Toston, Maggie

Toston, Maggie

-Mrs. Thomas Toston is putting out quite a few fruit trees.

She lives north of town, and is building a modern cow barn for her dairy.  She is also installing the most modern and approved milking machinery, and is going into the dairying business on an extensive scale.

She has sold the DeHart twenty near the townsite to Mr. Lecky.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/14/1913)

-Mrs. Toston and her husband, Thomas, are having their buildings on their Arizona Blvd property repainted.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-Mrs. Toston told her visitor about first coming to Arizona, and showed him the buildings on her and her husband's, Thomas,  property.  She and her husband came here from Tulane, California and before that Montana, where he owned 19 sections of land.

She started her brood with eight hens about a year and a half ago.  The thoroughbred strains are Buff Orphingtons and White Leghorns.  Her roosters are costing $10 a piece.  She says her hens make about a one dollar in profits yearly.  They require little attention, and can be made to pay a larger profit if given proper care.  Most of her eggs are sold for breeding purposes.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

-Mrs. Toston was brought into Mesa by automobile with George C. Smith, when her husband was severely injured in a buggy accident and was in the hospital.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)