921 Chandler City Directory


Adams, Glenn: salesman, resided with Miss M. E. Glenn
Adams, J. E. (Caroline A.): rancher
Alcantar, Frank (Mary): teamster, home on Delaware St.
Allison, John J. (Effie): blacksmith, Boston St.; home on Colorado St.
Alterman, Anna Mrs.: bookkeeper, First National Bank
Alterman, M.S. (Anna): fruits, Arizona Ave., home on Dakota St.
Andersen, John: vice-president, First National Bank
Anderson, Thomas: rancher
Appleby, G. B.: rancher
Arambula, Manuel: billiards, Boston St.
ARIZONA HARDWARE & LUMBER CO., G. E. Mineah, manager, Washington near Boston
Armstrong, George: member, City Council
Armstrong, George R. (Coraline B.): clerk, Reliable Hardware Co.; home on Dakota St.
Armstrong, James N. (Daisy) (J and J Meat Market)
Armstrong, Lyman B.: rancher
Arneil, Joseph D. (Belle C.): vet surgeon, home on Boston St.
Arnold, Daniel M. (Caroline): bookkeeper, home on north Washington St.
Arvizo, Peter (Lizzie): meat cutter, J and J Meat Market
Attaway, C. B.: rancher
Austin, Fred P.: superintendent, Chandler Grade Schools


Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): cashier, Bank of Chandler and president of The Bank of Gilbert; home on Arizona Ave. southwest corner of Cleveland.
BANK OF CHANDLER THE, Alexander J. Chandler,  president; C. A. Baldwin, cashier; on San Marcos Place
Barackman, William G. (Katheryn): dentist, Boston, near San Marcos Place, home on north Colorado
Barnes, Nellie: teacher, Grade School
Barnette, Aldine F.
Barnette, Dora Mrs.
Barr, Orpha Mrs.: manager, Mt. States Telephone and Telegraph; home, Oregon, near Buffalo
Basha, N. N.: general merchandise, Boston St., home on Washington St.
Baxter, George G. (Mazie J.): supply agent, Standard Oil Co., resident at Suhwaro Hotel
Beall, Cyrus D.: rancher
Beckham, Charles M. (Quentilla): county constable, home on Oregon St.
Begley, A. H.: driver: Chandler Ice Co.
Benn, Hans: rancher
Beye, J. W. (Larne): rancher
Billings, Fred: rancher
Bland, Ida: widow, Edward; resided with F. C. Jordan
Borquez, Manuel: barber, Washington St.
BOSTON HOTEL, THE: Charles Eckles, proprietor of furnished rooms, on Boston near Washington
Bouton, Floyd; resided with H. S. Bouton
Bouton, Harvey S. (Callie): home on Commonwealth St.
Bouton, Sarah J. Mrs., resided with H. S. Bouton
Bowling, Sand (Alice): laborer, home on California St.
Bradford, Walter C.: teller, First National Bank; home on Dakota, north of Cleveland
Branaman, Agnes C.: widow of J. S.;  home on south California St.
Breckler, Anne C. Mrs.: public steno and clerk for Post Office
Breckler, Leonard B. (Annie C.): home on north Oregon St.
Brimhall, O.: rancher
Brion, A. A. (Margaret): rancher
Brockett, Harry: auto mechanic
Brockett, Jewel B.: teller, Bank of Chandler; resided with M. L. Brockett
Brockett, M. Luther (Mary): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Brooks, William T. (Pearl): auto supplies, Arizona Ave., corner of Boston
Brown, Audrey Mrs.: home on Dakota St.
BROWN, BERT O.: distributor of Chevrolet Motor Cars and Trucks, 321N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Phone 1963
Brown, Bessie Mrs.: home on Dakota St.
Brown, Clarence: rancher
Brown, Elvis: rancher
Brown, Ford: student, resided with Mrs. Audrey Brown
Brown, J. W.: rancher
Brown, Marshall: rancher
Brown, Nora M. Mrs.: home on California St.
Brown, W. P.
Bufanda, Jose (Perlina): laborer, home on Delaware St.
Burns, R. W.: rancher
Burns, Vinna Mrs.
Burridge, F. E.: assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Butterfield, Raleigh (Lillian): auto merchandise, home on California St.


Calhoun, Eugene B.: student, resided with J. E. Calhoun
Calhoun, Joseph E. (Georgia M.): painting contractor on Dakota St.
Campbell, Alex J. (Florence): manager, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Ginning Co.
Cannon, F. W.: agent, Arizona Eastern Railway
Cardinal, Genevieve: high school teacher
Carroll, Ella K. Mrs.: high school teacher
Caudill, W. S. (Bessie): insurance agent and city clerk; home on Cleveland, corner of California
Celaya, Ida: high school teacher
Chandler, Alexander J.: president, Bank of Chandler, Chandler Improvement Co., Chandler Water and Power Co.Chandler Land & Securities Co., Consolidated Canal Co. and San Marcos Hotel. He lived at Hotel San Marcos.
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: S. A. Meyer, editor, 109 W. Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER CAFE (Andrew J. and George Condos); San Marcos Place.
CHANDLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: W. W. Pickrell, manager; 109 W. Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER CITY COUNCIL:  David A. Jacobson, mayor; George Armstrong, B. M. Crenshaw, George F. Mineah, Hugh C. Gardner, members.
CHANDLER EGYPTIAN COTTON GINNING CO. : A. J. Campbell, manager; at Arizona Eastern Railway tracks.
CHANDLER GARAGE (Ori Holdren, Wayne Heffner), on Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER GRADE SCHOOL: Fred P. Austin, superintendent
CHANDLER HIGH SCHOOL, Arizona Ave., near Detroit
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary and manager; real estate development, San Marcos Place
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO. ranch,  ft? of Boston St.
CHANDLER LAND & SECURITIES CO.:  Alexander J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary, San Marcos Place
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE; San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER MOTOR CO.: Chilton & Horne, proprietors; auto repairs, Washington St.
CHANDLER-PHOENIX EXPRESS (D. A. McClellan Jr.), south Oregon St.
CHANDLER TRANSFER CO. , J. L. Whitener, manager
CHANDLER WATER & POWER CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary, San Marcos Place
Chandler Woman's Club: Mrs. R. Monroe Miller, president
Chapman, Frank H. (Maggie): rancher
Chelan, R. P. Rev.: pastor, Christian Church
Chilton, Charles W. (Allie): yardman, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co., home, north Dakota St.
Chilton, George (Chilton & Horne), residence on Washington St.
CHILTON & HORNE (George Chilton, E. H. Horne): proprietors of Chandler Motor Co., Washington St.
Chilton, Charles R. (Mary E.): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Chitwood, Glenn M.: salesman, residence with C. R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Mabel: steno, Bank of Chandler, residence with C. R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Nora: bookkeeper, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.; residence with C. R. Chitwood
Christian Church, Rev. R. P. Chelan, pastor
Church of Christ Scientist, north Colorado St.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Buffalo near Colorado
Clark, Harley D.: rancher
Clemens, Berry M.: rancher
Clemens, T. T.: rancher, RD 1
Coder, Eliza J. Mrs., resided with J. D. Arneil
Coffman, David W. (Eliza): real estate, home on Commonwealth Ave.
COHEN BROS.  (Jacob and David): cigars and billiards, San Marcos Place
Cohen, David (Cohen Bros.), home on Boston St.
Cohen, Jacob (Cohen Bros.): home on Boston St.
Condos, Andrew J., Chandler Cafe, home on California St.
Condos, George, Chandler Cafe, home on California St.
Conner, Jasper D. (Vivian): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: Alexander J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
Cook, Edna M.: grade school teacher
Cox, Henry F. (Bessie A.): building contractor, home on Delaware St.
Craft, Anna Mrs., proprietor, Suhwaro Hotel; home on Buffalo corner of Arizona Ave.
Craft, L. G.; home on Boston St.
Craft, L. L. (Anna): manager, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Crawford, Calvin N. (Alice)
Crawford, Hugh J. (May): rancher, home on E. Buffalo St.
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare W.): real estate,  Boston near San Marcos Place and member Chandler City Council; home on  Boston, corner of Dakota
Crisp, David B. (Clara E.): rancher
Crockett, Ralph (Joyce): auto mechanic, resided with E. W. Ferguson
Crouse, Claud R.: warehouseman, Arizona Eastern Railway
Cunningham, L. T.: batteries, Washington St.
Curry, Lloyd J.: rancher
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl Scott); grade school teacher; home on Washington near Detroit
Curtiss, Vienna: student, resided with F. J. Curtiss


Damon, William: rancher, resident of R D 1
Damron, Eugene (Harriet): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Davis, Esther Jean: teacher, Goodyear Grade School
Davis, E J P (Emma): laborer: home on Dakota St.
Davis, Lon (Lillian): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): foreman, South West Cotton Gin; home on Dakopta St.
Davis, W. L.: rancher
Deatheridge, Henry: soft drinks, Boston St.
DeBolt, Ida B.: teller, Bank of Chandler
DeBolt, John: auto operator, Chandler Transfer Co.; home 210 W. Buffalo
DeBolt, W. Everett: salesman, resided with Mrs. Anna Shirey
Deming, C. W. (Pauline): manager, insurance dept., Bank of Chandler
Denny, Adelia C., widow S. H. B.; home, Dakota St.
DeSouza, James E. (Aline C.): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co., home E. Buffalo St.
DeWitt, Alex: rancher
Dewitt, K.: rancher, RD1
Dickson, John M. (Bessie): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Dickson, Roy: student, resided with J. M. Dickson
Dingus, William H.: rancher
Dobbins, A. John (Lucy): rancher
Dobbins, G. C.: rancher
Dobbins, John
Dobbins, William: laborer
Dobson, John H.: president, First National Bank
Dorough, Andrew (Esther): dairy
Dunn, J. B.: electric repairs(?), Reliable Hardware Co.


Earnhart, Albert S. (Della)
Eckles, Charles: proprietor, Boston  Hotel
Eckles, Louisa: teacher, resident of Boston Hotel
Edmonds, Arthur E. (Beulah M.): high school teacher, home on Dakota St.
Edwards, Emma Mrs.
Edwards, Estella R.
EL VERJEL RANCHO INC. (G. F. and W. I. Lewis): fruit cabinets?
Eldredge,  Daniel K. (Mary): carpenter, home on south Oregon St.
Eldredge, David P.: rancher, RD1