J.D. Halstead Lumber Company

J.D. Halstead Lumber Company

Originally called Chandler Lumber Company.

Is mentioned in the 1916 , 1917 and 1918 Chandler City Directories. Manager (first two years) is R. W. Halstead.

In the 1918 directory, Theodore Dickinson appears as the manager. The 19191920 and 1921 directories list L. L. Craft as manager. The business was on Commonwealth Ave, near the Arizona Eastern Railroad (AAER) depot, according to the 1920 directory.

-The name changed happened, because they didn't want to be mistaken with the Chandler Improvement Company

Since the first of the month, they've been receiving two carloads of lumber a week, and one week received three carloads.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-The company is going to build a warehouse near their lumberyard to store cement, plaster, and lime.  I will be 30x50 feet, and will be a solid structure of double walls and roof to keep out the heat so it won't effect the lime.  It will cost about $2,000.  The company expects a big building boom in the fall and winter, and wants to expand their business.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

-The 1923 directory said W. B. Richins was manager and that it was on south Washington. An ad that year gave its address as corner of 7th Ave. and Van Buren St.,  Phoenix, and phone numbers as  6609-5947. The ad said it offered "prompt service" and "lumber, lime and cement, hard wood flooring, composition roofing, plaster, corrugated iron roofing and all building supplies."

In the 1925 directory, W. R. Reydler is listed as manager, and the business was on south Washington. The 1926192919301931 and 1932 directories said J. M. Shearer was manager. The 1929 directory gives the address as 242 S. Washington, and the 1930, 1931 and 1932 directories said it was 150 S. Washington.