Chandler Hardware & Cycle Company

Chandler Hardware & Cycle Company

It is mentioned in the 1916,  and 1917  Chandler Directories as a hardware, bicycling and general repair business. The owner is H. G. Lemon.

The company also appears in the 1918 and 1919 Chandler City Directories with not only H.G. Lemon but W.S. Lemon as a co-owner. These two men also owned Central Blacksmith Shop and Central Garage.  The business is described as "hardware, harness, farm implements, etc."

The business is listed in the 1920 directory as as being owned by Lemon Bros, which in turn was owned by Hubert G. and Roy G. Lemon. It was on Arizona Avenue, near Boston.

An ad in the 1920 directory said it offered "deering implements, harness, paints and oils, motorcycles, bicycles and repairs, auto accessories." and free air. Phone number was 40.

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