Frasher Foto Postcard Collection

Frasher Foto Postcard Collection

The Frasher collection consists of "Main Street" views of small southwestern towns and ghost towns, which no longer exist or have changed dramatically since they were first photographed. Frasher systematically photographed roadside cafes, lunch stands and restaurants; civic buildings such as schools, hospitals, post offices and churches; bridges, dams, highways and other major construction projects. He also photographed storefronts, group meetings, horse shows, automobiles, and county fairs. (Frasher was for many years the official photographer of the Los Angeles County Fair).

Burton Frasher Sr. (1888-1955) began his commercial photography business in Lordsburg (now LaVerne) California in 1914. In 1921, he moved his studio to Pomona, California, where he began to sell his own increasingly popular picture postcard views of the Southwest. By the end of the 1920's, what had begun as a sideline became Frasher's main business focus. He traveled extensively through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada, ranging up through Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, and down through Baja, California and Sonora, Mexico, taking pictures of whatever subjects he thought would prove commercially viable on his postcards. During the Depression and pre-war years, the business expanded to the point that Frasher could hire photographers who doubled as salesmen to travel the Southwest taking new views and selling postcards. In 1948, over 3 1/2 million "Frasher Fotos" postcards were sold nationwide. By the time of his death in 1955, Burton Frasher was considered the Southwest's most prolific photographer.






  1. "WM. Wrigley Residence seen from Arizona Biltmore / Near Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. "View of WM. Wrigley Residence / From Biltmore Estates / Near Phoenix, Arizona"

  3. "Hilltop View of Arizona Biltmore Hotel North of Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. "Arizona Biltmore Hotel near Phoenix, Arizona"





  1. "Arizona Biltmore Hotel Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. "West Front / of / State Capitol Building Law Library Building Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Entrance/to/Camel/Back/Inn / North of /Phoenix/Arizona

  4. COPY "Entrance/to/Camel/Back/Inn / North of /Phoenix/Arizona




  1. "Cactus Garden / at / Camel Back Inn / Phoenix / Arizona"

  2. COPY "Cactus Garden / at / Camel Back Inn / Phoenix / Arizona"

  3. "Entrance to main Building / Jokakae Inn / North of/Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Entrance to main Building / Jokakae Inn / North of/Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Just a Glimpse of Phoenix Junior College / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "Just a Glimpse of Phoenix Junior College / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Central Avenue North of Phoenix/is/Arbored with Old Olive Trees"

  4. COPY "Central Avenue North of Phoenix/is/Arbored with Old Olive Trees"




  1. "Picnic Spot/in/South Mountain Recreation Area / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "Picnic Spot/in/South Mountain Recreation Area / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Club House/in/Encanto Municipal park / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Club House/in/Encanto Municipal park / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Glimpse of Clubhouse from Lagoon/in/Encanto park / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "Glimpse of Clubhouse from Lagoon/in/Encanto park / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Entrance to Phoenix Country Club / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Entrance to Phoenix Country Club / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "The Club House / Phoenix Country Club / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "The Club House / Phoenix Country Club / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Palm Lined / Central Avenue / North of McDowell Road / Phoenix Arizona

  4. COPY "Palm Lined / Central Avenue / North of McDowell Road / Phoenix Arizona




  1. "Arizona State Capitol and Grounds/View looking West/Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. COPY "Arizona State Capitol and Grounds/View looking West/Phoenix, Arizona"

  3. "State Capitol and Lt. Frank Luke, Jr., Memorial / Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. COPY "State Capitol and Lt. Frank Luke, Jr., Memorial / Phoenix, Arizona"




  1. "East Front of State Capitol Building / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "East Front of State Capitol Building / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "United States Post Office / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "United States Post Office / Phoenix Arizona”




  1. "Post Office and Westward-Ho Hotel / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "Post Office and Westward-Ho Hotel / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "San Carlos Hotel / Corner of Central Ave. and Monroe St. / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "San Carlos Hotel / Corner of Central Ave. and Monroe St. / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Looking North on Central Avenue from Adams Hotel Corner / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "Looking North on Central Avenue from Adams Hotel Corner / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Looking North on Central Avenue / from corner of Washington St. / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Looking North on Central Avenue / from corner of Washington St. / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Looking West on Washington Street from Corner of Central Avenue"

  2. COPY "Looking West on Washington Street from Corner of Central Avenue"

  3. "Looking West on Washington / Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. COPY "Looking West on Washington / Phoenix, Arizona"



  1. "Looking East on Washington from Court House Corner / Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. COPY "Looking East on Washington from Court House Corner / Phoenix, Arizona"

  3. "Looking East on Washington Street from corner of Central Avenue / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Looking East on Washington Street from corner of Central Avenue / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Hotel Adams and Valley National Bank Building corner of Cent-ral Ave. and Adams St. / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. "Phoenix, Arizona, Seen From Sun Decks of Westward Ho Hotel"

  3. "St. Mary's Catholic Church / Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. "First Presbyterian Church / Corner of Monroe and Fourth Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona"




  1. "St. Francis Xavier Parish School North Central Avenue / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "St. Francis Xavier Parish School North Central Avenue / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "St. Matthew's Catholic Church and Convent / 2106 West Van Buren Street, Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. COPY "St. Matthew's Catholic Church and Convent / 2106 West Van Buren Street, Phoenix, Arizona"




  1. "St. Joseph's Hospital / 425 N. Fourth St. / Phoenix Arizona"

  2. COPY "St. Joseph's Hospital / 425 N. Fourth St. / Phoenix Arizona"

  3. "Good Samaritan Hospital corner of N. tenth St. and McDowell Road / Phoenix Arizona"

  4. COPY "Good Samaritan Hospital corner of N. tenth St. and McDowell Road / Phoenix Arizona"




  1. "Lois Grunow Memorial Clinic / E. McDowell Road at N. 10th Street, Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. COPY "Lois Grunow Memorial Clinic / E. McDowell Road at N. 10th Street, Phoenix, Arizona"

  3. "Camel Back Mountain Northeast of Phoenix / Seen from Vicinity of Papago Park / Phoenix, Arizona"

  4. COPY "Camel Back Mountain Northeast of Phoenix / Seen from Vicinity of Papago Park / Phoenix, Arizona"




  1. "Church of Jesus Christ latter Day Saints / 3rd Ward, Phoenix, Arizona"

  2. "U.S. Post Office / Corner of E. Broadway and Scott Street / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "St. Philip's in the Hills / Episcopal / Tuscon Arizona"

  4. "Flying V Ranch Near Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "El Conquistador Hotel / On East Broadway, Tucson, Arizona"

  2. "Entering Sabino Canyon Near Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Sabino Canyon Near Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "Sabino Canyon Near Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "Tucson Mountains as seen from Picture Rocks 13 miles North-west of Tucson Arizona"

  2. "Picture Rocks / 13 miles North of Tucson, Arizona, showing pictures etched in rock by Indians 2,000 years ago."

  3. "San Xavier Mission / Founded in 1692, Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "San Xavier Mission / Founded in 1692, Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "San Xavier Mission / Founded in 1692, Tucson, Arizona"

  2. "Senior High School Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "City Hall Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "Public Welfare and Health Center Tucson, Arizona"



  1. "Temple of Music and Art Tucson, Arizona"

  2. "Southern Pacific Depot, Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Pima County Courthouse / Tucson Arizona"

  4. "Carnegie Free Library / Tuscon Arizona"



  1. "Elks Club / Tucson Arizona"

  2. "Morgan McDermott Post No. 7 American legion / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Masonic Temple Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "Women's Club Building Tucson Arizona"




  1. "Benedictine Sanctuary of Perpetual Adoration Tucson Arizona"

  2. "Benedictine Sactuary of Perpetual Adoration of Christ, The King, Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Chapel Entrance / Benedictine Sanctuary of Perpetual Adoration of Christ The King / Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "'Snob Hollow' one of Tucson's Elite Residential Areas”




  1. "Municipal Golf Course, Tucson, Arizona"

  2. "Catalina Mountains / As seen from / The Lodge on the Desert / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Congress Street Looking East / Tucson Arizona"

  4. "First Methodist Church / Tucson Arizona"




  1. "Grace Episcopal Church / Tucson Arizona"

  2. "First Church of Christ Scientist / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Administration Building U.S. Veterans Facility / Tucson Arizona"

  4. "Entrance to Grounds of U.S. Veterans Hospital Tucson Arizona"




  1. "Main Entrance to U.S. Veterans Hospital/ Tucson Arizona"

  2. "U.S. Veterans Hospital in its Desert Setting / Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Occupational Therapy Building U.S. Veterans Hospital Tucson, Arizona"

  4. "U.S. Veterans Hospital / Occupational Therapy Biilding in foreground / Tucson Arizona"




  1. "Main gate / University of Arizona / Tucson Arizona"

  2. "University of Arizona / Library and College of Liberal Arts Buildings / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Steward Observatory / University of Arizona / Tucson"

  4. "Mines and Metallurgy / University of Arizona / Tucson"




  1. "University of Arizona Library / Tucson Arizona"

  2. "Yuma Hall Women's Dormatory / University of Arizona / Tucson"

  3. "Gila Hall a Women's Dormatory /University of Arizona / Tucson"

  4. "Maricopa Hall a Women's Dormatory / University of Arizona / Tucson"




  1. "Cochise Hall / University of Arizona / Tucson"

  2. "Arizona Hall / University of Arizona / Tucson"

  3. "Infirmary at the University of Arizona / Tucson"

  4. "Old Tucson, Arizona - Accurate Replica of Tucson in 1860 / Built for the Movie 'Arizona'"




  1. "Women's Building / University of Arizona / Tucson Arizona"

  2. COPY "Women's Building / University of Arizona / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Science Building and Gymnasium Beyond / University of Arizona, tucson, Arizona"

  4. COPY "Science Building and Gymnasium Beyond / University of Arizona, tucson, Arizona"




  1. "Herring Hall beyond Yavapai Hall / Herring Hall houses the Uni-versity's Dept. of the Drama / Tucson, Arizona"

  2. COPY "Herring Hall beyond Yavapai Hall / Herring Hall houses the Uni-versity's Dept. of the Drama / Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Facade of College of Fine Arts, Univertity / of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona"

  4. COPY "Facade of College of Fine Arts, Univertity / of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "The Little Shop Among the Trees / at / Reid's Rancho palo Verde / Tucson Arizona"

  2. COPY "The Little Shop Among the Trees / at / Reid's Rancho palo Verde / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Palm Shaded Pool at Reid's Rancho Palo Verde / North of Tucson Arizona"

  4. COPY "Palm Shaded Pool at Reid's Rancho Palo Verde / North of Tucson Arizona"




  1. "The University Methodist Church / Center of East Third Street and Euclid Ave. / Tucson, Arizona"

  2. COPY "The University Methodist Church / Center of East Third Street and Euclid Ave. / Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Cloistered Patio View of St. Philips in the Hills / in the Foothills of the Santa Catalinas, North of Tucson, Arizona"

  4. COPY "Cloistered Patio View of St. Philips in the Hills / in the Foothills of the Santa Catalinas, North of Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "Tucson Arizona / Catalina Mountains in the Background"

  2. "Air View of Old Tucson in Tucson Mountain Park Recreational Area Arizona"

  3. "Airplane View of Downtown Tucson Arizona"

  4. "U.S. Veterans' Hospital, Tucson, Arizona"




  1. "St. Mary's Hospital and Sanatorium Tucson, Arizona"

  2. "Looking West on Congress Street / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Stone Avenue / Looking North from Congress Street / Tucson Arizona"

  4. "Stone Avenue Looking North from Congress Street / Tucson Arizona"




  1. "El Presidio Hotel / Broadway at Fourth Ave. / Tucson Arizona"

  2. COPY "El Presidio Hotel / Broadway at Fourth Ave. / Tucson Arizona"

  3. "Hotel Congress, Southern Pacific Park to the East"

  4. COPY "Hotel Congress, Southern Pacific Park to the East"




  1. "Hotel Congress Congress Street, Tucson, Arizona"

  2. COPY "Hotel Congress Congress Street, Tucson, Arizona"

  3. "Barrel Cactus, Arizona"

  4. "Barrel 'Candy Cactus' in Bloom"




  1. "Ruins of Casa Grande, the 'Big House' / In Case Grande national Monument, near Coolidge, Arizona"

  2. "A Desert Road, Santa Catalina Mountains in Background"

  3. "Casa Grande National Monument, Arizona / Administration Building and Museum, Left; Casa Grande Ruins, Right"

  4. "Casa Grande National Monument, Arizona / The Casa Grande as seen from the East / The remains of a two-story building in foreground"




  1. "Tumacacori Mission / Tumacacori National Monument on the tucson-Nogales Hwy."

  2. "Indian Woman gathering Saguaro Cactus Fruit"

  3. "Sheep's Head mt. Tombstone, Arizona"

  4. "'Snowbeard the Dutchman' Prospector and Outfit near Superstition Mountain, Arizona"




  1. "The Arizona Desert / Superstition Mountain in the Background"

  2. "Canyon Lake on the Apache Trail Arizona"

  3. "Coolidge Dam - U.S. Highway 70, Arizona / Largest Multiple Dome Dam in the World"

  4. "Coolidge Dam, Arizona / Downstream Face"




  1. "Gila River Gorge from Coolidge Dam / U.S. Hiway 70"

  2. "Red Knolls near Safford Arizona"

  3. "Approach to Wonderland of Rocks / Chiricahua National Monument / Arizona"

  4. "Wonderland of Rocks Road / Chiricuhua National Monument / Arizona"




  1. "In Wonderland of Rocks Chiricahua National Monument / Arizona"

  2. "Balanced Rock / Wonderland of Rocks / Chiricuhua National Monument, Arizona"

  3. "Graham Mountain, Near Safford, Arizona / Altitude 10,516 Feet"

  4. "'Ride the Greyhounds and see Arizona'"




  1. "View from Safford Wilcox Highway / Graham Mountains in the Distance / Arizona"

  2. "View from Safford Wilcox Highway / graham Mountains in the Distance / Arizona"

  3. "Highway Through Queen Creek Gorge / Arizona"

  4. "Approaching Claypool Tunnel / U.S. Highways 60 and 70 / Arizona"




  1. "Glimpse of Picket Post Mountain Through the Chollas on U.S. Highways 60 and 7- / Arizona"

  2. "Texas Canyon Rock Formations on the Benson-Wilcox Highway Arizona"

  3. "Canyon Lake on the Apache Trail Arizona"

  4. "Walls of Bronze / Apache Trail / Arizona"




  1. "Canyon Lake on the Apache Trail Arizona"

  2. "Looking East on Main Street from Center of Town / Mesa, Arizona"

  3. "North Side of West Main Street / Mesa Arizona"

  4. "Arizona Latter Day Saints 'Mormon' Temple / Mesa Arizona"




  1. "El Portal Hotel / Main Street / Mesa Arizona"

  2. "United States Post Office / Mesa Arizona"

  3. "Chamber of Commerce Building / Mesa Arizona"

  4. "'When Day is Done' / On our Southwestern Desert"




  1. "A 'Living Cross' of the Desert"

  2. "'A Living Cross' of the Desert"

  3. "U.S. Highway 70 Across Coolidge Dam, Arizona"

  4. "View of Coolidge Dam, on Hwy. 70, Showing Power Plant Underneath"




  1. "Prickly Pear in Bloom on the Desert"

  2. "Prickly Pear in Bloom on the Desert"

  3. "Prickly Pear cactii, Wild Flowers and Mesquite trees / Typical of our Southwestern Desert"

  4. "Superstition Mountain seen from U.S. Highway 70"




  1. "Old Faro Table - Note the 'Lookout's' Chair. / At the Famous Old Birdcage Theatre. / Tombstone, Arizona"

  2. "The Original Bar at the World Famous 'Crystal Palace Saloon' / Tombstone, Arizona"

  3. "Sheeps Head - Dragoon Mts. North / of Town, Tombstone, Arizona"

  4. "Nature's Sculpting. / Wonderland of Rocks. / Chiricuhua Nat'l Monument, Ariz."




  1. "The Grave of 'Dutch Annie' / 'A thousand buggies and carriages followed / Dutch Annie's Body to Boothill'"

  2. "Welcome to Tombstone / and Boothill Graveyard."

  3. "Main View - Boothill Cemetary / Tombstone, Arizona"

  4. "Final Resting Place / of / Billy Clanton and the McLowery's / IN FAMOUS BOOTHILL GRAVEYARD / TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA"




  1. "St. Paul's Episcopal Church / Tombstone Arizona / Erected 1882 by Endicott Peabody founder of Groton School, Mass."

  2. "Casualties of the Earp-Clanton Fued / Tom McLowery / Frank McLowery / Billie Clanton / Tombstone, Arizona / October 25, 1881"

  3. "Schieffelin Monument / Tombestone, Arizona"

  4. "Couthouse Tombstone Arizona / formerly the Cochise County Seat"




  1. "The Old City Hall / Tombstone Arizona"

  2. "Tombstone Drug Store / formerly the notorious Oriental Saloon / Tombstone Arizona"

  3. "The Crystal Palace Bar / The Greyhound Bus Stop / at Tombstone Arizona"

  4. "Allen Street 'the Main Drag' of Tombstone Arizona 'The town too tough to Die'"




  1. "Historic Schiffelin Hall, Tombstone, Arizona / Built in 1882, the most famous theatre between San Antonio & / San Francisco when Los Angeles was still in its toddling infancy"

  2. "Office of the Tombstone Epitaph / 'Tombstone, Arizona, the only town in the world where you / can read your own Epitaph before breakfast'"

  3. "Corner of Toughnut Street and 5th / Showing Nellie Cashman's Old Boarding House"

  4. "In the Copper Mining City / of Bisbee, Arizona"




  1. "The Presbyterian Church / Bisbee, Arizona"

  2. "The Copper Mining City Court House / Bisbee, Arizona"

  3. "View of Bisbee, Arizona / from the Sacramento Pit"

  4. "Bisbee, Arizona / 'A Bit of Switzerland in America'"




  1. "Sacramento Pit Bisbee Arizona / Formerly, a mountain, now a pit 435 fit. deep covering 35 acres from which 20,843,667 tons were removed"

  2. "Highway between the famous Copper Mining Cities of / Bisbee and Lowell, Arizona"

  3. "Main Street in tombstone Canyon / Bisbee Arizona"

  4. "View of Bisbee Arizona / from above Brewery gulch"




  1. "Bisbee Arizona / from / Sky-Line Road / Sacramento Pit in the distance"

  2. "Looking Up / Main Street / Bisbee Arizona"

  3. "Looking Down / Main Street / Bisbee Arizona"

  4. "Post Office and Copper Queen Library / Bisbee Arizona"




  1. "Looking Up / Tombstone Canyon / from Castle Rock / Bisbee Arizona"

  2. "Castle Rock / from the South / Bisbee Arizona"

  3. "castle Rock /in/ Tombstone Canyon / Bisbee Arizona"

  4. "The Historic Old Brewery / Brewery Gulch / Bisbee, Arizona"




  1. "In Brewery Gulch / Bisbee Arizona"

  2. "Looking Down Brewery Gulch / Bisbee Arizona

  3. "Brewery Gulch and Ore Alley / Bisbee Arizona"

  4. "Copper Queen Hotel / Bisbee, Arizona"




  1. "Copper Queen Hotel / Bisbee, Arizona"

  2. "High School / Bisbee Arizona"

  3. "View Toward / Bisbee Arizona / from top of the Divide"

  4. "Southern Pacific Depot / and / Tourist Welcome Sign / Douglas Arizona




  1. "Southern Pacific Depot / Douglas Arizona"

  2. "Douglas Arizona / Looking North on G Avenue"

  3. "The Phelps Dodge Smelter / Douglas Arizona"

  4. "U.S. Customs House at the Gate to Agua Prieta Sonora, Mexico"




  1. "U.S. Customs House / 2nd main street of Naco Arizona"

  2. "Lowell Arizona / Looking Towards Mexico"

  3. "The Main Street of Lowell Arizona"

  4. "Benson Arizona / Looking East"




  1. "Wilcox Union high School / Wilcox Arizona"

  2. "Main Highway Through Wilcox Arizona"

  3. "Safford Arizona / Looking towards the graham County Court House"

  4. "Buena Vista Hotel / Safford Arizona"




  1. "Graham County Court House / Safford Arizona"

  2. "Bus Depot / Safford Arizona"

  3. "General View of Globe Arizona"

  4. "Broad Street and Gila County Courthouse / Globe Arizona"




  1. "Federal Building / Globe Arizona"

  2. "High School / Globe Arizona"

  3. "International Smelter / as seen from the / Globe-Miami Highway Arizona"

  4. "Portions of Miami's Huge tailings Dumps / Arizona"




  1. "Bullion Plaza School / Miami Arizona"

  2. "The Hotel at Indian Hot Springs, Arizona"

  3. "Organ Pipe Cactus / Found only in the region south of Ajo, / Arizona, and adjacent Mexico"

  4. "Principal Business Block, Ajo, Arizona"




  1. "Municipal Park in Center of Ajo, Arizona"

  2. "The Church of the Immaculate Conception / Ajo, Arizona"

  3. "The Church of the Immaculate Ceonception as seen from City Park / Ajo Arizona"

  4. "Federated Church and Curley School / Ajo Arizona"




  1. "State Highway / Between / Gila Bend and Ajo, Arizona"

  2. "Desert Road / Southern Arizona"

  3. "Business Center, Gila Bend, Arizona"

  4. "Center of town, Gila Bend, Arizona"




  1. "Curley School, Ajo, Arizona"

  2. "Organ Pipe Cactus, near / Ajo, Arizona"

  3. "Chollas and Sahuaros on the Arizona Desert"

  4. "In Southwest Arizona, On The Road to Old Mexico"




  1. "in The Organ Pipe Cactus Belt / Southern Arizona"

  2. "Old Plank Road Across the Dunes, West of Yuma, Arizona"

  3. "Hat Mountain, Seen from the Ajo-Gila Bend Highway"

  4. "Hat Mountain, Seen from Ajo-Gila Bend Highway Arizona"




  1. "Typical Southern Arizona Desert and Mountain Scene"

  2. COPY "Typical Southern Arizona Desert and Mountain Scene"

  3. "Exterior of Dungeon Old Arizona Territorial Prison / Yuma Arizona"

  4. "Historic Olf Arizona Territorial Prison / at Yuma Arizona"




  1. "East Side of Main Street / Yuma, Arizona"

  2. "Looking South on Main Street / Yuma, Arizona"

  3. "Looking North on Main Street / Yuma, Arizona"

  4. "One of the Principal Business Blocks / Main Street, Yuma, Arizona"




  1. "Yuma County Court House / Yuma Arizona"

  2. "Post Office / Yuma Arizona"

  3. "Hotel Del Sol, Yuma, Arizona"

  4. "Hotel San Carlos / Yuma Arizona"




  1. "On U.S. Highway 89, between Wickenberg and Prescott, Arizona"

  2. "On U.S. Highway 89, between Wickenberg and Prescott, Arizona"

  3. "Montezuma Street / Known as 'Whiskey Row' / Prescott Arizona"

  4. "Gurley Street / leads out to Thumb Butte Seven Miles in the Distance / Prescott Arizona"




  1. COPY "Gurley Street / leads out to Thumb Butte Seven Miles in the Distance / Prescott Arizona"

  2. "West Gurley Street / from Court House Plaza / Prescott Arizona"

  3. "North Montezuma Street / from / Court House Plaza / Prescott Arizona"

  4. "Gurley Street West / with Thumb Butte in Background / Prescott Arizona"




  1. "Corner of Gurley and Cortez Street / Prescott Arizona"

  2. "Looking North on Cortez Street / Prescott Arizona"

  3. "Gurley Street / East from montezuma St. / Prescott Arizona"

  4. Unknown




  1. "Hassayampa Hotel / Prescott Arizona"

  2. "Prescott High School Pioneers Home in Background / Prescott Arizona"

  3. Unknown

  4. "One of the wards at / Veteran's Administration Facility / Whipple Arizona"




  1. Unknown

  2. "Occupational Therapy Clinic Post Exchange Library and Recreation Building / Whipple Arizona"

  3. "U.S. Veterans' Administration Facility / Whipple Arizona"

  4. "Hospital Administration Building veterans' Administration Facility / Whipple Arizona"




  1. Unknown

  2. "Bald Mountain seen from / Granite Dells / near / Prescott Arizona"

  3. "U.S. Highway 89 through / Granite Dells / North of Prescott Arizona"

  4. "Potato Patch Butte / Grante Dells / near / Prescott Arizona"




  1. "Arizona's garden of the Gods / near Prescott Arizona"

  2. "Arizona's Garden of the Gods / near Prescott Arizona"

  3. "Granite Creek / Granite Dells / Prescott Arizona"

  4. "Balanced Rock / Granite Dells / Prescott Arizona"




  1. "Rock Formations / Granite Dells / Prescott Arizona"

  2. "Summit of Mingus Mountain Elev. 7025 ft. / Between Jerome and Prescott Arizona"

  3. "Coming 'round a bend along Alternate U.S. Hiway 89 through Hull Canyon Between Prescott and Jerome Arizona"

  4. Unknown




  1. "Looking into the Verde Valley from Hull Canyon Highway Alernate 89 / Between Jerome and Prescott Arizona"

  2. "Hairpin Curve in Hull Canyon Old Verde Central Mine at right / Between Jerome and Prescott Arizona"

  3. "Alternate U.S. Hwy. 89 through yeager Canyon / Between Prescott and Jerome Arizona"

  4. Unknown




  1. "Jerome Arizona / 'One Mile High with a Fifty Mile View'"

  2. "Looking up Jerome Avenue to Center of town Highway 89 / Entering / Jerpme from Clarkdale Arizona"

  3. "Clark Street / Jerome Arizona / center of town is three stories below this street, at right!"

  4. "Corner of Main and Clark Streets / Business center of / Jerome Arizona"




  1. "City Park / at business center / Jerome Arizona"

  2. "Looking Up / Main Street / Jerome Arizona"

  3. "View of Clarkdale from Jerome Hiway / Alternate U.S. Hiway 89 Arizona"

  4. "Clarkdale / from / Verde Valley / Lookout Station Arizona"




  1. "Tuzigoot Ruins / Between Clarksdale and Cottonwood Arizona"

  2. Unknown

  3. Unknown

  4. Unknown




  1. "The Verde Valley from Tuzigoot Ruins / Between Clarksdale and Cottonwood, Arizona"

  2. "Main Street / at / Mason Avenue / Cottonwood Arizona"

  3. Unknown

  4. Unknown




  1. Unknown

  2. "Hart's Store / Sedona Arizona"

  3. "Oak Creek on State Highway No. 79 Flagstaff to Prescott, Ariz."

  4. "Oak Creek Highway / between Flagstaff and Prescott Arizona"




  1. "Devil's Buttes and Grey Mountain / Oak Creek Scenic Highway / Arizona"

  2. "Wilson Mountain / Oak Creek Scenic Highway / Sedona Arizona"

  3. "Oak Creek Canyon / Arizona"

  4. "Birdseye View of / Flagstaff Arizona / from top of Mars Hill"




  1. "Looking North on San Francisco Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "Looking West on Santa Fe Street / Opposite Santa Fe Depot / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "Looking West On / Santa Fe Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Looking East on / Santa Fe Street / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "Santa Fe Street Opposite Santa Fe Depot / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "Post Office North San Francisco Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "East Aspen Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "South Side East Aspen Street / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "East Side of / North Leroux Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "North Side of East Aspen Street / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "Santa Fe Street Looking East / Leroux Street Intersecting / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Federated Community Church / Sitgreaves and Aspen Streets / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "Church of the Nativity / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "East Aspen street looking west towards Lowell Observatory / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "Northern Arizona Teachers College / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Campbell Hall / Northern Arizona Teachers' College / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "St. Anthony's School / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "Lowell Observatory / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "Lowell Observatory / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Flagstaff High School / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Co. / On U.S. Highway 66 / Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "San Francisco Peaks / Near / Flagstaff Arizona"

  3. "Kit carson's Camo / West of Flagstaff Arizona / on U.S. Highway 66"

  4. "The Cedars / Looking West on U.S. Hwy. 66 East of / Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "Pine Tree Silhouette / In the Coconino National Forest / Near Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "Sunset Crater / Near Flagstaff Arizona / Showing Masses of Lava in Foreground"

  3. "San Francisco Peaks / Seen from U.S. Hwy. 66 about 40 miles east of / Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Looking West / from / Center of Town / Williams Arizona"




  1. "Ash Fork, Arizona / From Junctions of U.S. Highway 66 & 89, 1 mile east of town"

  2. "Copper State Court, Ash Fork, Arizona"

  3. "U.S. Highway 66, West Through Ash Fork, Arizona"

  4. "South Side of Lewis Avenue, Highway 66, Through / Ash Fork, Arizona"




  1. "U.S. Highway 66, West Through Ash Fork, Arizona"

  2. "U.S. Highway 66, Eastbound Through / Ash Fork, Arizona"

  3. "Kingman Arizona / Corner of Front and Fourth Streets Mohave County Court House in Background"

  4. Front Street / Kingman Arizona"




  1. "U.S. Hwy. 66 / Front Street / East thru / Kingman Arizona"

  2. "Kingman Arizona / Looking North on Fourth Street"

  3. "Mojave County Court House / Kingman, Arizona"

  4. "Union High School / Kingman Arizona"




  1. "St. Mary's Church and Parochial School / Kingman Arizona"

  2. "B.P.O.E. Elk's Hall / Kingman Arizona"

  3. "Javeline Wild Hog at the Zoo / Two Guns / On Highway 66 Between Winslow and Flagstaff Arizona"

  4. "Antelope at the Zoo / Two Guns / On Highway 66 Between Winslow and Flagstaff Arizona"




  1. "Antelope at the Zoo / Two Guns / On Highway 66 Between Winslow and Flagstaff Arizona"

  2. "Bottom of Meteor Crater / Covered with Desert Vegetation"

  3. "Looking into Meteor Crater / from Footpath on Rim"

  4. "Hopi House / Main Entrance to Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations / on U.S. Highway 66, 10 miles west of Winslow, Arizona"




  1. "Four-Horned Navajo Sheep at Hope House Entrance to Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation on U.S. Hy. 66 10 miles west of Winslow Arizona"

  2. "West on Second Street / U.S. Hwy. 66 through / Winslow Arizona"

  3. "Looking West on Second Street / Winslow Arizona"

  4. "U.S. Highway 66, Second Street East, Through / Winslow, Arizona"




  1. "Winslow Arizona / East on U.S. Hwy. 66 / from / Center of City"

  2. "Winslow, Arizona / Looking East from Business Center, U.S. Highway 66"

  3. "Holbrook Arizona / Looking North on Principal Business Street"

  4. "Looking North / on U.S. Highway 66 / Holbrook Arizona"




  1. "Masonic Temple / Holbrook Arizona"

  2. Unknown

  3. "Diorama Rainbow Forest Museum / Showing probable ap-pearance of this area in Triassic Times Petrified Forest National monument"

  4. "The Geological Story of the Forest"




  1. "Polished Cross Section of Petrified Log / Rainbow Forest Museum / Tiype specimen of Paleobupres-tis Arizonensis"

  2. "Long Sawed Log in Second Forest / Petrified Forest National Monument Arizona"

  3. "Logs of Stone / Petrified Forest National Monument Arizona"

  4. "Petrified Wood and Erosions / Petrified Forest National Monument Arizona"




  1. "Spur Road Through First Forest / Petrified Forest National monument Arizona"

  2. "Variegated Grey and Brown Silt and Shale Erosions / Petrified Forest National Monument Arizona"

  3. "Agatized Logs / Petrified Forest National Park / Northeastern Arizona"

  4. "Waste Lands of the Third Forest / Petrified Forest National Monument Arizona"




  1. "Logs of Stone / Petrified Forest National Monument / Northeastern Arizona"

  2. "Painted Desert Park / on U.S. Hy. 66 25 miles east of / Holbrook Arizona"

  3. "Painted Desert Park / oOn U.S. Highway 66 - Arizona"

  4. "Boulder Dam and Lake Mead as seen from the air"




  1. "Aerial View of Boulder Dam and Power-House"

  2. "Air view of the upstream Face of Boulder Dam"

  3. "View of Nogales, Mexico from Nogales, Arizona"

  4. "International Street - Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Mexico"




  1. "Magdalena Mountain / Magdalena, New Mexico"

  2. "Downtown area of the Atomic City of Los Alamos / New mexico / Shown are the Community center (top center) and part of the older housing area (foreground) / Community Center houses 29 Concessions including a 1,000 seat motion picture theater, a bank and a department store."

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