H: 1929 Chandler City Directory

H: 1929 Chandler City Directory

Habeich, Joseph (Mary): dry goods 90 San Marcos Place; home, 5 miles south of city
Hale, Howard M.: agent, Southern Pacific Co.; home on Delaware
Hall, Charles E.: clerk, W. W. A. Curry; home, 200 S. Oregon
Hall, Edward E. (Carrie): city marshall and superintendent of streets and water department; home, 169 N. California
HALSTEAD, J. D. LUMBER CO.: J. M. Shearer, manager, 242 S. Washington
Handley, Lily M. Mrs.: real estate, 67 W. Boston; lived with O. N. Handley
Handley, Otho (Lily): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.; lived one mile east of city
Hansen, Ora: Chandler Grade School teacher
Hardin, Warren (Viola): janitor; home, 222 S. Dakota
Harer, John: meat cutter, Safe-Way Pay'N Takit Stores
Harvey, Leila: Chandler High School teacher
Hayes, Ethel (widow, D. A.): 212 N. California
Hayes, Frank: 212 N. California
Hayes, Jasper, L. (Idellar): clothes cleaner, 99 W. Boston ; home, 199b S. California
Hayes, Lloyd: 212 N. California
HEID BROS. INC., W. E. Goetz manager, feed, 5 south Arizona
Hellez, L.G.: home on south Colorado
Henry, George: barber, 84 San Marcos Place; residence, 3 miles northwest of city
Herman, Fannie Mrs.: 300 N. California
Hewitt, Ronald E. (Kath W.): rural carrier; home, 108 S. Dakota
Hibbert, Lovell: bookkeeper, Alfalfa Milling Corp. Mesa
Hiesser, Katie: clerk, L. P. Serrano & Bros; resident, 1/2 mile north of city
Higgins, Lavon O.: 307 W. Boston
Higgins, Lowry E.: miner, residence, 307 W. Boston
Higgins, Ray P.: farmer; residence, 307 W. Boston
Higgins, Sarah A. (widow, J.A.): home, 307 W. Boston
Hill, Bert (Bernice): grocery, 99 N. Oregon
Hinson, Julia: stenographer, Chandler Improvement Co.: residence, 187 W. Boston
Hinson, William W. (Laura): shoe repairman; home, 187 W. Boston
Hoggard, Arizona Mrs.;home 277 N. Dakota
Hoggard, Hardy: residence, 277 N. Dakota
Hoggard, J. Walker: residence, 277 N. Dakota
Holiday, Lola: attendant, K. M. Gilbert; home, 335 N.California
Hooper, Alex C. (Dorothy L.); irrigation engineer; home 108 N. Arizona
Hooper, Vivian E.: teacher, Chandler Grade School
Howey, Frank V. (Emma P.): home, 307 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Huffman, Crandall O. (Nelle): home, 200 N. Dakota
Hull, Frank A.: chauffeur, Chandler Transfer & Storage Co.; residence, 1 mile south of city
Hunsaker, Ann (widow, Gordon); home, 120 S. Colorado

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