07. The Amenities

07. The Amenities

Behind the hotel an electrically lighted concourse stretched to the west.  Guests would enjoy the fine Arizona sunsets during after dinner walks.  An orange grove was planted in the grassy center of the concourse. 





One of the most popular features of the new hotel was the grand court, a covered patio and veranda on the front of the building.  Here, hotel guests relax in rocking chairs and share the latest news and gossip.  Eastern visitors used the grand court extensively to enjoy Chandler’s spectacular winter weather.

To maximize the temperate weather, each room in the hotel opened onto an outdoor patio or balcony.  Guests staying in rooms on the north side of the building enjoyed unobstructed views of the desert to the east and north of the hotel.

Architect Arthur Burnett Benton designed a Japanese inspired tea house on the highest roof of the hotel.  The tea house offered guests a unique rooftop experience and beautiful views of the surrounding desert and distant mountains.

When entering the hotel, guests were greeted by a palatial-sized lobby.  The large fireplace and the support columns were decorated with bricks made locally at the Chandler Brick Yard.  In this picture guests enjoy a sitting area off the lobby near the grand staircase.

Comfortable wicker furniture was placed throughout the hotel.  This room was most likely the ladies writing room at the top of the stairs above the lobby.

A reception room on the second floor of the hotel offered guests a sunny place to relax and visit with family and friends.

The San Marcos guest rooms had many modern amenities.  Each room featured a private bath, electricity, and a private telephone line.  A two light chandelier hung over the dresser, and writing desks featured recessed lighting.

Custom made chandeliers lit the luxurious dining room that welcomed guests for lavish meals.

The hotel kitchen was located in the south building on Commonwealth Avenue and San Marcos Place.  The kitchen provided lavish meals for hotel guests using the most up to date culinary equipment.  Designers continued the distinctive ribbed ceiling in this building as well.

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