1940 Chandler Resident Directory
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The Baldwin Chandler Arizona Resident Directory and Cosmopolitan Telephone Directory 1940
Copyright 1940 by Robert Morton Baldwin
(Bey" means beyond, as for some reason, the 1940 directory didn't give exact addresses but just said homes were "beyond" a street. Letters like "es" and "ss" refer to east side or south side of the street. A Symbol like £44 means a phone number. The original directory showed a bell, but the software converts that to a £. )
ABE'S LUNCH (T D Smith) w s S Arizona bey Boston
Adams A D © farm hd h Winn Addn
Adams Francis (Elma) clk 0 S Stapley Co h w s S Oregon bey Boston
Adams Geo (Jewel) 2 farm hd h ws S Arizona
Adams Joe (Mary) cotton picker h es S California bey Chicago
Addey Hattie Mrs 3 ® h ws N California bey Detroit
Addey Noley stu r ws N California bey Detroit
Agricultural Workers Health & Medical Assn.; Beatrice Woodward supt es S Arizona bey Boston £44
Aguilar Frank farm hd r ws Hidalgo bey Denver
Aguilar Joe farm hd r ws Hidalgo bey Denver
Aguilar Justo (Rita) 1 ® h ws Hidalgo bey Denver
Aguilar Ralph millwkr Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill r ws Hidalgo
AIR PORT TAVERN (H E Means) RD 1 6 es Hwy 87 Tel: 85J3
Albarz Aberta r Winn Addition
ALL STATES CAMP (L R Whitten) tourists es S Arizona
Allen Alec stu r RD 1 Box 16A Chandler Rd Tel: 88R1
Allen Andrew B (Maud) 4 ® farmer h RD 1 Box 16A Chandler Rd Tel: 88R1
Allen Buford (Virginia) lab h ws S Oregon bey Chicago
Allen Cleo stu r RD 1 Box 16A Chandler Rd Tel: 88R1
Allen Edna stu r RD 1 Box 16A Chandler Rd Tel: 88R1
Allen Phil (Mary) h ss W Chicago bey Oregon
Allen Phoebe stu r RD 1 Box 16A Chandler Rd Tel: 88R1
Allison Alf tchr Chand Sch r W Boston
ALLISON JJ & SON (J J & Vernon Allison) mach shop ws S Washington bey Boston, Tel: 150
Allison John J (Effie L) (J J Allison & Son) h ns. W Boston bey California Tel: 177
Allison Vernon (Kath) (J J Allison & Son) r ws N Washington bey Cleveland Tel: 157
Almada Albeno r es S Oregon bey Chicago
Almada Archie pntr r es S Oregon bey Chicago
Almada Lupe (wid A) 1 ® h es S Oregon bey Chicago
Alonzo Duncan © lab Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill r Winn Addition
Alvarado Jesus farm hd r es Hidalgo bey Denver
Alvarado Jos (Geneva) 4 ® farm hd h es Hidalgo bey Denver
Alvarado Jos Jr (Jennie) farm hd h es Hidalgo bey Denver
Alvarado Juan (Felipe) 3 ® farm hd h ws Hidalgo bey Denver
Alvarado Socorro farm hd r es Hidalgo bey Denver
Alvarado Vincente stu r es Hidalgo bey Denver
American Legion J D Vance comndr ss W Commonwealth bey Arizona
Americo Lugo tchr Winn Addition Sch r Winn Addition
Anderson Alton N (Mae H) eng h es N Oregon bey Buffalo
Anderson Alvin N eng San Marcos Hotel r same Tel: 49
Anderson Joe h es S Arizona
Anderson Mae Eldora wtrs San Marcos Hotel Dining Rm r San Marcos Hotel
Anderson Myrtle stu r ss W Chandler Rd Tel: 86R3
Anderson Sam r Butlers Auto Camp
Anderson Thos (Marva) 4 ® farmer h ss W Chandler Rd &86R3
Anderson W T (Etta) h ws N California bey Cleveland
Anderson Wm K chef San Marcos Hotel Kitchen r San Marcos Hotel &49
Andrada Consuela r ns E Chicago bey Delaware
Andrada Ramon 1 lab h ns E Chicago bey Delaware
Andrada Roberto (Maria) 1 lab h Winn Addn
Andrade Robt L (Pina) ® mkt mgr Independent Gro Co h es S Colorado bey Boston B&110
Andrade Rudolph butcher Independent Gro Co r es S Colorado bey Boston
Andrade Wm butcher Independent Gro Co r es S Colorado bey Boston B&110
Andrews Clara Mrs r es N Dakota bey Detroit
Arambula Josephine r (r) Arizona Pool Hall
Arambula Josephine (Mrs Manuel) (La Pasa dita Cafe) r (r) Arizona Pool Hall
Arambula Manuel (Josephine) 8 ® ,h (r) Arizona Pool Hall
Archibald Janet wtrs San Marcos Hotel Dining Rm r San Marcos Hotel &49
Ariaga Annie r es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Conchita r es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Emily Mrs 2 wtrs h es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Eva Mrs 3 r es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Gavino (Concepcion) 1 h es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Joe r es S Colorado bey Boston
Ariaga Sarah Mrs 2 cook Plaza Cafe r es S Colorado bey Boston B&23
Arios Candelaria Mrs 3 h Winn Addn
ARIZONA OIL CO. R D Kessler mgr whol & retl gas & oil ws S Arizona bey Denver
ARIZONA POOL HALL (Henry Compos) ns E Boston bey Arizona
Armory Hall ss W Boston bey Arizona
Armstrong Fay farm hd r Butlers Auto Camp
Armstrong Geo (Carolyn) plmbr h es (r) N Washington bey E Cleveland £18
Armstrong Harriet wtrs San Marcos Hotel Dining Rm r San Marcos Hotel £.4
Armstrong Howard stu r es (r) N Washington bey E Cleveland £185
Armstrong Ray farm hd r(Butlers Auto Camp
Armstrong Raymond slsmn Rowland Serv r es (r) Washington bey Cleveland £185
Armstrong Rose (Mrs W L) mgr Modern Beauty Shop r es S Oregon bey Chicago B£60
Armstrong Rosie E (wid M) Indrs h Butlers Auto Camp
Armstrong Vernon farm hd r Butlers Auto Camp
Armstrong Wm L (Rose) mgr Modern Barber Shop h es S Oregon bey Chicago B£60
ARROW PHARMACY (J H Shrewsbury & E B Lambson) ss W Boston bey Arizona £37
Arvizu Fernando (Adelina) 2 lab h Hwy 87
Arvizu Jesus r Hwy 87
Arvizu Joe lab h Hwy 87
Arvizu Margaret r Hwy 87
Arvizu Victorino (Delphina) ® farm hd h Hwy 87
Ashcraft Virgil (Nona) 1 h es N Oregon bey Buffalo
Assembly of God Church Norman Field pastor es S California bey Chicago
Augustine Rosa farm hd r es Hidalgo bey Denver
Augustine Resales (Trinidad) 6 ® farm hd h es Hidalgo bey Denver
Austin Alecto G (Clara B) ® farmer h RD 1 Chandler Rd £88R3
Austin Martha tchr Chand Sch r es N Arizona bey limits
Austin, Wilfred G. (Dorothy) 2 ® Supt of Schs £39 h w s N Washington bey Cleveland £29
Avery Theo (Flora) ® chauf h ws N Delaware bey Buffalo
Avila Georgino (Fortuna L) ® jan Chand Sch h es,Hidalgo bey Denver
Ayala Antonia Mrs farm hd h Winn Addn
Ayala David (Carmen) 2 farm hd h Jftwy 87
Ayala Feleciano farm hd r Winn Addn
Ayala Jesus (Antonia) 2i gdnr San Marcos Hotel h Winn Addn B£49
Bacon Joan Mrs 1r RD13 ws Hwy87
Baker David A (Pearl) 3 ® farm hd h Butlers Auto Camp
Baker Sam clk J C Penney Co r La Hacienda Hotel £12
Baldwin C A (Emma H) ® (C A Baldwin Ins Co) h ws N Arizona bey Buffalo £41
Baldwin C A Insurance Co (C A Baldwin) ss W Boston bey S Arizona £48
Baldwin Harriett r ws N Arizona bey Buffalo £41
Ballowe E E (Chandler Cleaners) h ns S Arizona bey Boston £6-9
BARKALOW BROS CO. Margaret Joall mgr, cigar stand, San Marcos Hotel £49
Barnes James T (Martha) h es S California bey Chicago
Barnes Joseph E (Vesta) 2 sec Woodmen of the World h 1 ws N California bey Buffalo
Barnes Ray lino opr Chandler Arizonan r ws N California bey Buffalo B£32
Barnes Robert stu r ws N California bey Buffalo
Barraga Antonio (Carman) 1 farm hd h ws S Hidalgo bey Denver
Barrett O S (Alice) ® (Chandler Trading Post) h E of Chandler
Basha A N mgr Bashas Gro Store r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Camille bkpr Bashas Gro Store r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Constance clk Bashas Gro Store r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Eddy (Esma) 1 clk Bashas Gro Store r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Ike clk Bashas Gro Store r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Laurice tchr Chand Sch r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Najeeba (wid N N) ® h ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
Basha Zelma r ws N Washington bey Detroit £124
BASHAS GROCERY STORE A N Basha mgr ss E Boston bey S Ariz £2
Bates Otis (Opal) 4 prsmn Western Cotton Prod Co h ss W Denver bey Arizona, Phone: 111
Baugh Feed Store (J W Baugh) ws S Arizona
Baugh Jas W (Zora E) 3 (Baugh Feed Store) h Whitten Ct (California Ct)
Beals Mildred tchr Ghand Sch r ws N Oregon bey Buffalo
Bear Paul W (Kath) 3 ® sec-treas Chand Improvement Co h RD 1 Chandler Rd £174
Bearden Albert (Vera) 5 ® carp h ws S Arizona
Bearden Carl L (Mae) 1 carp h es N Dakota bey Detroit
Bearden Dorothy stu r ws S Arizona
Bearden Leon r es N Dakota bey Detroit
Beatty Claud R © ® jan Valley Natl Bk of Phoenix-Chand Br h ws S Colorado bey Boston
Beckham Chas (Tilla) 1 ®, carp h ws N California bey Cleveland
Bedell Christine Mrs 1 r ws, N California bey Buffalo
Begley, Walter J. (Geraldine) 1 Local Mgr Crystal Ice & Cold Storage Co h E Denver £93
Bell Elmer M (Lorene) 2 farm hd h All States Camp
Benitos Fernando (Rita) 2 ® h Winn Addn
Benitos Jesus M A (Julia) 4 ® lab h es (r) S Colorado bey Boston
Bernard Rosalene tchr Chand Sch r RD 1
Berry Cordell (Edith S) 2 rngr 0 S Stapley Co h ss Commonwealth bey California £148
Berton Wm © (Viola) farm hd h Winn Addn
BETTY'S BEAUTY SHOP (Betty Cheek) ws S Arizona bey Boston £56
Black E Jas © cowboy Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill r Winn Addn B&99
Blackburn Geo pastor Church of Christ h ns E Cleveland bey Chicago £101
Blair Ben (Julia Blair) 1 carp h es S Arizona
Blake Edw M (Mary) farmer h ns W Chandler Rd &77J3
Blake Mark A (Grace E) cattlemn Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill h All States Camp
Block Dave (Cecile) (Plaza Cafe) h ns W Boston bey Arizona B&23
BLUE BIRD SERVICE STATION (Carl Meredith) RD 1 Box 21 Chandler Rd &88J1
BOB'S LUNCH (R L Brion) ss W Boston bey S Arizona
Boel Anna Mrs 1 r es S California bey Boston
Boel Chris (Christina) 2 lab h 6 es S California bey Boston
Bojorquez Delores stu r Winn Addn
Bond Wm. (Gladys) 2 ® ranchmn h 5 ws N Arizona bey Cleveland
Booker Willie © farm hd r Winn Addn
Booth Geo F (Kath B) 2 ® h es S California bey Chicago
BOSWELL J. S. CO THE, J W Eddy mgr cotton gin S Hidalgo
Bouton Sarah J Mrs ® h ss E Detroit bey N Washington
Bowlen Chas (Kathleen) ® emp St Hwy Dept h ws N Dakota bey W Detroit
Bowlen Chas © farm hd r Winn Addn
Bowlen Raymond stu r ws N Dakota bey W Detroit
Bowlen Wayne stu r ws N Dakota bey W Detroit
Boyd Chas W (Delia F) slsmn Reliable Hdw Co h ws N California bey Detroit, Phone: 11
Breckler Ann C head tel opr San Marcos Hotel r same £-49
Breckler Jack (Elsie) 1 ® chicken ranch h RD 1 es Hwy 87
Breslow Louise wtrs San Marcos Hotel Dining Rm r same £49
Brewster Marshall (Mary) 1 ® jan Chand Sch h ws S California bey Boston
Bright Thos (Cordelia) 3 h ws N California bey W Detroit
Brinkley John (Ethel) 1 ® slsmn Rowlands Serv h ws N Dakota bey W Detroit, Phone: 4
Brinkman Earl (Leona) 3 electn h es N Oregon bey Buffalo
Brion Robt L (Betty) 21® (Bob's Lunch) h ws S California bey Boston
Brockett Lawrence (Leon) 1 ® chf mech 0 S Stapley Co h 1 mi N of Chandler, phone: 107
Broesamie, Jane: manager, Clay Smith Shop; resident, Phoenix, Phone 33077
Brooks, Art L.: nt. officer Police Dept.; home, east side of Denver; Phone, 156
Brooks, Bill: student, resident, west side of north Colorado, beyond Detroit; phone, 105
Brooks, Clinton W. (Geraldine L.): salesman, Bill Langs Service; h, west side (rear) of south Oregon, beyond Boston.
Brooks, Geraldine L. (Mrs. C.W.): bookkeeper, Valley National Bank of Phoenix, Chandler Branch; home, west side (rear) of south Oregon, behond Boston
BROOKS INN (William T. Brooks): north side of south Boston, beyond Arizona
Brooks, John (Irene): laborer, home, west side of north Colorado, beyond Detroit; phone, 105
BROWN CHEVEROLET CO.: R.E. Brown, manager; east side of south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone, 172
Brown, J. T. (Ruby): carpenter, h, west side of north California, beyond Detroit
Brown, Lee: farm hand, residence, Winn Addition
Brown, Mayme: r, east side of California, beyond Chicago
Brown, R. E. (Julia): manager, Brown Chevrolet Co.; home, 3 1/2 miles southwest of Chandler; home: 89R11
Brown, S. L. : plumber: east side of south Caliifornia, beyond Chicago
Brownlee, Margaret: teacher, Chandler School; r, west of north Washington, beyond Detroit
Buel, Lawrence: south side of east Boston, beyond Washington
Buel, Robert: south side of east Boston, beyond Washington
Burnett, C. M.: janitor, Chandler School; R, 1 1/4 mile east of Chandler, on east Cleveland
Burris, Floyd: salesman, Bill Langs Service; residence, Mesa, Ariz.
Butler, George T. (Bessie) (Butler's Auto Camp), H, east side of south Arizona
Butler, James (Margaret): farm hand; home, Winn Addition
BUTLER'S AUTO CAMP (G. T. Butler), east side of south Arizona
Caldwell, Dan (Delilah): farm hand, h, Winn Addition
Calley, Lenford (Bernice): ice man; h, southside, west Chicago, beyond Oregon
Campas, Henry (Johnnie): farm hand; h, Gerrard Sheds, south Denver
Campbell, Alf D. (Blanche) (Malt Shop); r, RD1 Box 58, Chandler Road; phone, 015R1
Cardner, Loren V. (Nellie) (Cardners Studio); r, La Hacienda Inn; phone, 12
CARDNERS STUDIO ( L. V. Cardner): photography, south side of west Boston, beyond south Arizona
Careaga, Angelus (Mrs. Joseph): clerk, JC Penney Co.; r, west side of south Oregon, beyond Chicago; phone, 188
Careaga, Bartolo (Rosa): h, west side, south Delaware, beyond Boston
Careaga, Carmen: cook, Brooks Inn; r, west side, south Delaware, beyond Boston
Careaga, Filomena: laborer; r, west side of south Delaware beyond Boston
Careaga, Joe: gardener, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Careaga, Joseph (Angelus); h, west side of south Oregon, beyond Chicago
Careaga, Ray: laborer; r, west side of south Delaware, beyond Boston
Careaga, Marie; r, west side, south Delaware, beyond Boston
Careaga, Victor (Evangeline): clerk, Bashas; h, Winn Addition
Carnighan, Margaret: teacher, Chandler School; r, south side of west commonwealth, beyond California
Carr, Albert: farm hand; r, Winn Addition
Carter, Maude S. (widow R. B.): h, Butlers Auto Camp
Cassidy, Ann: auditors assistant, San Marcos Hotel; r same; phone, 49
Cassidy, Mary: office secretary, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Castro, Ysidoro: r, Winn Addition
Castro Ysidoro Jr. (Concha): laborer, h, Winn Addition
Catholic Church: west side north Colorado beyond Cleveland
Caughron, Elmer (Gladys): tractor driver; H, RD 1`, east side, Highway
CENTRAL ARIZONA LIGHT & POWER CO.: T. J. Frost, manager; west side of south Arizona beyond Boston; phone, 151
Centeno, Manuel; trucker; west side of Hidalgo, beyond Denver
Centeno, Senova (widow T); h, west side of Hidalgo, beyond Denver
Chandler, Alex J.: president, Chandler Improvement Co.; r, Hotel San Marcos; phone, 49
CHANDLER ARIZONAN (R. L. Williams): newspaper, southside of west Boston, beyond south Arizona; phone 32
CHANDLER CAFE (Charlie Jones): Winn Addition
Chandler Chamber of Commerce: Edward Lambson, president; D. Lee Jones, vice president; Mrs. Blanche K. Murray, secretary and treasurer; City Hall Building; phone, 18
CHANDLER CLEANERS (E. E. Ballowe): north side of south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone, 69
CHANDLER ELECTRIC CO. (J. S. Openshaw); west side of south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone 146
CHANDLER GROCERY STORE (James Tang): east side of south Arizona, beyond east Boston
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A.J. Chandler, president; Carl Ekholm, vice president; investments and farming; west side of south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone, 25
CHANDLER LUMBER YARD: O.D. Dwyer, manager, south Washington; phone, 31
CHANDLER MALT SHOP (A. C. Jones): south side of west Boston, beyond south Arizona
CHANDLER RUMMAGE STORE (W. E. Thompson); north side of east Boston, beyond Arizona
Chandler, Town of:
Attorneys: R. P. Meason and Mark Wilmer
Clerk: L. H. Edwards, phone, 10
Councilmen: James M. Meason; H. S. Kerby; R. H. Vest; W. O. Moore; R. D. Dunbar; phone, 10
Mayor: James M. Meason, phone, 10
Park & Playgrounds: Joseph Love, superintendent; phone, 10
Police Department: L. H. Rodgers, marshall; phone, 26
Public Water Works: Henry Hardt, superintendent; phone, 10
Refuse Collector: John Farmer; phone, 10
Superintendent of Schools: W. G. Austin, Chandler High School; phone, 39
City Hall: west side of south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone, 10
CHANDLER TRADING POST (O. S. Barrett): west side south Arizona, beyond Boston
Cheek, Betty G. (Mrs. Jesus) (Betty's Beauty Shop): r, west side, south Arizona, phone: 56
Cheek, Jesus (Betty G.): h, west side, south Arizona
Chilcoat, Robert (Ruby): laborer; h, Winn Addition
Chitwood, Philip G. (Patricia): farmer; h, north side of west Chandler Rd.; phone, 89J1
Cho, Joseph: belman, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Cho, Peter: waiter, San Marcos Hotel Dining Room; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Cho, W. D.: bus boy, San Marcos Hotel Dining Room; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Choisser, Eda Mrs.: teacher, Chandler School; r, north side, east Buffalo, beyond Colorado
Chung, K. S.: helper, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone 49
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: southside, east Buffalo, beyond Arizona
CITY BARBER SHOP (D. C. Rogers): west side, south Arizona, beyond Boston; phone, 30
City of Chandler: see Town of:
Clark, Estelle (widow B); manager, San Marcos Beauty Salon; residence, Phoenix
Clever, D. Floyd (Velma): farm hand; h, All States Camp
Clift, Elston (Maurine): laborer; r, east side south California beyond Chicago
Cloward, Leonard P. (Dasey): manager, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, west side north Washington beyond Cleveland; phone, 169
CLUB POOL & LUNCH COUNTER (H. W. Schriewer): west side, south Arizona beyond Boston; phone, 92
Cobb, James L. (Mabel): farmer; h, RD 1, west side of Highway 87
Cobb, Lucas C.: student; r, RD 1, west side Highway 87
Cole, Jimmie: (Ida Mae): laborer; h, Winn Addition
Colley, Lenford C. (Bernice): rtmn (routeman?), Crystal Ice Co.; h, south side west Chicago, beyond Oregon
Compos, Henry (Johnnie): manager, Arizona Pool Hall; h, Garrard Shedd
Cons, Maruiro (Bella): farm hand; h, Winn Addition
Conway, Robert (Maurine): test car driver; h, west side of Oregon beyond Chicago
Cook, W. G. (Bessie): office worker, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, west side north Washington beyond Detroit; phone, 160
Cooper, Donald (Irene): clerk, Bashas-Mesa; h, east side north Washington beyond Cleveland
Cooper, Irene (Mrs. Donald): bookkeeper, Bashas; r, east side north Washington beyond Cleveland
Cooper, Jessie I. (widow E.E.): postmistress, Post Office; h, east side of north California beyond west Buffalo; phone: 131
Cornett, William S.: ginner, Western Cotton Products Co.; r, RD 1, Box 20, Chandler Road; phone, 88J11
Cornforth, George E. (Vallie): manager, Crystal Ice & Cold Storage Co.; res. Mesa; phone, 114
Council, May Mrs.: r, west Chandler Rd.
Council, Melvin: laborer: r, southside west Chandler Road
Crimer, Aleen; r, west side south Dakota beyond Chicago
Crimer, Juanita: waitress, west side south Dakota beyond Chicago
Crimer, Otis N. (Rosa L.): farmer; h, west side south Dakota beyond Chicago
Criss, Willie: farm hand; r, Winn Addition
Crouch, Leonard (Ethel M.): electric service man, Central Light & Power Co.; h, south side west Boston beyond Dakota; phone, 171
CRYSTAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO.: G. E. Cornforth, manager; W. J. Begley, local manager; east Denver and RR, phone, 114
Cuellar, Josefa Mrs.: h, Winn Addition
Cullumber, James (Thelma): clerk, Bashas; res, Bapchule, Ariza.
Curtis, Arthur; h, west side south Arizona
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl): teacher, Chandler School; h, west side north Washington beyond Detroit; phone, 186
Daly, Maud Mrs.: teacher, Chandler School; h, west side north California beyond Detroit.
Damron, Art (Goldie): helper, William Bond; h, west side (r), north Arizona beyond Cleveland
Daniel, Bertha Mrs.: maid, h, Winn Addition
Daniels, Alma Mrs.; h, ws S. Dakota beyond Boston
Daniels, Curtis (Verdel): millworker, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, Winn Addition
Dapierto, Tony (Rose): farmer; h, Chandler Road
David, James D. (Beatrice): teller, Valley National Bank of Phoenix-Chandler branch; r, ss W. Commonwealth beyond California
Davis, Baldy (Mollie): laborer, h, ws N. Dakota beyond W. Cleveland
Davis, Bunk: r, ws N. Dakota beyond W. Cleveland
Davis, Cecil: r, ws N. Dakota beyond W. Cleveland
Davis, E. J. P (Emma): custodian, St. Highway Dept.; h, es N. Dakota beyond Detroit
Davis, Jack (Etta): laborer; h, ws S Dakota beyond Boston
Davis, Jess C. (Mildred): manager School Grocery & rep M L Gibbons Mortuary; h, ws N. Oregon beyond Buffalo; Phone, 20
Davis, M. L. (Edith): general contractor; ws (r) south California beyond Chicago; h, same
Day, Albert: gardener, San Marcos Hotel; r, ns W Boston beyond Dakota, phone, 108
Day, Fred: gardener, San Marcos Hotel; r, ns W Boston beyond Dakota, phone, 108
Day, William (Kathleen): head gardener, San Marcos Hotel; h, ns W Boston beyond Dakota; phone, 108
Dearman, Gladys: farm hand; r, Butlers Auto Camp
Dearman, Tom (Lizzie): farm hand; h, Butlers Auto Camp
Delcii, Robert (Eva): gardener, San Marcos Hotel; h, es S Colorado beyond Boston; phone, 49
Delgado, Leo V. (Cecilia): clerk, Popular Store; h, ws S California beyond Boston
Delsi, Lydia M. (widow Hilario); r, ss E. Boston beyond Washington
Denny, Leslie D. (Eldora): assistant manager, Lo Wright & Sons; r, Mesa; phone, 96
DEW DROP INN (J.C. Jones): cafe, ss E Boston beyond south Arizona
Dewees, Dean (June): laborer; h, ss W Boston, beyond Arizona
Dickens, Edward: laborer, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; r, Winn Addition
Dickson, Joseph J. (Josephine): welder, J. J. Allison & Son; h, Winn Addition
Diehl, Opal: stenographer, Agricultural Workers Health & Medical Assn.; res, Gilbert, Arizona
Dipple, Henry (Fay E.): (Henry Dipple Grocery): h, ss W. Chandler Road; phone, 86R1
DIPPLE HENRY GROCERY (Henry Dipple): ss W Chandler Rd, phone 86R1
Dobbins, Buford: student: r ns W Boston beyond California
Dobbins, Edith: bookkeeper, O.S. Stapley Co.; r, ns W Boston beyond California
Dobbins, Grover C. (Ruth): custodian, Chandler Schools; h, ns W Boston beyond California
Dobson, Johnston C. (Anna M.): h, es S Arizona
Dodge, Kathleen: teacher, Chandler Schools; r, ws N Colorado beyond Detroit; phone, 105
Dory, Bernice: student; r, Highway 87
Dory, Troy J. (Ruth C.) (Joes Light House): h, Highway 87
Dowell, Mary B.: teacher, Chandler Schools; r, ws N Colorado beyond Detroit
DOWNING MAUD KNIT WEAR: Mrs. Maud Downing, manager; San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Downing, Maud Mrs.: manager, Maud Downing Knit Wear; res, Los Angeles, Calif.; phone, 49
Dramann, Elmer (Helen): test engineer, Massey-Harris Co.; h, es N Washington, beyond east Cleveland; phone, 222
Duarte, Ricardo (Carlotta): h, Winn Addition
Dunbar, Reno E. (Maude) (Dunbars Exchange): city councilman and director, Chandler Chamber of Commerce; h, es E Boston beyond Washington; phone, 53
DUNBARS EXCHANGE (Reno E. Dunbar): ss E Boston, beyond Washington; phone, 53
Duncan, Alice (Mrs. N. E.): clerk, David Saba Dry Goods; r, ws N Dakota beyond Detroit
Duncan N Elmer (Alice): h, ws N Dakota beyond Detroit
Dunes, Concha: maid; r, es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Dunes, Eustacio: farm hand; r, es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Dunes, Felipe (Esguina): farm hand; h, es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Dunes, Onesma: farm hand; r, es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Dunn, Bobby: student: r, ws N Oregon beyond Buffalo
Dunn, George (Rose): mechanic; h, ws S California beyond Boston
Dunn, S. D.: houseman, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Durham, Cletus (Mildred): laborer, J. S. Boswell Co.; h, es S California beyond Chicago
Durham, Clifford: laborer; r, es S. California beyond Chicago
Durham, Cove D. (Flore): pressman, J. S. Boswell Co.; r, west Denver
Durham, Joseph H. (Minnie): ginner, J. S. Boswell Co.; h, es S California beyond Chicago
Duron, Eddie: clerk, Lo Wright & Sons; r, RD 1, Box 63; phone, 96
Dwyer, Ora D. (Elizabeth): manager, Chandler Lumber Yard; h, S. Washington; phone, 31
Eckhart, Venitia: waitress, San Marcos Hotel Dining Room; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Eddy, John W. (Florence): manager, J. S. Boswell Co.; res, Gilbert, Az.
Edkins, Nolan (Hazel): r, ss Erie beyond N. California
Edkins, Van Gouver (Mandy): h, ss E. Erie beyond N. California
Edwards, Bertha: teacher, Chandler Schools; h, ws N. Washington beyond Buffalo, phone, 14
Edwards, Leonard H. (Marion): Town Clerk; (office) phone, 10; h, ws N. Washingon beyond Cleveland; phone, 1.
Edwards, Mack: clerk, Frost Gocery; r, RD 1, es Hwy 87
Ekholm, Carl: vice-president, Chandler Improvement Co.; res. Phoenix; phone 37492
ELITE BARBER SHOP (R. L. Shepherd): west side of south Arizona beyond Boston
Ellison, Mamie: r, ws (r) S California beyond Cleveland
Ellsworth, Arthur (Vida): manager, Richards Ranch; h, 2 miles S and 3/4 W of Chandler; phone, 91R2
Emerson, Bert (Mary): farmer; h, RD 1, Box 1, Chandler Rd.
Emery, Morris (Doy): foreman, Bryant & Hamilton; h, RD 1 Box 110 Hwy 87; phone 85R1
Erickson, Annetta: teacher, Chandler School; r, ws N. Washington beyond Detroit; phone 186
Erwin, Virgil J. (Eva): farm hand; r, All States Camp
Esber, Albert: clerk, Esber Bargain Store; r, es S Oregon beyond Chicago
Esber, Alex (Victoria) (Esber Bargain Store); h, es S Oregon beyond Chicago
ESBER BARGAIN STORE (Alex Esber): department store, ss E Boston beyond Arizona
Esber, Louise: clerk, Esber Bargain Store; r, es S Oregon beyond Chicago
Escandon, Arthur; r, Winn Addition
Escandon, Carlotta (widow A.): h, Winn Addition
Escandon, Elizar; r, Winn Addition
Escandon, Refugio; r, Winn Addition
Escudero, Frank (Rita): farm hand, h, Winn Addition
Estes, Glen (Vera): pick up man, Western Cotton Products Co.; h, Unit 3, Apt. 1, Resettlement; phone, 111
Estes, Wesley J. (Juanita A.): dairyman, h, Unit 4, Apt. 1, Resettlement
Estrada, Evaristo: farm hand: r, Winn Addition
Estrella, Andres: waiter, San Marcos Hotel Dining Room; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Estrella, Joaquina (widow M.): h, es S Colorado beyond Boston
Estrella, Lily: r, es S Colorado beyond Boston
Estrella, Louis (Eva): laborer; h, ws S Colorado, beyond Boston
Estrella, Manuel (Angelita): laborer; r, ws S Colorado beyond Boston
Estrella, Rafael (Eliza): laborer; h, ws S Delaware beyond Boston
Estrella, Ramona; r ws N California beyond W Detroit
Estrella, Ray (Rose): painter; h, ws N. California beyond W Detroit
Ethington, Edgar (Frances): cattleman; h es Highway 87 beyond Mill Road; phone 79R2
Ethington, Edgar Jr.: student; r, es Highway 87, beyond Mill Road; phone 79R2
Ethington, Gladys: cook, Chandler Schools; r, es Highway 87
Evans, Joseph (Marie): r ns W Boston beyond S. Arizona
Evans, Milton (Rubye): pharmacist, White Cross Drug Co.; h, es S Oregon beyond Chicago
Everett, Lawrence (Willie): farm hand; h, Kessler Road
Faranico, Maredo (Marie): h, Highway 87
Farmer, Ben (Carolina): farmer; h, ws S. Dakota beyond Boston
Farmer, Herbert: student; ws S. Dakota beyond Boston
Farmer, John: city refuse collector, work phone 10; r, ws S. Dakota beyond Boston
FARMERS MUTUAL GIN CO.: O.G. Johnson, manager, east Denver; phone, 111
Faust, Charles T. (Lena): mechanic; h, ws N. Delaware beyond east Buffalo
Faust, Charles T. Jr.: student; r, ws N. Delaware beyond east Buffalo
Felex, Florencio: bartender, Hamilton Trading Post; r, RD 1, ws Highway 87
Festner, Bertha, Mrs.: h, es N. Washington beyond Detroit
Festner, Julius: salesman; r, es N. Washington beyond Detroit
Field, Norman (Aline): pastor, Assembly of God Church; h ws S. Oregon beyond Chicago
First Baptist Church; R. D. Smith, pastor; east side s. Dakota beyond Boston
First Church of Christ: ss east Cleveland beyond north Arizona
Fisher, James E. (Robbie): mechanic, Shell Auto Service; h, ws S. Oregon beyond Boston
Fleming, Charles B. (Dora): engineer, San Marcos Hotel; h, ns W Boston beyond Dakota; phone, 49
Fleshman, William E. (Nellie G.): h, RD 1, Box 20, Chandler Road
Fletcher, C. C. (Vera) (Petes Cafe): H, ws S. California beyond Boston
Fletcher, Mick (Dorothy): timekeeper WPA; r, es S. Arizona
Flores, Jasinto (Carlotta): laborer, h, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Floyd, Clifford H. (Vera): assistant, Vaughn Lumber Yard; r, ws S. Washington beyond Boston
Foehl, Robert: manager, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone 49
Follett, O.E. (Mildred): salesman, Western Auto Supply Co.; r. Mesa, Az.; phone, 187
Ford, J. H.: pantryman, San Marcos Hotel Kitchen; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Ford, Roy (Louise): pastor, Methodist Church; h, ws N. California beyond Buffalo phone 191
Foster, Augusta (widow, Joseph): h, es S. California beyond Boston
Foulk, George (Helen): mechanic, H. S. Kerby Garage; h, es N. Colorado beyond e. Buffalo; phone 94
Fowler E. C. (Mary): farmer; h es Denver A1
Frank, Oh: night porter, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Franklin, John (Frances): feeder, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, Unit 1, Apt. 7, resettlement
Frederick, Leonard (Jewell): farmer, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, lot B; phone, 99
Free Methodist Church: Theo Silva, pastor; east side s. Arizona
Freeman, James: business director, Chandler Schools; r, RD 1, 3/4 mile east of Chandler
Freeman, Nora T. (Liza): laborer; h, All States Camp
Frierson, Reva: waitress, San Marcos Hotel Dining Room; r, San Marcos Hotel; phone, 49
Fromme, Sam: pantryman, San Marcos Hotel Kitchen; r, San Marcos Hotel, phone 49
Frost, Charles W. (Margaret) (Frost Grocery): h, RD 1, es Highway 87
FROST GROCERY (C.W. Frost): RD 1, es Highway 87
Frost, Jackie: student; r, ws N. Arizona beyond Cleveland; phone 170
Frost, Thomas J. (Mildred): manager, Central Light & Power Co.; h ws N. Arizona beyond Cleveland; phone, 170
Frye, George (Etta): county supervisor; h, ws S. Arizona, phone 180
Fullen, Anna C. (Indian Den): h, Buffalo, corner, Oregon
Fuller, Alf H.: laborer; r, es S. Oregon beyond Chicago
Fuiller, Annie E. (widow, J. H.): h, es S. Oregon beyond Chicago
Fuller, Lincoln R.: laborer; r, es S. Oregon beyond Chicago
Furin, Steve: helper, San Marcos Hotel Kitchen; r, same; phone 49
Gallegos, Victor (Catalina): farm hand; h, es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Galvez, Gerado (Frances): farm hand, h, Winn Addition
Galvez, Gerado: farm hand, h, Winn Addition
Galvez, Jos: farm hand; h, Winn Addition
Galvez, Kattie: seamstress; r, Winn Addition
Galvez: William: laborer; r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Alice Mrs.: r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Benny: farm hand; r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Eleanor: student; r, Winn Addition
Garcia: Gustavo: laborer; h, RD 1, Chandler Road
Garcia, Manuel: laborer, r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Max: farm hand; r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Minnie: maid; r, Winn Addition
Garcia, Plurtoc (Hermin): farm hand; h, Winn Addition
Gardon, H. Hunter (Willie M.): farm hand; h, Winn Addition
Garner, Ernest (Ethel): laborer, h, ws N. California beyond Cleveland
Gates, Bernard: clerk, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone 49
Gauna, Duarte Mrs.: h, es S. Colorado beyond Boston
Gaylord, Lester L. (Eleanor): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.; h, es S. Dakota beyond Boston; phone, 11
Gaylord, W. Norman Jr. (Martha): clerk, Gaylords Store; h, es N. Colorado beyond Cleveland
Gaylord, William N. (Hattie E.) (Gaylords Store); h, ws S. Oregon beyond Boston
GAYLORDS STORE (W. N. Gaylord): grocery, ws S. Arizona
GIBBONS, M. L. MORTUARY, J. C. Davis, rep.; ws N. Oregon beyond Buffalo; phone, 20
Gibson, Irving L. (Margaret): farmer, h, ns W. Chandler Road; phone, 77J3
Gilbert, K. M. (Bessie S.): physician, ss W Boston beyond s. Arizona; phone 3; h, es N. Colorado beyond E. Buffalo; phone 5
Gilbraith, John S. (Bertha): farm hand; h, Butlers Auto Camp
Gladen, Luther (Leona): farmer; h, RD1 ws Highway 87
Gober, Elmer (Mamie L.): laborer, h, ss W. Chicago beyond Oregon
Goff, Earl C. (Jessie): feed yard foreman, Pecos Valley Alfalfa Mill; h, Unit 2, Apt. 7, Resettlement
Gong, Henry (Jess): manager, Wah Grocery; h, ns E. Boston beyond Arizona
Gonzales, Benigna; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Cleofas: laborer; r, ws S. Delware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Cruz: farm hand; r, Winn Addition
Gonzales, Eug: laborer; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Eugenio (Angelia): miner, h Winn Addition
Gonzales, Lucia (widow Pablo): h, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Manuel: laborer; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Pablo: laborer; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Paz: r, Winn Addition
Gonzales, Rafael: laborer; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gonzales, Rosa; r, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Goodman, Clifford (Mary E.): farm hand; h, RD 1, Chandler
Goodrich, P. M.; h, ws (r) S. Dakota beyond Chicago
Goodwin, Fay: student: r, es Delaware beyond Buffalo; phone, 9
Goodwin, M. (Jessie L.): agent, Western Union Telegraph Co. and Railway Express Agency; clerk, Southern Pacific Railway; h, es S. Delaware beyond Buffalo; phone, 9
GOODYEAR SERVICE STATION (Charles Rowlett): RD 1 es Highway 87; phone, 80R4
Goodykoontz, Olive: teacher, Chandler Schools; r, RD 1
Gordon, James W. (Rosie L.): laborer, Farmers Mutual Gin Co.; h, Butlers Auto Camp; phone 111
Gordon, Weldon (Grace): city employee; h, Butlers Auto Camp
Granillo, Fred (Charlotte): laborer; h, Winn Addition
Granillo, Joe (Carmen): laborer, H, ws S. Delaware beyond Boston
Gray, Berry (Detra): farm hand; h, RD 1, es Highway 87
Gray, Elmer (Lucile): farm hand; h, RD1 es Highway 87
Gray, Louise: r, RD 1, es Highway 87
Green, Elaine (Mrs. William): operator, Monas Beauty Nook; resident of Higley, Ariz.
Gribbens, Gertrude: maid, San Marcos Hotel; r, same; phone, 49
Griffith, D. D.: plumber, Reliable Hardware Co.; h, se of Chandler; phone, 84R3
Griffith, Dorothy Mrs.: h, es (r), S. Oregon beyond Boston
Griffith, W. J.: manager, Dew Drop Inn; r, S. Arizona
Guana, Charlotte: r, es S. Colorado beyond Boston
Guilliam, J. W. (Vera): h, es N. Dakota beyond Cleveland
Gutierez, Sacaries (Mary): farm hand, h es Hidalgo beyond Denver
Gutierez, Severina Mrs.: h, Winn Addition
GUTIEREZ STORE (Tirso Gutierez): grocery, Winn Addition
Gutierez, Tirso (Gutierez Store): h, Winn Addition
Hadrick, Dollie (Pearl): laborer, Tremaine Alfalfa Ranch & Milling Co. (no listing).; h, Winn Addition
Hale, Charles: salesman, O. S. Stapley Co.; r, (r), Mott's Grocery
Hall, Edward E. (Carrie): bartender; H, west side of north California beyond Buffalo
Hall, R. A. (Kathleen): manager, J.C. Penney Co.; h, north side of west Chandler Rd.; phone, 188
Halliburton, Anna: r, east side (rear) north California, beyond Buffalo
Halliburton, S. C.: laborer, Farmers Mutual Gin Co.: r, east side (rear) n. California beyond Buffalo; phone 111
Halliburton, W. Gail (Marie): laborer, Farmers Mutual Gin Co.; h, east side (rear) north California beyond Buffalo
Hamilton, J. R. Jr. (Verda): farmer; h, RD 1, west side Highway 87; phone 80R1
Hamilton, Roy (Bonnie): (Hamilton's Trading Post): h, RD 1 Box 122, Highway 87
HAMILTON'S TRADING POST (Roy Hamilton): RD 1, west side, Highway 87; phone 80R2
Handley, L.M. (Mrs. O.N.): real estate broker, Handley Realty Co.; r, RD 1, east of Chandler
Handley, O. N. (L. M.): insurance agent, Handley Realty Co.; h RD 1 east of Chandler beyond south Arizona; phone, 120
Hanson, Sophia Mrs.: h, east side south Oregon beyond Boston
Harden, Burtrum: assistant blacksmith,