Chandler Improvement Company

Originally known as the Mesa Improvement Company.

This real estate development  company was listed in the 1916,  1917, 1918, 1919, 1920,  1921 and 1925 Chandler City Directories. There was also a separate listing for the Chandler Improvement Co. Ranch.

Dr. A.J. Chandler is the president and R.M. Turner, vice president. Ernest J. Koch was secretary/manager.

The 1919 and 1923 directories lists A.J. Chandler and gives Koch's title as secretary and manager of real estate development.  In the 1920 directory, Chandler is president and Koch has the same title. The business was on San Marcos Place. It also had a separate listing for Chandler Improvement Co. Ranch "ft. of Boston Street."

1925, 1926: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager.

1929: The company is listed as developing "suburban homes" through Chandler Homeacres. A. J. Chandler is president; J. E. DeSouza is secretary-treasury. The business is described as real estate and development. 2 San Marcos Place, Tel 16 or 25. A Chandler Improvement Association also appears at the same address and with the same telephone number. Addison N. Clark was secretary of the association.

The 1931 and 1932 directories  said A. J. Chandler was president and that the company handled real estate and development. It was at 2 S. San Marcos Place, Tel 25. The 1932 Phoenix Telephone Directory, Chandler section, said the company was at San Marcos and Commonwealth and had the number 25. The 1940 Chandler Resident Directory said A. J. Chandler was president and Carl Ekholm, vice president. The company handled investments and farming, was on the west side  of south Arizona beyond Boston and had the phone number 25.

-The stockholders of the company have left for Los Angeles where they have offices.  They left in their private car, Magnet, last Thursday, and returned to Chandler on Wednesday.

The annual meeting was last week.

George Binkley, cheif engineer, accompanied the party to Los Angeles, and returned Wednesday morning.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-Two men have resigned from the company, Mr. J.F. Worman, one of the sales agents, and C.F. Day, who was in charge of the Phoenix office.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/7/1913)

-The  company has lost it's cheif auditor, Ernest J. Koch, but he has been replaced by Mr. Connell.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Sales manager, E.W. Hanna, has quit.  He will be going into business for himself.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-Electrician, J.M. Halstead, is being replaced by R. Miller.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-A.J. Blakely, field engineer, is being replaced by W.H. Barnes.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-On May 5th, a meeting of all landholders in Chandler will gather to meet with the Chandler Improvement Company and the Chamber of Commerce.

After some agitation from land buyers over the refund for power assessment #9, Dr. Chandler did a thorough investigation.  He decided that they were correct.  He said that at the time of purchase the issue was not made clear to them.

Land owners will be given their share of the refund of about $2.40 per acre, and the company will be handing over the deeds to the land to the purchaser.  They will also get equal representation in the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association.  

About $15,000 in refunds will be paid out, and it will mean that each owner will have enough money to help build a cotton gin.

The company plans to have all the material for a water system to be built by May 5th.  It will be for the whole townsite, and the completion of electric and phone lines the city will have all the modern conveniences.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-H.L. Jennings has been replaced by Joe Cashman as superintendent of the San Marcos Hotel.  Mr. Cashman will also be in charge of the whole townsite.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-C.J. Berg of Los Angeles, is the new cheif engineer.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-Joseph Loftus, manager, told the people at the Chamber of Commerce meeting about water supply.  The company is putting 40,000 feet of water mains with pipe from four to twelve inches with enough pressure to cause a stream to go over a three story maybe four story building.  A circulating system  will be used.  Farmers close to the townsite can connect to the system, but at their own cost.

A portion of the pipe has been ordered, and the balance will be ordered once the surveryors can lay down their lines.

It is the plan to build a large storage tanks holding 50,000 gallons and 100,000 gallons, but until then the present tank will be used.  As soon as the others are built the old one will be taken down. 

Mr. Loftus continued on to the San Marcos Hotel, which he promises will be done as soon as possible.  They are also working on propositions for the establishment of a creamery, implement house, and hardware store, and the company would cooperate  at any time for the building of better roads.  Also willing to take care of any agricultural problems that may arise.

They will also see to the levels of land are correct.  Also won't try to out sell the farmer by trying to sell them more than they could handle.

Right now the water mains are top priority.

Mr. Hansen brought up the issues of roads, and Mr. Peabody responded saying the county provides culverts and bridges for roads that are graded.  Culverts for the south road have been delivered, and for the roads going east to Higley.

Mr. Peabody went on to say that a grader and outfit had been provided by the county, but John Andersen was using it at the moment.  After Mr. Andersen is done with it then any farmer could use it.

At present agreement, the Chandler Improvement Company furnishes half the equipment, and the farmer provides the other half.  Some 29 miles of road have been graded.

The bridges over the canals are furnished by the Reclamation Service, while other bridges and culverts are provided by the county once graded and declared a county road.

Mr. Loftus stated that work on the water system will be pushed as rapidly as possible until then the townsite people are given water free of charge.  A water wagon goes around daily to fill all barrels and tanks.  Anyone not supplied can contact Paul Johnson, timekeeper of the hotel.

The refund for the power assessment #9 was also discussed by Mr. Loftus.  The refund will be used to pay off interest in the owner's land, or if paid off will go towards the principal to lower any future interest.  If the land is sold than a cash refund will be made.

As for the deeds to the land, the company wants to arrange agreements that helps both sides.  J.W. Heffner says they should appoint a committee to compromise the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce to confer with the company to draw up agreements to meet with approval of everyone.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

J. Henry Wood, an expert accountant of Los Angeles, is in Chandler auditing the books of the Chandler Improvement Company.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

-The company had a representative at the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association.  They believed that the association should work with Mesa to bargain out a deal to gin their cotton for at least a year to see if cotton will be as much of a success as they are expecting.  Then possibly get a cotton gin a year from now.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-The company was represented at the Chandler Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday where they told the settlers they need to make a decision on the deeds before it cost the company any more money.  At the end, the settlers decided in favor of the deeds.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-The company has hired H.C. Powers, formerly with the U.S. Reclamation Service in Mesa to be an assistant to Manager Loftus.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-The company is donating a lot of 50 x 144 for the new Methodist Episcopal Church.  A representative met with Rev. A.W. Adkinson about selecting a location.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-Work is being rushed to move the Chandler Improvement Company into its new offices in the San Marcos Hotel.  Counters and windows are being installed, together with shelving and other office equipment.  The woodwork is of mission style with a greenish tint.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-Several people have been hired to add to the office force.  L.E. McCausland and Miss Margaret Rabbitt have been doing stenographer  work for several weeks.  B.M. Crenshaw has been aiding in getting the books in order to permit Mr. Woods, the Los Angeles auditor, so he can get away as soon as possible.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-W. J. Robinson is an agent for the company in Santa Barbera.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-The company met with the directors' of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association after the association failed to make an agreement with the Mesa Cotton Exchange.

They agreed to build a gin in Chandler at their own cost, but the association could buy it at cost next season if desired.

A night letter was sent Western Union on June 11, 1913 stating they wanted nine Platt Gins to be shipped at once.  It was signed by E.G. Attaway, Agent.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-F.V.N. Dana has received a promotion.  He will be in charge of the offices.  P.M. James of Texas will take his position as bookkeeper.  J.M. Connell has left for Los Angeles.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-The company is the publisher of the Chandler Arizonan.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-The company has hired the Phoenix Title and Trust Company to furnish the guarantees to the farmers who wish to have a deed to their land over the original contract.  All costs are being covered by the company.  The farmers were sent a letter explaining what they need to do, and the money for the title guarantee.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-The company has reopened their Phoenix offices on Adams Street after being closed for several weeks.  It is near the Santa Fe office.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Chandler Improvement Company is replacing four big Byron-Jackson pumping plants for the Beyerle Machine Shops pumps in Mesa.  (see water supply)  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Mr. Loftus represented the company on Monday night at the meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association to discuss the building of the cotton gin here.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-The Chandler Improvement Company's office is one of the locations to drop donations for the 4th of July celebration.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-Oris Holdren has moved to Chandler to be closer to his work with the company.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-Charles W. Baldwin is the new landscape gardener for the company.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-For ranchers owning 20 or more cows, the Chandler Improvement Company will sell them land in alfalfa on the Chandler Ranch.  No downpayment and ten years to pay off.  They are in need of more dairy for the creameries now in operation.  (Reprinted from the Yuma Examiner in Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The company has handed over 60 deeds to landowners.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The company received a letter from Walter E. Johnson thanking them for the deed to his land.  He also inquired on Dr. Chandler's  inquiry on securing an alfalfa mill.  He is an official for the Southern Pacific Milling Company.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The steel for the bridges to cover the Consolidated and Eastern Canal have been picked up from Tempe, and Supervisors Dana and Ackuff will see to building it right away.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The company has hired P. Fischer as a contractor to dig the ditches for the new water works system.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Charles W. Baldwin has quit his job as landscape gardener, and has been replaced by Dan Reese.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-The company has promoted Paul Johnson to office assistant which will be combined with his hotel timekeeper position.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)

-The company is creating a "trust" among the citizens of Chandler to build a swimming pool and bath house.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-The D.M. Ferry people have retired after a quarter of century working with Dr. Chandler on improving the Chandler Ranch.

At a meeting of stockholders new officers were elected: A.J. Chandler, president; Joseph R. Loftus, vice-president and general manager; R.M. Turner, secretary and treasurer.  The directors constitute the above names, and Walter Bennett of Phoenix, and Judge John D. Pope of Los Angeles.

Dr. Chandler will gain controlling interest in the Chandler Improvement Company, and the retirement of the old board of directors will allow people who live near or in Chandler to control the decision to be made.

The senior D.M. Ferry, C.C. Bowen, and Dr. Chandler spent years and money to make Chandler what it is today.  When D.M. Ferry and C.C. Bowen died their heirs took over.  The heirs consist of Lem W. Bowen, president of the Ferry Seed Company, Dwight Cutler of Detroit, Elon Hooker, national treasurer of the Progressive Party, F.J. Sarimento of Detroit, and Avery Coonly of Illinois.  They had all made their annual visit to Chandler in February, and spent a month discussing plans and improvement to Chandler.  Due to their distance, they couldn't spend the time here they needed.

All the new officers and directors are known men of ability and energy.  They understand western conditions and how to develop it.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/18/1913)

-The company's offices will be pick up point for poison to get rid of flies in Chandler.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)

-The old offices of the company will be part of the annex for the San Marcos Hotel.  It will be divided into six rooms, and will hold the lodgings office.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)

-The company is looking for grain and other vegetation to put in their window display.  Anyone with a good crop should bring them to the office and give them to Paul Johnson.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)

-The company has hired a few Japanese gardeners from the coast to take over the truck garden vacated by W.H. England.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)

-The company received some fine specimans of onions from C.R. Gordon and H.J. Littlejohn.  Mr. Gordon brought in Sea Island Bermudas, and Mr. Littlejohn brought in Spanish grown Bermudas.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)

-The company has hired George T. Peabody as an assistant manager.  He will be in charge of the setting up of the cotton gin, and deal with the cotton pickers coming in the fall and leasing them land.  So far about 120 inquiries have been made.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)

-The company has now only one out of area office for transactions which has moved to 1101 Hollingsworth building in Los Angeles.  There are three sales offices: the Phoenix office is run by C.W. Morath, and is located at 8 W Adams Street, the Los Angeles sales is run by C.F. O'Brien company and is in the Union Oil building, while the St. Louis office is in the Frisco building and is operated by the Union Securities Company.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)

-The company is having Engineer Berg create a map of the streets in Chandler so a rural route can be established.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

-A three story building will be erected for the ginnery.  It will be 20 x 100 feet, and along the Arizonan-Eastern right of way east of town.

The gins have reached Charleston, S.C. from Liverpool, and was ordered to ship by rail to Chandler at once.  It will take about three weeks to get here.

The site was chosen by Messrs. Loftus and Peabody earlier in the week.  Excavation of the basement will start in a few days.

The basement and the first floor will be used for storing seed, while the second floor will have the gins, press, and expellor.  Then the third floor will be used to store the cotton.  It was decided not to get a compress at this point due to the desire for larger bales for better sampling.

The total cost of the plant will be around $15,000.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

-R.H. Fairbanks brought in a 52 pound melon into the offices.  It was eventually eaten by the office workers.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

CLICK HERE to see newspaper articles about Chandler Improvement Company