Toston, Thomas

Toston, Thomas

-Mr. Toston and his wife, Maggie, are having their buildings on their Arizona Blvd property repainted.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-In the first year, Mr. and Mrs. Toston made $6,000 off their 160 acres of land.  They were new to the conditions and unable to accomplish all they wanted to do.  The land is just off Arizona Blvd, and about a half mile north of town.

The acerage this year is in alfalfa and grain, and some 40 acres in oats.  The men are busy in cutting and stacking the hay.  The barn is 150 feet long, where the cows are milked, and the chickens make it their abode.  They milk the cows by machinery using a two horse power motor the purpose.  They milk about 20 cows. 

They want the farmers to secure electricity and milking machinery.  The cows are mixed being Jerseys, Holsteins, and Durhams.  The cows produce 5.5 gallons of milk a day with a 6 percent test.  The dairy herd is all registered.

The Tostons have a total of 22 cows, 85 Poland China hogs, and 200 chickens.

They came to Chandler nearly two years ago from Tulane, California.  Prior to that they resided in Montana where Mr. Toston had 19 sections of land.

The land is being improved, and cost about $5,000.  They have a number of buildings.  Adjoining the barn is the separator room, where the cream is separated from the milk by electricity.  A small yard separates the house from the barn.  Near the house is the pumping plant with a small space for storage.

An acre and a half is used for a family orchard with trees of different kinds being set out.  The driveway is lined with young trees which in a few years will provide shade.  They are not done improving the land, but will continue doing so.  They plant to build a house also.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

-Mr. Toston has planted ten acres of peaches.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/16/1913)

-Mr. Toston is considering going to California to buy at least a carload of dairy cows.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/16/1913)

-The Arizona Labor Journal has printed a few images of Chandler including Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Toston's home.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-Mr. Toston was driving a team of high strung horses near the railroad tracks in Mesa on Wednesday afternoon, when a passing engine frightened the horses.  When they bolted he was thrown out of the buggy, and hit his forehead on the hard pavement.  He was rendered unconscious, and did not come to for six hours.

He was taken to Palmer Hospital in Mesa, and Dr. Palmer was summoned.  After an examination, a telephone message was sent to Mrs. Toston, and George C. Smith drove her in his automobile to the hospital.  Mr. Smith reported that Mr. Toston was in a very serious condition, and was still unconscious. 

He is awake, but unsure of a fracture.

Mr. Toston is 61 years old.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Mr. Toston is making a rapid recovery after he was thrown out of his buggy several weeks ago.  He was lucky not to have cracked his skull, and is not suffering any ill effects.

He has hired L.R. White for his dairying business.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. Toston said on Tuesday that he is keeping  140 head of cattle on his 40 acres of alfalfa land for George Taylor of Mesa.  He is using the alfalfa to feed them.  Another 175 will be kept on another 40 acres in a few days.

He believes feeding stock brings as much money or more than selling the hay.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/18/1913)

-Mr. Toston's helper, R.L. White, has gone to Mesa to buy livestock, and plans to go into partnership.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

-The 1917 Chandler directory lists him as a farmer.