Rinear, Berton Charles

Rinear, Berton Charles

BIRTH: October 22, 1888    
DEATH: February 18, 1981

SPOUSES: Marie Roberta (Eldridge) Rinear


PARENTS: E.D. Rinear

SIBLINGS: Nora (Rinear) Montgomery, Clarence E. Rinear

OTHER: DeRoss Montgomery (nephew), Carl Rinear (nephew), Earl Rinear (nephew), Roy Rinear (nephew) 

-Mr. Rinear was part of a party that helped rescue four people from a car accident in the Eastern Canal.  Other occupants in the vehicle were Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Montgomery, Marie Eldridge, and Lewis Bade.

The people they were rescued included J.B. Barnett, Dr. M.E. Gibbons, ten year old daughter of S.W.J. Bowen, and Mrs. Bennett.  (Chandler Arizonan 12/20/1912)

-Last Wednesday, Miss Marie Roberta Eldridge and Berton C. Rinear were married.  Mr. Rinear is part owner and secretary of Rinear and Sons, grocers.  The bridal party included the Rinears, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Eldridge, L.J. Montgomery (bridegroom's brother-in-law), and the young couple.

They went to Phoenix on Wednesday morning, and were married by a minister at a church there.  They came home the next day. 

The bridegroom is 25 years old.  He was born in Spokane, Washington, and is a graduate of the grammar and high schools there.  After leaving school, he went into the grocery business there.  He remained there until last September when he sold out his interest to his partner, and came overland in an auto to Chandler on September 26th.

He met his bride when she became good friends with his sister, Mrs. L.J. Montgomery, and started visiting the Rinear home.

Mr. Rinear is the assistant postmaster of Chandler, and has already petitioned Washington for the post of postmaster to succeed Mr. Morrison, who is anxious to retire and devote his time to his well-equipped farm.

He is a musician of no mean ability having played for many dances.  He handles the piano like a veteran, his talent coming naturally since he has never taken a lesson.

Mr. and Mrs. Rinear will settle here, and have had a commodious home built for them near the home of the elder Rinear.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)

-Mr. and Mrs. Rinear came home from their honeymoon in Phoenix, where they were greeted by musical devices and other noisome insturments being played all night making their first night home interesting.  (Chandler Arizonan 2/14/1913)

-Mr. Rinear played the piano with two men from Mesa at the first dance at the San Marcos Hotel.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/7/1913)

-Mr. Rinear and his wife made an auto trip to the Granite Reef Dam.  They left here Saturday afternoon, and returned on Sunday.  (Chandler Arizonan 3/28/1913)

-Mr. Rinear is now all smiles with the electricity is working at his store.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/4/1913)

-Mr. Rinear played the piano at the dance at the San Marcos Hotel, last Saturday.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/18/1913)

-Mr. and Mrs. Rinear went up tot he Granite Reef Dam last week where E.D. Rinear has been keeping camp for about a month.  Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Montgomery went with their son, DeRoss.  When the sluice gates were closed for cleaning the campers were able to enjoy catching fish by hand.  They were able to catch many, and brought them back to Chandler for a fish fry.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-Mr. Rinear with Logan Montgomery bought ten acres of alfalfa land from George C. Smith this week.  The land is about one mile northwest of town.  The men will move their homes to the place, and E.D. Rinear will get to work on improving the land.  (Chandler Arizonan 4/25/1913)

-Mr. Rinear's home was successfully moved to his new land by M.P. Freeman.  (Chandler Arizonan 5/2/1913)

-Mr. Rinear has joined the new Chandler band.  He plays the drums.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-Mr. Rinear will be one of the directors for the dance Saturday night at the new school house.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/6/1913)

-The dance was a success which was run by Mr. Rinear and Mr. Wolf with 50 couples dancing until late hours.  The music was provided by Mr. Wolf, Mr. Rinear, and Mrs. L.J. Montgomery.  Lemonade was served.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/13/1913)

-Mr. and Mrs. Rinear went with Mrs. Logan Montgomery and her son, DeRoss, and Mrs. S.A. Meyer to Phoenix on Monday afternoon for a short shopping expedition.  (Chandler Arizonan 6/27/1913)

-Mr. and Mrs. Rinear have moved back to town from the ranch west of town.  They have taken the cottage near the school house which is owned by a Phoenix man.  The Rinears moved in on Tuesday.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-Mr. Rinear played the music for the dance in the new school unit on the 4th of July.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/11/1913)

-Mr. Rinear played at the dance last Saturday.  (Chandler Arizonan 7/25/1913)

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