Loftus, Julia Pope Chandler

Loftus, Julia Pope Chandler

BIRTH: May 25, 1868

DEATH: March 21, 1951

SPOUSESDr. A.J. ChandlerWilliam Loftus


PARENTS: John Dawson Pope, Grace Sims

-Mrs. Chandler has moved her residence to Chandler to supervise the interior decoration of the San Marcos Hotel. She has come with Miss Edith Mitchell of Los Angeles, an artist of some repute who will aid Mrs. Chandler in her work.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-Mrs. Chandler has been busy working on the interior design of the San Marcos Hotel for the last several months.  For the last few weeks, she's been on the coast ordering the products she needs for the hotel.  William Loftus, a furnishings goods dealer went with her.  She was able to buy the newest and most fashionable items of the fall season.  They visited Grand Rapids and Chicago.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/18/1913)

-Mrs. Chandler arrived back on Friday from the east saying she was glad to be back after the oppressive heat in cities like St. Louis and Chicago.  She has left for the coast for a few weeks to enjoy the beaches, and will later be joined by her husband.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/18/1913)

Photos of Julia Pope Chandler Loftus, HERE



Arizona Weekly Enterprise, Sat, Sept 27, 1890, page 2


St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Tues, Oct 21, 1890, page 12









The Van Nuys News, Tue, Aug 31, 1943 ·Page 1



The Arizona Republic, Fri, Mar 23, 1951, Page 10



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