New Pool Hall

New Pool Hall

Also referred to as the New Chandler Pool Hall.  It opened on July 1, 1913.  The name is in reference to the Chandler Pool Hall.

-George Frye, representing the Brunswick-Balke people, has leased the store room in the new bank building from R.M. Turner for a new pool and billiard hall.

He plans to run a first class place with four tables of pool and billiards.  He will install a fine line of cigars and tobaccos.

The fixtures have already been opened, but will be several weeks before they arrive.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-The new hall is almost ready to open in the Bank of Chandler building.  Some of his fixtures have arrived, but he waits on others.  He plans to open in two weeks.  He says he will run a clean, up to date place, and handle cigars and soft drinks.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-After waiting five weeks, Mr. Frye's tables and other paraphernalia have arrived for his new pool hall.  He opened for the first time on Tuesday nigh and did good business.

The tables are the latest make, and he has four of them.  He is considering a billiard table also.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)

-Mr. Frye has sold half interest to M.P. Freeman.  They have added a new line of cold drinks including crushed fruit, ice cream, and milkshakes.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)