Brugman, Alice

Brugman, Alice


SPOUSES: William Brugman

CHILDRENEmily Brugman Childs


Alice Brugman, who came to Arizona from California to be with her daughter, planted a Wistaria tree in 1890s that is now considered the largest flowering plant in the world, according to the Guiness World Records.  The tree is still thriving today in Sierra Madre, California on the land that she and her husband had once owned.  The home they lived in was knocked down after the tree overtook it by growing into the walls and fireplace and causing the roof to collapse.  Today in Sierra Madre, they still hold a Wistaria Festival in honor of the tree she had planted about 115 years ago.

-Mrs. Brugman and her daughter, Emily Childs, have arrived in Chandler to take up 40 acres southwest of town.  They will proceed at once putting in a crop.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-Mrs. Brugman of Los Angeles County, California came to Chandler on Monday to attend a meeting of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce.  She has 40 acres in section 32, and is planning to settle here permamently.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)