Caudill, William (Willie) S. (L.)

Caudill, William (Willie) S. (L.)

He appears in the 1920 Chandler (Arizona) City Directory, as working at Beall & Thraikill insurance in the First National Bank

building. Willie and his wife Bessie lived on California Street.

The 1921 directory said he was an insurance agent and City Clerk and that their home was at the corner of Cleveland and California St.

The 1923 directory said he was an insurance agent on Boston, City Clerk and Treasurer and, at the Chandler City Court, Judge and Recorder.

The 1925 directory just said he and Bessie lived on south California. In the 1926 directory, William L. Caudill is listed as a driver for American Railway Express. He and Bessie lived at 212 S. California.

The 1929 directory said he was an agent for Railway Express Agency on Route 1.

The 1930 directory said he had the same job and that he and Bessie lived at 117 N. California. The 1931 and 1932 directories  said he was manager of Railway Express and that he and Bessie had the same address on California.

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