Rogers, Ella L. Mrs.
Rogers, Ella L. Mrs.
SPOUSES: Commodore Perry Rogers
CHILDREN: Cecil P. Rogers, E. Elizabeth Rogers, Iva M. Rogers, Ora L. Rogers
-Mrs. Rogers attended a surprise party for Mrs. Quartier last week. (Chandler Arizonan 6/20/1913)
-Mrs. Rogers attended a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society on Sunday June 26th. (Chandler Arizonan 7/4/1913)
-Mrs. Rogers went with her daughter, Iva, to the Ladies' Aid Society meeting last week. (Chandler Arizonan 8/1/1913)
She appears in the 1919 Chandler City Directory. The 1920 and 1921 directories listed her as the wife of Commodore Perry Rogers. They lived on Dakota St.
Living with them were: Cecil P., E. Elizabeth, Iva M. and Ora L.
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