Post, Pete

Pete Post was a standout track and field athlete and football player at Chandler High School in the 1950s.  Pete grew up in Chandler Heights, and had to hitch hike into town to go to school and practice.  Pete was a speedster.  His breakout speed made him an excellent running back.  But where he truly excelled was on the track, where he set school and state records in the 440 and 880, claiming state championships in both events.  Pete did not attend college, opting instead to begin a family and start working.  He married Barbara Patrick in 1951, and together they had five children.  They lived in Chandler until 1970, when they moved to Oregon.  Pete was known to his friends and family as a very humble man, certainly not one to speak of himself or his achievements.  Consequently, he never mentioned his exploits on the track and on the football field to anyone until the day he died.  A fire in his home burned all of his certificates, medals, and trophies, destroying the physical record of Pete's accomplishments.  Pete passed away on November 24, 2010.  For his athletic achievements, Pete was inducted into the Chandler Sports Hall of Fame on February 9, 2013.