Damon (Dammann), William

Damon (Dammann), William

He is listed in the 1916 and 1917 Chandler City Directories as a zanjero for the U.S. Reclamation Service.

Here is a description of a zanjero, according to Salt River Project.

"Zanjeros have played a key role in the history of SRP's water delivery system. The word "zanjero" is derived from the Spanish words "zanja" meaning "deep ditch or irrigation ditch" and "zanjon" which means, "ditch rider or overseer."

A zanjero is an SRP employee whose principal responsibilities involve the manipulation of irrigation gates for the orderly delivery of water to fill irrigation requests. In the early days, most zanjeros traveled through their area on horseback or by horse and buggy as they provided water service to the shareholders.

Today, as in the early days of the SRP, service to the water shareholders remains a primary duty."

At the second meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association, Mr. Dammann gave one dollar to be part of the stock list.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

He could be the same William Damon listed in the 1921 Chandler City Directory.