S. A. Gerrard & Company
Saba & Romley
Safeway Stores
Salt River Valley Water Users Association
Sam Hassed Store
Sam’s Wash House Laundry
San Marcos Beauty Salon
San Marcos Cleaners
San Marcos Fairways
San Marcos Fairways Golf Club
San Marcos Garage
San Marcos Hotel
San Marcos Hotel Barber Shop
San Marcos in the Desert
San Marcos Indian Shop
San Marcos Knitting Service
San Marcos Millinery
San Marcos Stables
San Marcos Studio & Book Shop
Sanitary Market
Sawdey & Hunt
School Grocery
Scottish Union & National Insurance Company
Serrano Brothers
Shell Auto Service
Sid Fisher Motor Company
Slauson Apartments
Smith & Gaylord
Smith & Shumate
South Side Implement Company
Southern Pacific Railroad Company
Southside Garage
Southside Gas & Electric Company
Southwest Cotton Company
Southwest Garage
Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Company
Sprouse Reitz Company
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company
Standard Oil Company of California
Stanford Brothers
Star Drilling
Stevens & Davis
Sugar Bowl Service Station
Suhwaro Hotel
Sunset Bakery