Lukin Cash Grocery & Meat Market

Lukin Cash Grocery & Meat Market

The Harry Lukin store is listed in the 19161917 and 1918 Chandler directories. Manager is Abe Lukin.

In the 1919 directory it is called Lukin's Cash Grocery and in the 1920 directory,  Lukin Cash Grocery & Meat Market. It was on San Marcos Place. Abe Lukin is listed as the owner in 1920 and also a member of the city council.

An ad in the 1920 directory (page 40) said the store "stands for low prices in Chandler. Remember the only cash store."

Although it didn't have a separate listing in 1921, Abe Lukin was still described as being in the grocery and meat business.

It also appears in the 1923 and 1925 directories, with Abe Lukin as the owner. It was on Arizona Avenue. Mrs. Lucille Lukin worked as a clerk there.

Newspaper Articles about the Likin Cash Grocery & Meat Market