Fairbanks, R. H.

Fairbanks, R. H.

He appears in the 1917,  1918 and 1919 Chandler City Directories  as a farmer. Also appeared in the 1920 and 1921 directories as residing with F. S. Seaver.

-Mr. Fairbanks is one of the most successful growers in this section.  He was in town this week where he said he intends to put in long staple cotton again this year.

He prefers to take the Native Americans from the reservation with no knowledge than a Texas expert or a southern one, because they don't pick the cotton right.  He can train Native Americans to do it right in a few weeks time.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks was one of the speakers at the first meeting of the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association.  He also pledged to grow a certain amount of acres to cotton.

At the second meeting, he motioned for an advisory board to be started.  He brought up questions on how the cotton gin would be paid for, pledged one dollar to be part of the stock list.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Ten pounds of Mr. Fairbanks' Egyptian cotton seed was sent by George Peabody to be gin tested.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks is from Oklahoma.

Last Friday, he attended a meeting of Masons to discuss having a lodge in Chandler.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/11/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks was elected to the board of directors of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce at the meeting held Monday.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)

-The Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association wanted to elect Mr. Fairbanks to their board, but he declined for a multitude of reasons.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks was at the Chandler Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday where he spoke in favor of giving the deeds to the land to the settlers.

He also motioned for the adjournment of the meeting.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks has exchanged his contract with the Chandler Improvement Company for a deed to his land.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks probably has the best cotton crop in Chandler.  He planted five acres on April 2nd on his land southeast of town.  This is his second year planting cotton, and he believes it is far superior due to planting it a month earlier.  The boils have been open for 10 days, and he expects to average a bale an acre. 

He is an old cotton man coming from the south.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)

-Mr. Fairbanks brought in a 52 pound watermelon to the offices of the Chandler Improvement Company.  There was an attempt to put it on exhibition, but was eventually consumed.  (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)