Past Exhibits on Display

Past Exhibits on Display


May 9th - July 16th, 2023

Gaman: Enduring Japanese American Internment at Gila River

Past Chandler Museum Exhibitions by Year


Chandler Family (Poster)

Textures of Remembrance: Vietnamese Artists and Writers Reflect on the Vietnamese Diaspora (Traveling)

History Spot: Ostriches (Kiosk)

Downtown Chandler (Poster)

Querencia: Place and Belonging in Chandler (Touring)

Then They Came for Us (Traveling)

I Want the Wide American Earth: An Asian Pacific American Story (Poster)

Picturing Women Inventors (Poster)

Focus In: Dorothea Lange’s View of Chandler (Banner)

Shutter and Sound: The Jazz Photography of Bob Willoughby (Traveling)

The Fourth Grade Project (Traveling)

After Overlord (Traveling)

Portraits of Dementia (Traveling) 

On the Clock (Poster)

Marvelocity (Traveling)

Away From Home (Traveling)

Stories from the Chandler Airport (Online)

Exploring the Dream - When Cotton was King (Online)

2005 Hispanic Heritage Month Photo Exhibit (Online)

Sediments: Layers of the Phoenix Valley (Online)

San Marcos Hotel: Windows into the Past (Online)

Chandler Sports Hall of Fame Exhibit (Online)

Chandler District Honor Roll (Online)

Chandler Centennial Centenarians (Online)



Working America (Traveling)

Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II (Poster)

Homestead North History Kiosk (Kiosk)

Home Through Our Eyes: Hamilton Art Students Respond to Picturing Home Exhibition (Collaboration)

History Spot: Ostriches (Kiosk)

1968: A Folsom Redemption (Traveling)

Store Panels—Williams Air Force Base (Banner)

Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission (Poster)

Querencia: Place and Belonging in Chandler (Tier 2)

Dr. Chandler’s 1925 Dodge (Tier III)

Aliento a Tequila (Traveling)

Chandler: A Family History (Banner)

Sorting Out Race (Traveling)

Tumbleweed Tree: A Chandler Tradition (Poster)

History Spot: Tumbleweed Tree (Kiosk)

Chandler A to Z (Signature)

DUTY--Chandler Veterans (Online)

Chandler and Its Founding (Online)

Chandler: A Family Album (Online)

A Walking Tour of Downtown Chandler (Online) 2022:



Public Objects: Artwork from the City's Permanent Collection (Collaborative)

Picturing Home: Dust Bowl Migrants in Chandler (Signature)

American Farmer (Traveling)

In the Fields of the North/ En los campos del norte (Traveling)

City of Chandler Hispanic Heritage Month Photo Exhibit (Online)

Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program, 1942-1964 (Poster)

Thrift Style (Traveling)

Arrival Stories (Tier 2)

Dr. Chandler’s 1925 Dodge (Touring)

Sign of the Times: The Great American Political Poster, 1844-2012 (Traveling)

History Spot: Tumbleweed Tree (Kiosk)

A Presidential History of Chandler (Online)

Chandler Republic Newspaper Articles (Online)

McCullough-Price House Exhibit (Online)

FAQ: Chandler (Online)

Driving Chandler's Streets (Online)

Our City's Elected Officials (Online)



Death and Diamonds: A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey from Kraków to Chandler (Tier 2)

Young at Art: A Selection of Caldecott Book Illustrations (Traveling)

Once Upon a Playground (Traveling)

Black and White in Black and White: Images of Dignity, Hope, and Diversity in America (Traveling)

Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District Art Competition (Collaborative)

Chandler: A Family History (Banner)

History Spot: Downtown Chandler (Kiosk)

September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World (Poster)

Greatest Photographs of the American West (Traveling)

Store Panels—Tumbleweed Tree (Banner)

Veteran’s Oasis (Kiosk)

Chandler's F-86d Sabre Dog (Online)

Building Bridges Oral History Project (Online)

Sediments: Layers of the Phoenix Valley (Online)



History of Walls: The Borders We Build (Traveling)

Patios, Pools, and the Invention of the American Backyard (Traveling)

Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation (Traveling)

A Million Acts of Kindness (Banner)

Focus In: Dorothea Lange’s View of Chandler (Banner)

Bigger than Boxing: Zora Folley and the 1967 Heavyweight Title (Signature)

A Celebration of Souls: Day of the Dead in Southern Mexico (Traveling)

Tumbleweed Tree: A Very Chandler Christmas (Tier 2)

Greening of the Desert (Poster)



Gaman-Enduring Japanese American Internment at Gila River (Signature)

Awkward Family Photos (Traveling)

Oblique Views: Southwest Aerial Landscapes (Traveling)

Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District Art Competition (Collaborative)

Inspired by History: A Collaborative Exhibit with the Vision Gallery (Collaborative)

Knox Elementary Academy Cardboard Challenge: Japanese Interment (Collaborative)

Infamy: December 7, 1941(Traveling)

Apron Strings: Ties to the Past (Traveling)

San Marcos In the Desert (Tier 2)

Chandler: A Family History (Banner)

Snedigar Park Kiosk (Kiosk)

Store Panels--Ostriches Are All the Rage (Banner)

Chandler History Wall (Tier 2)

Chandler Sports Hall of Fame Wall (Tier 2)

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