Worley, Arthur B.

Worley, Arthur B.

He appears in the 1919 Chandler (Arizona) City Directory as a blacksmith, married to Dora Worley.  The 1920 and 1921directores said he was a rancher and that they lived on Cleveland St.

Victor Worley lived with them. (1920, 1921)

The 1923 directory shows him as a truck operator. He and Dora lived on north Colorado, near Cleveland. Living with them (1923) were Artie Worley and Boone Worley.

The 1925 directory listed him as a farmer, and said he and Dora lived on north Colorado.

The 1926 directory said he was a carpenter, living at the same place. Artie B. Worley, Boone M.Worley and Leola Worley lived with them.

The 1929 directory said he was a carpenter and that he, Dora and Leola lived at 297 S. California.

The 1930 directory said he was a carpenter, living at 187 W. Boston, with Boone Worley and Leola Worley.

The 1931 and 1932 difrectories gave the same information but said they lived at 303 W. Boston.