Hotel Chandler

It is listed in the 1916, 1917 and 1918  Chandler City Directories  with David A. Jacobson as proprietor. A number of residents lived there.

Jacobson would go on to become a Chandler Councilman  from March 1920 - May 1920 and Mayor of Chandler from May 1920 - June 1922.

Hotel Chandler was on the second floor of the building at 98 S. San Marcos Place, northwest of San Marcos Place and Boston Street.  It was intended to be an affordable alternative to the luxurious San Marcos and a number of residents lived there.  The building was built in 1914 and starting in 1917, the first floor housed a series of drug stores.

It was also listed in 1921 and 1923 as being on the corner of Boston and San Marcos, with David Jacobson still the owner.