Stevens, Samuel D. (B.)

Stevens, Samuel D. (B.)

He appeas in the 19181919 and 1923 Chandler City Directories as a teamster. His wife is Julia.

The 1923 directory said they lived on south California. 

 Sam D. Stevens Jr. also was listed in 1923.

The 1925 directory said he was a part-owner of Stevens & Davis (cotton gin) and that he and Juilia lived at 122 N. Colorado. Willie Stevens lived at the same address.

The 1926 directory just said they lived at the same place and that Willie Stevens also lived there. The 1929 directory said the three of them lived at 295 S. Oregon.

The 1930 and 1931 directories said Samuel worked in the grocery busiiness at 109 S. Arizona and that he and Julia lived at 295 S. Oregon.