Begley, Amos H.
Begley, Amos H.
The 1921 Chandler Citty Directory said A. H. Begley was a driver for Chandler Ice.
Amos H. Bagley appears in the 1923 and 1925 Chandler City Directories as a driver for Chandler Ice Co. on south Dakota. His wife was Helen G.
The 1926 directory said he was a chauffeur for E. C. Grasty.
The 1926 directory also listed Amos H. Begley as said he and Helen lived at 228 S. Dakota.
The 1930 directory said Amos H. Begley was chief of the fire department, city marshall and superintendent of the streets department and water department. He and Helen lived at 207 W. Boston. The 1931 and 1932 directories just said Amos and Helen had the address P. O. Box 73.
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