Arizona Club
-Club meets in Gilbert.
The Arizona Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Freda Burk. The following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: Bessie Burk, president; Mrs. C.W. Pine, vice-president; Mrs. Dan Hill, secretary; Mrs. L.W. Rorex, treasurer.
A special night of entertainment was decided to be planned at once. The committee appointed was Bessie Burk, Mrs. Dan Hill, Misses Betty Ware, Marguerit Schultz, Myrtle Lines, Winifred Pine, and Mildred Lacy.
Cora Burk will entertain the club on July 23rd. Every member is urged to attend, and all visitors are welcome. (Chandler Arizonan 7/18/1913)
-The Club met on Wednesday at the home of Cora Burk. An enjoyable time was passed. A game of guess how many beans are in a small jar provided enjoyment. Mrs. J.M. Nelson won with a guess of 825 when there was 869.
The next meeting will be in two weeks at the home of Bessie Burk. (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)
-At the last meeting of the club, it was decided to give a little exhibition to be held in late August. A fine program is being arranged. The committee in charge met at the home of Myrtle Lines. Following the meeting, dainty refreshments were served. (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)
-Last Wednesday, the club was entertained by Bessie Burk. After a short business session, refreshments were served, and the afternoon was spent in social chat and a guessing game won by Mrs. Chas. Peterson.
Visitors included Mrs. William Eddy and Miss Ida Eddy of Tempe and Mrs. Fuller of Mesa.
The next meeting will be held at the home of Iva Ayers. (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)
-At the home of Mrs. L.W. Rorex, the Arizona Club threw together some entertainment on Monday evening. The grounds in front of the house were decorated in crimson and gold, the club's colors. Ice cream and cake were served, and the large crowd had a pleasant evening.
A stage had been arranged at one side of the grounds, and the following program was given:
Opening chorus
Recitation of "A Sudden Cure," by Mrs. J.I. Burk
Song, "Last Night," by Misses Lila and Betty Ware
Irish Selections by Freda Burk
Guitar solo by Betty Ware
Recitation, "Aunt Polly Knew," by Miss Bessie Buller
Song, "When the Snow Birds Cross the Valley," by Mrs. Schultz and Marguerite Schultz
Song, "Old Jones," by Ruth Burk, Edith Lacy, and Blanch Mosbarger
Closing Song