Community Methodist Episcopal Church

-Dr. A.W. Adkinson of Los Angeles was in Chandler on Monday evening to organize a Methodist Episcopal Church.

The new board members of trustees were elected.  They are Mr. B.L. Marsh, Dr. K.M. Gilbert,  and Mr. F.I. Berry, 

The board of stewards are Mrs. Minnie Marsh, Mrs. W.H. Stowe, and Mrs. Olive Quartier.

Superintendant Larmour wishes the public to know that there is no change to Sunday School, and it is still a union school.  (Chandler Arizonan 1/24/1913)

-The church will have bi-weekly services, and last Sunday, Rev. Larmour gave a sermon on "A Self Made Man," which was able to hold the audience's attention.  Attendance is increasing each meeting.  Sunday School meeting is next Sunday and will be union,and Christian Endeavor will be that evening at 7:30 p.m.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913) 

-Rev. Edward D. Raley has made two visits to Chandler last week.  He has promised that there will be a new and permament church built here.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/21/1913)

-The church is planned to cost around $3,500, and Dr. A.J. Chandler has promised a site for it.  They would also like to build a parsonage on the land donated.

The money from the box social is the first donated to the building fund.  They have been promised at least $500 from the Church Extension Society.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/28/1913)

-The school house was packed for Rev. Larmour's sermon on George Washington.  The 10:30 service of the union school had over 80 in attendance more than the last sabbath.  Next Sunday, the Epworth League will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/28/1913)

-A chicken pie supper will be hosted by Mrs. Minnie Marsh on Saturday at 6 p.m.  It will benefit the new church.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/14/1913)

-The first Methodist Church in Chandler has been formally organized with 33 charter members at a conference led by Rev. Adkinson, Rev. Raley of Phoenix, and Rev. Larmour of Chandler. 

The charter members are Rev. E.N. Larmour, Mrs. Alice Larmour, B.L. Marsh, Minnie M. Marsh, R.A. Hansen, Sylvia Hansen, J.M. Halstead, Gladys Berry, Irene Roden, V.T. Edwards, Estella Edwards, W.H. Stowe, Mrs. W.H. Stowe, M.H. Babby, Dr. Kramer M. Gilbert, Bessie S. Gilbert, Arnold Dorman, R. Cleveland, Coralinn Brass, D.F. Russell, Mrs. D.F. Russell, Jean Rogers, Olive M. Quartier, Mrs. Wiggin, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Lecky, Mrs. Emma Muse, Mrs. E.B. Lemon, Thomas Stowe, Adelbert Edwards, Randolph Russell, Mildred Russell, Doris Russell, Winona Marsh, and Chester Marsh.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/21/1913)

-The Church will have regular services every Sunday, and an Easter program is planned.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/21/1913)

-Rev. A.W. Adkinson was back in Chandler to see about bringing in a new pastor, and the building of the church.  He met with a representative of the Chandler Improvement Company to pick a site for the new church.  The lot is being donated by the company at 50' x 144' lot size.  The lot is about a block from the tracks, and a block below the Halstead home running east and west.

Rev. Adkinson announced at a meeting Friday that he met with a pastor in California interested in moving, but wanted a gurantee of salary sufficient for living on.  He would handle Gilbert also to combine salaries.  Chandler needs to raise some more funs to have enough money.

Rev. Larmour was hoped to be able to do the job, but because of health and other duties isn't able to continue.

It will be known in a few days if the California man can come.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

In the 1918 Chandler City Directory, Rev. William Reberger is listed as the pastor. The 1921 directory said the church was on Cleveland, between California and Dakota and that Rev. David Roberts was pastor. 

The 1923 directory said Frank R. Speck was the pastor and that the church was on California, at the southwest corner of Cleveland.

The 1925 directory listed Rev. Walter T. Loomis as pastor. The 1926 directory just says it was on Cleveland, between California and Dakota.

The 1929 directory said Rev. W. F. Butler was pastor and gave the address as 245 W. Cleveland. The 1930 directory identified the pastor as Rev. John Wesley Grande. In the 1931 and 1932 directories, the church is called Community Methodist Episcopal Church, and J. V. Taylor is pastor. The address remained 245 W. Cleveland.