Chandler, Joseph

Chandler, Joseph

Joseph Chandler immigrated to Canada from England when he was just fifteen.

Joseph's First Wife
In 1847, he married Maria Eliza Jenkins. Joseph and Maria had one child, a daughter named Hannah. Maria possessed delicate health, and she died in 1848. After her death, Joseph Chandler, who was trained as a tailor, decided to become a minister. He preached in several Canadian towns and settled near the town of Coaticook in Quebec.

Joseph's Second Wife
In 1850, he married Mary Ann Lorimer, and they had seven children together. George, their first son, was born in 1853 but died as an infant. Reverend and Mary Chandler raised Hannah (from the Reverend's first marriage), Isabel (born in 1851), James (born in 1857), John Alexander [he later changed the order of his name to Alexander John Chandler] (born in 1859), Harry L. (born in 1861), and Priscilla (born in 1864). Their life was not easy. Mary Ann and Joseph Chandler had another son named Joseph who died as a youngster when he was helping to move some rocks and one fell on him.


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