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Babby, M. H.
Bablon, Irma
Backer, F.
Backus, Lotta
Backus, Standish
Bacon, Joan
Bade, Lewis
Baer, Mildred M.
Bailey, Carl
Bailey, Florence
Bailey, Gladys
Bailey, Laura
Bailey, Myrtle
Bailey, William D.
Bailie, Maude D.
Bailie, Sam G.
Baker, Alfred
Baker, David A.
Baker, Doug
Baker, J. C.
Baker, Luanna
Baker, Pearl
Baker, Sam
Baker, Sarah M.
Baldo, Cecilia
Baldo, Gertrude
Baldwin, Charles W.
Baldwin, Clarence A.
Baldwin, Emma H.
Baldwin, Harriett
Baldwin, Mary
Bales, Arthur E.
Bales, Bessie
Bales, Ella
Bales, Randall
Bales, William A.
Ballard, H. G.
Ballowe, E. E.
Balmers, Roy W.
Balmes, Edward
Balmes, Irene
Balmes, Roy
Bandy, T. C.
Bangs, D. W.
Barackman, Arthur M.
Barackman, Dr. William G.
Barackman, Kathryn
Bardett, Manuel
Bardwell, James G.
Barfuss, Max
Barker, Jean M.
Barnard, A.
Barnes, A. B.
Barnes, Arthur P.
Barnes, Clarence
Barnes, Claude E.
Barnes, James T.
Barnes, Joseph E.
Barnes, Martha
Barnes, Nellie
Barnes, Ray
Barnes, Robert
Barnes, Rosa A.
Barnes, Vesta
Barnes, W. H.
Barnett, A. F.
Barnett, J. B.
Barnette, Aldine F.
Barnette, Dora
Barnette, Jane
Barnette, Jesse
Barnette, John R.
Barnette, Minnie A.
Barney, Olney B.
Baron, Jane B.
Barr, Orpha
Barr, R. J.
Barraga, Antonio
Barraga, Carman
Barrett, Alice
Barrett, O. S.
Barron, Jacinto
Barrow, Jennie B.
Barton, J. B.
Barton, Mrs. J. B.
Basha, Azez N.
Basha, Camille
Basha, Constance
Basha, Eddie, Sr.
Basha, Eddie, Jr.
Basha, Edna
Basha, Edward N.
Basha, Edwin
Basha, Esma
Basha, Ike
Basha, Isaac
Basha, Laurice
Basha, Louise
Basha, Najeeb N.
Basha, Najeeby
Basha, Zelma
Bassett, Mary
Bateman, M.
Bates, Opal
Bates, Otis
Bates, T. M.
Bauer, C. H.
Baugh, James W.
Baugh, Wes
Baugh, Zora E.
Baxter, Etta
Baxter, George G.
Baxter, Mazie J.
Bayless, W. H.
Beach, Sanjay
Beal, John
Beal, Valeda
Beall, Cyrus D.
Beals, Mildred
Bear, Kathleen R.
Bear, Paul W.
Bearden, Albert A.
Bearden, Carl L.
Bearden, Dorothy
Bearden, Leon
Bearden, Mae
Bearden, Vera
Beardsley, Herbert G.
Beardsley, Nell A.
Beasley, J. R.
Beasley, L. H.
Beatty, Claude R.
Beatty, Ella
Beatty, Sallie
Beck, Daniel D.
Beck, Hattie
Becker, James
Beckham, Anna L.
Beckham, Charles M.
Beckham, Quintilla
Beckham, Roderick C.
Bedell, Christine R.
Bedell, Edgar E.
Bedford, Anna
Bedford, W. J.
Beekley, John G.
Beer, Frank W.
Beer, Louise
Beers, Elizabeth
Beers, Samuel E.
Begley, Amos H.
Begley, Helen G.
Begley, Geraldine
Begley, Walter J.
Bell, B. O.
Bell, Elmer M.
Bell, Emma
Bell, Lorene
Belles, Steve
Bellsmith, Frank T.
Bellsmith, Marian
Belus, Andrew
Benard, A.
Benedict, George
Benites, J. M.
Benitez, Benny
Benitos, Fernando
Benitos, Jesus M. A.
Benitos, Julia
Benitos, Rita
Benn, Hans
Bennett, A. L.
Bennett, C. C.
Bennett, Charles
Bennett, Eula
Bennett, Frank
Bennett, James E.
Bennett, Mrs.
Bennett, Nellie P.
Bennett, Ruby
Bennett, Walter
Bentley, Maude
Benton, Arthur Burnett
Benton, Ralph S.
Berg, C. J.
Berg, Janet
Berg, Oscar W.
Berge, Tiffany Pedersen
Bergsma, Alaina
Bergum, John
Bergum, Salena
Berkelew, J. W.
Bernard, Albert
Bernard, Rosalene
Bernasconi, Rosa
Bernetzke, Charles
Berry, Cordell

Berry, D. R.
Berry, Edith
Berry, Franklin I.
Berry, Gladys
Berry, W. E.
Berton, Viola
Berton, William
Beydler, Clara
Beydler, William R.
Beye, Alma
Beye, J. W.
Beye, Larne
Bickford, Jay Bob
Bickford, Kim
Bidgood, Harvy
Billings, Fred
Bilue, John W.
Bilue, Kinchen F.
Bilue, Ruth
Bingham, Mrs.
Binion, Gertrude
Binion, Martin H.
Binkley, Bertha Kroell
Binkley, George H.
Binkley, Joanna Elizabeth
Binkley, Margaret
Birdwell, Daniel F.
Birdwell, Pearl
Birks, P. D.
Bishop, John B.
Bishop, Reverend Thomas O.
Bishop, Verna
Bjork, I. H.
Black, E. B.
Black, E. James
Black, E. V.
Black, Edgar
Black, Eugene C.
Black, George H.
Black, Howard
Black, James N.
Black, Jessie
Black, John W.
Black, Lizzie
Black, William T.
Blackburn, George
Blackshere, Ella
Blackshere, Frank E.
Blackwell, Ben
Blackwell, Lulu
Blackwell, W. M.
Blackwell, William M.
Blair, Ben
Blair, Julia
Blake, A. Elizabeth
Blake, Alice
Blake, Edward M.
Blake, Edward T.
Blake, Frank O.
Blake, Grace E.
Blake, Mark A.
Blake, Mary
Blakely, A. J.
Blnachard, C. J.
Bland, Ida
Bleak, Ellye
Bleak, Richard M.
Blevins, Annie
Blevins, G. J.
Blevins, Jack
Block, Cecile
Block, Dave
Boakin, Reverend W. H.
Boatwright, David W.
Boatwright, Lena
Boatwright, Odessa
Boatwright, Lena D.
Boberg, Palmer
Bodwell, J. L.
Bodwell, Mrs. J. L.
Boedwell, Susan
Boel, Anna
Boel, Chris
Boel, Christina
Boggard, Betty
Bogle, Jackson
Bojorquez, Delores
Bolen, Berenice Blair Dossey
Bolen, Ordie P.
Bolton, Anna
Bolton, George L.
Bond, Gladys
Bond, William H.
Booker, Don
Booker, Loga B.
Booker, Willie
Booth, Albert
Booth, Barefoot
Booth, Frank C.
Booth, George F.
Booth, Kathleen B.
Booth, Nellie A.
Booth, Susie J.
Borella, J. I.
Borquez, Manuel
Bosario, Frank
Boswell, Charles
Boswell, Georgie
Boswell, John
Boswell, Rufus
Bottenham, E. A.
Bottler, Ernest
Bouton, Callie
Bouton, Frank H.
Bouton, Harvey S.
Bouton, Pearl
Bouton, Sarah J.
Bowen, C. C.
Bowen, Lem W.
Bowen, S. W. J.
Bowlen, Charles
Bowlen, Charles (m. Kathleen)
Bowlen, Kathleen
Bowlen, Raymond
Bowlen, Wayne
Bowling, Alice
Bowling, Charles V.
Bowling, E. Gertrude
Bowling, J. V.
Bowling, Samuel
Bowman, Bessie
Bowman, Rance L.
Boyd, Charles W.
Boyd, Della F.
Boyd, Maurine
Boyles, Martha A.
Bracamonte, Peter
Brackelew, J. W.
Bradford, W. M.
Bradford, Walter C.
Bradley, Andrew T.
Bradley, Anna F.
Bradley, Carrie L.
Bradley, George R.
Bradley, Lina
Bradley, Mrs. S. S.
Bradley, S. S.
Brady, Edward
Bragg, George W.
Brainerd, Harry D.
Braley, James A.
Braley, Nathan V.
Braley, Rebecca J.
Branaman, Agnes C.
Brandenburg, William H.
Brass, Carolinn
Brass, Charles N.
Brass, Cora Belle Merchant
Brass, Coralinn
Brass, Nellie
Brass, Orson
Bray, Fred
Brayman, Bill
Breaton, Harry F.
Breaton, Mae
Breckler, Anne C.
Breckler, Leonard B.
Breckler, Leonard S.
Breckler, Anne
Breckler, Elsie
Breckler, Jack
Breckler, John
Breed, John W.
Breed, Stella
Breshears, Mahala
Breshears, Nathan
Breslow, Louise
Breustedt, Laura S.
Breustedt, Otto W.
Brewer, A.
Brewer, A. R.
Brewer, Lucille
Brewer, Mrs. A. Pomeroy
Brewer, W. W.
Brewster, Marshall
Brewster, Mary
Brewster, Ruth
Brigham, J. W.
Bright, Cordelia
Bright, Thomas
Brillhart, William R.
Brimhall, Delta
Brimhall, O.
Brinkley, Ethel
Brinkley, John
Brinkman, Earl
Brinkman, Leona
Brion, A. A.
Brion, Betty

Brion, Dorothy
Brion, Margaret G.
Brion, Robert L.
Brittenham, Rosa B.
Broadwell, Lawrence
Brock, G. A.
Brock, Mrs. G. A.
Brockett Doris
Brockett, harry
Brockett, Henrietta
Brockett, Jewel B.
Brockett, L. W.
Brockets, Lawrence D.
Brockett, Leone
Brockett, Martin Luther
Brockett, Mary E.
Brockett, W. H.
Brodie, Isabel
Broek, Marlin
Broesamle, Jane
Brok, L.
Brolliar, Daniel W.
Brolliar, Rose
Bromby, James
Bronson, Elva
Bronson, Jesse H.
Brookins, Gertrude
Brookins, Mamie
Brookins, Merrill
Brookins, Mildred
Brookins, Robert
Brookins, Robley
Brookins, Roger
Brookins, T. A.
Brookins, Ward
Brooks, A. J.
Brooks, Arthur L.
Brooks, Arthur R.
Brooks, Beatrice
Brooks, Bill
Brooks, Carl B.
Brooks, Carl M.
Brooks, Carl W.
Brooks, Celestia
Brooks, Clinton W.
Brooks, Dallas
Brooks, Geraldine L.
Brooks, H. Edwin
Brooks, Irene W.
Brooks, Jerry
Brooks, John P.
Brooks, John W.
Brooks, Laura S.
Brooks, Mary
Brooks, Mary E.
Brooks, May
Brooks, Mrs. W. A.
Brooks, Pearl E.
Brooks, Stanford M.
Brooks, T. H.
Brooks, Vera L.
Brooks, Verna V.
Brooks, W. A.
Brooks, Washington A.
Brooks, William
Brooks, William (m. Mary E.)
Brooks, William, Jr.
Brooks, William T.
Brooks, Zella
Brown, Anna
Brown, Arthur A.
Brown, Audrey
Brown, Bert O.
Brown, Bessie
Brown, C. H.
Brown, C. M.
Brown, Chanel
Brown, Clarence H.
Brown, D. Luther
Brown, Earl M.
Brown, Edward D. “Buster”
Brown, Edwin H.
Brown, Elvis
Brown, Florence
Brown, Ford
Brown, Frankie
Brown, G. P.
Brown, George B.
Brown, Grover P.
Brown, Harry A.
Brown, Irene
Brown, J. F.
Brown, J. T.
Brown, J. W.
Brown, John L.
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Julia
Brown, Lee
Brown, Lucille
Brown, Maggie
Brown, Marshall
Brown, Mary
Brown, Mayme
Brown, Nora M.
Brown, Pauline
Brown, R. E.
Brown, Ralph
Brown, Robert O.
Brown, Ruby
Brown, S. L.
Brown, Sarah
Brown, Viola
Brown, W. P.
Brown, Willis
Browning, Eva M.
Browning, Mack C.
Brownlee, Margaret
Brubaker, Ethel
Brubaker, Henry E.
Brugman, Alice
Brundage, Leon
Brunning, A.
Bruno, Patti
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryson, Clara
Bruchanan, Adeline
Buchanan, Thomas M.
Buckelew, J. W.
Buel, Lawrence
Buel, Robert
Buelna, Lorenz
Buelna, Theresa
Buerger, H.
Bufanda, Jose
Bufanda, Perlina
Buhl, Melissa
Bundick, Alice
Burces, Charles
Burge, Lydia
Burge, Russell L.
Burge, William
Burk, A. S.
Burk, Ben
Burk, Bessie
Burk, Cora
Burk, Freda
Burk, J. Irwin
Burk, L. C.
Burk, Ward C.
Burkett, Bernice L.
Burkett, William P.
Burnett, C. M.
Burnett, C. Elburn
Burnett, Charles Marvin
Burnett, Ida M.
Burnett, O. O.
Burnett, Opal
Burnham, Charles M.
Burnham, Ethel M.
Burns, George W.
Burns, Mrs. T. F.
Burns, R. W.
Burns, T. F.
Burns, Tom
Burns, Vinna
Burridge, Frances M.
Burridge, Frank E.
Burris, C. F.
Burris, Floyd
Busby, Lulu
Busby, Walter
Buscaglia, Dante
Butler, Barbara
Butler, Bessie
Butler, Reverend Edmond G.
Butler, George T.
Butler, Gertrude L.
Butler, James
Butler, Margaret
Butler, Reverend William F.
Butner, Issac
Butterfield, Bessie I.
Butterfield, Lillian
Butterfield, Raleigh
Butterfield, Shirley D.
Byars, Lelia
Byars, Wirt E.
Bybee, Sunshine
Bynum, Birdie L.
Bynum, Carl H.
Bynum, Fay L.
Bynum, Jasper T.
Bynum, Mary E.
Byrd, Curtis
Byrd, Ethel
Byrd, Tyrone
Byrne, John M.
Byrne, Melissa

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