Ruiz Family

Ruiz Family

Mona Ruiz
Courtesy of the Ruiz Family

Mona Ruiz was a major asset to the Chandler Police Department in the 1960s and 1970s.  She was the first female Hispanic to serve as a Police Matron.

Police Matrons were like Police Officers as their duties included working in the jail, records and dispatch.  The only thing Matrons did not do was active patrol duty.

Mona and her husband, John Ruiz, were well liked and prominent in the Chandler community.  Her family owned a small market in the area known as “High Town”.  The market was in the building that is now Espinoza’s on McClintock Drive and Chandler Boulevard. 

Mona was with the Chandler Police Department for more than 10 years.  She passed away in the early 1980s.

Biography Research Submitted by Gary Heath







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