Chandler Chamber of Commerce
It is listed in the 1916 and 1917 Chandler City Directories with Dr. F. C. Jordan president.
In the 1918 directory, P.M. James, Theodore Dickinson and E.W. Hanna are listed as being members of a committee.
The 1919 directory lists just James and Dickinson. In the 1920 and 1921 directories, W. W. Pickrell is listed as manager and the chamber is located on Commonwealth Avenue, near San Marcos Place. The 1921 directory gives the address as 109 W. Commonwealth.
The 1923 directory said W. A. Warriner Sr. was secretary-manager. In the 1925 and 1926 directories, Sam G. Bailie was listed as secretary. the chamber was on Boston, at the southeast corner of south Arizona Ave.
The 1929 directory said Margaret K. Stewart was managing secretary. The chamber was at 2 E. Boston, with Tel. 95. The 1930 directory said Cathleen B. Allen was secretary and that the chamber was at 66 W. Buffalo.
The chamber is also listed in the 1931 and 1932 directories, with the same address and telephone number.
The 1932 Phoenix Telephone Directory, Chandler section, said the Chamber of Commerce was at the Suhwuaro Hotel B and had the phone number 95.
Edward B. Lambson, an owner of Arrow Pharmacy, was the president in 1940, according to the 1940 Chandler Resident Directory. L. Lee Jones was vice president, and Mrs. Blanche Murray, secretary and treasurer. It was located in the City Hall Building and had the phone number 18.
-Secretary George T. Peabody has promised Chandler will be getting a cotton gin. It will be the most up to date which will be built with automatic unloaders, feeders, cleaners, and conveyors. Pneumatic seed blowers and sacker, double box press with compressed air transfers so that everything can be saved and even partially mature boils which form in late season will be converted into a second or middle crop.
A fireproof warehouse for 500 bales so the farmer can store it, and can get a receipt to bring to the bank for a loan.
Dr. A.J. Chandler has guaranteed the price of the gin and warehouse, and it will be a co-operative among the Chandler-Kyrene-Higley districts' farmers.
Stock subscriptions will be received from cotton growers in a proportion not to exceed one share to each five acres. The contract will be paid with the delivery to the cotton gin at time of harvest.
The ginning charge to shareholders will be the actual cost of operation while a certain price showing profit will be made to non-shareholders.
The gin will be built to handle 20 bales a day for 12 hours with the exception of the gin stands can handle 10 bales.
Either the Chamber or the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association will be handling the gin. (see also Chandler Improvement Company about cotton gins) (Chandler Arizonan 3/14/1913)
-According to Mr. Peabody, Higley is in huge support for the new cotton gin. (Chandler Arizonan 3/21/1913)
-The Chamber of Commerce is calling a meeting of all landholders in Chandler on May 5th. This meeting will settle all issues with power assessment #9 with a refund of $2.40 per acre, and the giving out deeds to the land. (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)
-Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce George T. Peabody has given his yearly report.
The organization was started April 27, 1912, with an initial membership of 67. All members were farmers, which is unique since there is no other organization like that in the United States.
Better railroad rates are needed, and more means of transportation are coming this way from east and the west.
The road system was nearly nonexistent one year ago. Great strides have been made with the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chandler Improvement Company. Many miles have been laid in all directions, but the work has only just begun.
Organizations like the Chandler Egyptian Cotton Growers' Association help improve the use of our soil and introduce more products that can be grown here. Also the district needs to work with other board of trades and organizations in the state for the advancement and prosperity of this area.
The state highway from Tucson to Phoenix has been completed. A direct road south via Sacaton, Casa Grande ruins, and Florence is under construction.
Culverts and cement bridges are being placed on our roads by the board of supervisors, and steel enamels road signs are bought and will be placed by the Chandler Chamber of Commerce.
Some reduced railroad rates have been made, and more promised with the building of the depot and stockyards.
Through the efforts of the Chamber and assisted by Dr. A.J. Chandler and R.M. Turner of the Bank of Chandler have raised funds for the erection of a cotton gin and a warehouse by the Cotton Growers' Association. There will be 1,500 acres of cotton will be planted in the district this year.
The organization was largely responsible in stopping the county division bill which would have meant higher tax rate and loss of prestige for the district.
Mr. Peabody has worked hard to get to know people in surrounding areas, and is able to bring in more trade that used to go into Mesa or Tempe. It will bring in 800 bales of cotton with good roads.
Every possible assistance to non-resident property owners in clearing, leveling, and planting on their land has been made possible. A crew of Yaquis have been employed throughout the year at absolute cost.
An exhibit was held at the state fair in Phoenix where a special issue of the Chandler Arizonan was handed out. 5,000 copies are estimated to have been given out.
From an unsettled territory of some 100,000 acres to supporting three general stores, butcher shop, blacksmith shop, lumber yard, pool hall, a bank with over $40,000 in deposits, a confectionary, two restaurants, newspaper, and the San Marcos Hotel is almost completed.
The school has gone from 15 students to 160, and is housed in two brick buildings.
A freight warehouse and depot is being built.
Freight receipts have gone from a deficit to a positive making amount.
Receipts and Expenses: Money Received
Membership fees: $460.00
Dues and Loans: $247.00
Special road donation: $95.00
State fair: $87.50
Boys' Cotton Growing Contest: $100.00
Banquet assessment: $26.40
Special donations: $390.00
Total: $1,405.90
Money Expended:
Associated Chambers of Commerce banquet: $173.79
State fair exhibit: $87.50
Stenographic work: $5.00
Arizona Publishing Company: $43.65
Drawings and Cuts: $16.35
General expenses, stamps, etc.: $41.52
Loans: $153.59
Deposit for boys' cotton contest: $100.00
Road work, clearing, grading, etc.: $394.90
Secretary's salary and expenses: $390.00
Total: $1,405.90
Letters answered by secretary: 872
Trips to Phoenix: 37
Trips to Florence: 4
-At a meeting of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce, a new president and board of directors were elected except George T. Peabody who was reelected as secretary. The meeting was held on Monday at the hotel.
George C. Smith, retiring president, resided over the meeting, and Mr. Peabody read the report for the fiscal year.
D.M. Arnold offered up R.M. Turner's name for president with the secretary being told to cast the ballot for him, Mr. Smith graciously handed over his gavel.
Then Mr. Turner spoke about how we need to boost the city for the goodness of everyone. Anyone who doesn't want to should get out now. He admits he'll make mistakes, but promises they will be made with the best of intentions.
L.S. Parke moved to reelect Mr. Peabody as secretary which was done unanimously.
A new board of directors was elected and are as follows: William Word, R.H. Fairbanks, F.V.N. Dana, E.D. Rinear, and J.R. Halstead. Three are from the country and two from the town.
Then Dr. Chandler motioned for a vote of thanks for the previous officers and board of directors. (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)
The issue came up about the refund for the power assessment #9, and the deeds to the land which Mr. Loftus spoke on.
-The meeting on Monday had a large amount of ladies attend with about 20 of them present. Ladies are eligible to join the Chamber of Commerce. The dues have been reduced to 50 cents per month, and membership fee has been cancelled in order to augment membership.
Among the women who attended were Mrs. J.H. Childs and Mrs. Alice Brugman. (Chandler Arizonan 5/9/1913)
-A meeting was held on Tuesday of the Chandler Chamber of Commerce with the Chandler Improvement Company. Mr. Turner was in charge of the meeting, and appointed S.A. Meyer as secretary since Mr. Peabody was in Mesa for a meeting of the cotton associations.
The meeting was held to discuss giving the deeds to the farmers and having mortgages, or allow the Chandler Improvement Company continue holding the contract on the land. It also was held to discuss the problems with the southside not getting enough water.
A representative of the Chandler Improvement Company said either the deeds were a good thing or a bad thing, but they need to make up their minds. It was costing the company money, and didn't want to spend more if it was a waste of time.
Mr. Gordon said he was in favor of the deed, and so did Mr. Turner, Littlejohn, Jaycox, Smith, Carlson, Fairbanks, and others. They all gave talks on why they were in favor.
Mr. Gordon said it would give them a vote in the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association, which was having a meeting on June 2nd in Phoenix. There efforts could be made to make Chandler a separate water district.
George C. Smith talked about how owning the deed was an advantage, because under the contract the company could sell them out in six months if they don't pay and see no money from the sale. With a mortgage, if the company sells for more than owed they get the profit, and have 18 months before selling out.
Mr. Gordon's speech brought up the discussion of the Reclamation Service not providing enough water to the southside.
One man offered the service to do all his own work to get water to his land to no avail. Several speakers said they had offered to do the work also to no avail.
It was developed that the pump and tank in question had no outlet for the water, and the nearest ditch was a quarter mile away.
Ralph Jaycox spoke about how he wanted the deed so he could fight for water rights at the water users' association.
It was decided for favor of the deeds, and Mr. Littlejohn made a motion to thank the company for their work on the deeds, and the refund of $2.40 an acre for the power assessment.
Mr. Fairbanks made a motion to adjourn, and was seconded by Mr. Smith. (Chandler Arizonan 5/30/1913)
-The Chamber after a year has secured road signs, which will be the first in Maricopa County. (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)
-A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce has been called for August 15th. It is due to the resignation of George T. Peabody as secretary. (Chandler Arizonan 8/8/1913)
-A meeting will be held today at 2 p.m. in the San Marcos Hotel lobby. An election of a secretary is the main purpose, and W.G. Barackman seems to be the best candidate. Other issues like better roads and markets for Chandler may also be discussed. (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)
-The Chamber has been securing data on the condition of cotton crops together with specimens from different patches of soil on the Chandler Ranch. The samples have been sent to the general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific at Los Angeles. (Chandler Arizonan 8/15/1913)