Rowland, Crede W. (Creed)

He is listed in the 1919 Chandler City Directory as a clerk for Curry & Frye.

The 1921 Directory shows him working as a tractor engineer, for J. P. Rowland.

The 1923 directory said he was a salesman for the O.C. Stapley (O. S. Stapley) company and lived with J. P. Rowland.

In the 1925 and 1926 directories, he is listed as a salesman for Wayne Heffner, living on east Boston. The 1926 directory said he lived with Mrs. Jeannetty Rowland.

The 1929 directory said he lived at 54 W. Boston, the same address as Jeanette C. Rowland.

The 1930 and 1931 directories said Creed Rowland worked at a gas station on north Arizona Ave. at the northwest corner of Buffalo. The 1932 directory said he was a manager for Union Oil Co.

The 1931 and 1932 directories  gave his home address as 54 W. Boston. Jeanetty also lived there.

The 1940 Chandler (Arizona) Resident Directory said C. W. Rowland owned Rowlands Service, a service station. It also said Creed W. Rowland was married to Hazel, and they lived on the north side of west Buffalo, beyond California. Their phone number was 42.

Same as C.W. Rowland, a councilman in the 1940s?