Gardner Drug Company

Gardner Drug Company

This business appears in the 1918 Chandler City Directory. The proprietor that year was Hugh C. Gardner.

In the 1919 directory, it is called Garner Drug Co. The 1920 directory calls it Gardner & Harmer, and said it is owned by H. C. Gardner and A. M. Harmer. It was on San Marcos Place at the corner of Commonwealth Ave. 

The address was 98 S. San Marcos Place in a two story Hotel Chandler building built in 1914.  Hotel Chandler was on the second floor. Starting in 1917, the site housed a series of drug stores, including Gardners, Dodding Rexall Drugs and White Cross. For a picture and copy of a plaque outside the building, go to http://downtownchandler.org/hotel-chandler/

The 1921 directory listed Gardner & Harmer (H. C. Gardner and A. M. Harmer) as being in the drugs business on San Marcos Place.

The 1923 directory listed the Gardner Drug Co., owned by H. C. Gardner.