Rinear, Ezra Deross

BIRTH: March 28, 1854
DEATH: June 16, 1936

SPOUSES: Minerva Elizabeth Tompkins

CHILDREN: B.C. Rinear, Clarence E. Rinear, Nora (Rinear) Montgomery

PARENTS:John Rinear, Elizabeth Hoffman

OTHER: Carl Rinear (grandson), Earl Rinear (grandson), Roy Rinear (grandson), DeRoss Montgomery (grandson)

-Mr. Rinear was in a car accident, and he survived with little injury when he tried to miss hitting a cow.  He was helped by locals who heard the crash.

The next day the same machine came upon severely injured people in a car accident.  The people in the Mr. Rinear's car included Mr. Rinear's son, B.C. Rinear, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Montgomery, Marie Eldridge, and Lewis Bade.  People in the accident were J.B. Barnett, Dr. M.E. Gibbons, ten year old daughter of S.W.J. Bowen, and Mrs. Bennett.  The accident was to be believed to be caused by a breakage in the stearing gear.  The car had fallen into the Eastern Canal.  E.D. Rinear was not in the vehicle.  (Chandler Arizonan 12/20/1912)

-Mr. Rinear rode with John Andersen to get more herd for his farm.  (Chandler Arizonan 1/17/1913)

-Mr. Rinear's son, B.C. Rinear, was married last Wednesday to Marie Roberta Eldridge.  They will occupy a home near him.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)

-Along with John Andersen, George Peabody, and others from the Chandler district have been passing out petitions against the county division.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/14/1913)

-Mr. Rinear went with R.A. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Montgomery to the Mexican border on Monday.  They stopped in Florence, and then Tucson before heading to the border.  On the way back, they'll probably stop in Bisbee.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/14/1913)

-While in the town of Nogales, near the Mexican border, Mr. Rinear, Robert A. Grant, and the Montgomerys came upon a Mexican battle between the rebels and the federals.  Mrs. Montgomery stayed at the hotel while the men watched from a hill at a house where the woman wouldn't leave.  Several bullets hit the home.

The group was considering doing some desert claims in southern Arizona.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/21/1913)

-Mr. Rinear is all smiles now that the electricity is working at his store.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/4/1913)

-Mr. Rinear went with Mrs. B.C. Rinear, Mrs. L.J. Montgomery, and Master DeRoss Montgomery to the Roosevelt Dam on Sunday morning, but returned Sunday evening when they couldn't find a suitable place to camp.  They decided to go to the Granite Reef Dam instead and to remain for some time.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/11/1913)

-Mr. Rinear has been keeping camp for almost a month now at Granite Reef Dam.  He was joined last week by Mr. and Mrs. Berton Rinear, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, and son, DeRoss, and the editor and his family.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-Mr. Rinear will be working on improving ten acres of alfalfa land that his son, Berton, and Logan Montgomery bought from George C. Smith.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-Mr. Rinear was poisoned last Sunday.  He was a victim of ptomaine poisoning from eating canned salmon.  A few hours after eating he became ill and spent a restless night.  A doctor was called in the morning.  He is resting well now, and should be up and well soon.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-Mr. Rinear was elected to the Board of Directors for the Chandler Chamber of Commerce at a meeting held on Monday.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

-Mr. Rinear went with Mrs. Montgomery and her son, DeRoss, and Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Meyer and their daughter, Lucille,  on a motor trip to Phoenix.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Mr. Rinear bought five acres from D.M. Arnold for $155 an acre.  The land adjoins the other ten already owned by the family near their store.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)

-Mr. Rinear went with Logan Montgomery and S.A. Meyer and family to Sacaton to see the expert there, Mr. E.W. Hudson.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. Rinear's eldest son, Clarence, and family are here from Spokane, Washington.  The family traveled in an Overland car for over 2,000 miles.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)

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