Marshall, Thomas
Governor of Indiana and Vice-President elect.
A guest of Dr. Chandler, he arrived here last Saturday by a machine at around 12 o'clock. They ate at the hotel where Chef Plenty served a 25 pound turkey with the fixings.
Other out of town guests were Elon Hooker, D.M. Ferry Jr., Lem W. Bowen, Dwight Cutler, Standish Backus, T.J. Wolfley, Mr. Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. Sarmiento, and Miss Campau, and a number of others.
At the dinner, Mr. Marshall kept the guests convulsed with laughter with his jokes.
Afterwards, Dr. Chandler took him to the roof garden of the San Marcos Hotel. (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)
Mr. Marshall was honored at a Masonic banquet in Phoenix which was attended by Dr. K.M. Gilbert and Professor Markham. (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)