Chandler Multicultural Festival, 2005

Chandler Multicultural Festival, 2005


An annual celebration of the many cultures, ethnicities, languages, and traditions that can be found in Chandler today

There’s something to love for everyone in the City of Chandler, where events unfold throughout the year. From blockbuster festivals to live concerts to cultural celebrations, signature events and family-friendly fun, happenings of all kinds occur citywide nearly every day of the year. 

Each January, the City of Chandler holds a series of events to honor our community's heritage and diversity, along with the spirit, ideals, life, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the civil rights movement.

As a joint collaboration between Chandler International Film Festival, Chandler Men of Action, East Valley Jewish Community Center, Chandler Center for the Arts, Friends of the Library, Human Relations Commission and the City of Chandler, the festival presents an extensive variety of community events, in which more than 10,000 people participate annually.

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