Lorimer, Mary Ann

Lorimer, Mary Ann


August 10, 1826, Port Soy, Scotland


December 30, 1912


Joseph Chandler


Isabell B. Chandler
George Ralph Chandler
Joseph Lorimer Chandler
James Milne Chandler
Alexander John Chandler
Harry Lyman Chandler
Pricilla Mary Chandler


John Lorimer, Isobel Brodie

Mary Ann Lorimer was the fifth child of John Lorimer and Isobel BrodieJohn Lorimer and Isabel Brodie Lorimer, were both from Scotland. John Lorimer married Isabel Brodie in 1816, and they had a very large family of 13 children. Their first daughter, Mary Ann Lorimer, was born in 1826. When she was just a toddler, she and her family emigrated from Scotland to Canada traveling with a group of Scottish people. Sailing across the Atlantic, with her little children, Isabel Lorimer insisted on bringing a small rocker with her, much to the dismay of the ship's captain. Their sailing ship lacked passenger cabins and a strong protective railing, but nevertheless, it made the trip successfully. Mary Lorimer grew up and met Reverend Joseph Chandler, in a town called Coaticook, when she was a young woman.  .. After marrying Joseph Chandler, she gave birth to 6 children who survived into adulthood:

Isabell B. Chandler (1851-1918)
George Ralph Chandler (1853-1855)
Joseph Lorimer Chandler (1855-1881)
James Milne Chandler (1857-1905)
Alexander John Chandler (1859-1950)
Harry Lyman Chandler (1851-1955)
Priscilla M. Chandler (1864-1942)

At a fairly young age, she was stricken with some type of debilitating disorder. This condition left her very weak. A 1859 letter written by her mother Isabel to Mary Ann's sister Janet describes her symptoms. "The next morning James' wife wanted (Mary Ann) to go upstairs and see a web that she was weaving. She went but did not get over it for some days--the Joints in her knees is so weakly that she  cannot walk much & as for going up or down a Stair, that she cannot do."1

This condition continued, and Isabel continued to keep Mary Ann's sister Janet apprised of Mary Ann's health.

"Mary Ann's health is better but she can not walk any yet.... She has a large chair with castors. They draw her to the table or any other place in the house She wishes to go."2

"Your sister Mary Ann is very weak. She can not walk but a very little. She never murmers. She says how much she has to be thankful for. Although the Lord has taken her Strength in some measure, "yet he has allowed me to live without pain for I have none."3

I do not know what is the matter but she is weak all over.... By night she cannot talk any.... She said she thought there was a Threshing Machine in her head. All night she is bloated, at times her face looks [redder] than when she was well. At other times She looks very palely. She has a staff [crutch]. The Doctor told her to count her steps & and take one more every day.... She lies of the Sofa in the dining room. Or sits in a long chair. They draw her in this Chair to the table. Her husband says it is a great Mercy She is able to direct the (servant) girl & see to the Children.... She is pleased & says Although she has a weak body She has but little pain. That the Lord shines on her Soul with the light of his countenance. She is like her Grand Mother. Religion makes her happy. She has kind good Children. They would do anything for their Mother."4

"I thought I would write a few lines to let you know about your Sister Mary Ann. She is worse now than ever she was. I was seeing her when she was six weeks Confined [in pregnancy].... It is eight or ten weeks since and she is no better. She is the most nervous I ever saw. She cannnot bear the least noise.... She is in the parlour, it is the farthest room in the house. She will not have any fire put on. She says if it is hot She cannot breathe. The double Stove is between the dining room & parlour. Their house is very Comfortable but Mrs. Johnston said She suffered in the Cold when She could not put on much fire. It is very hard for Mr. Chandler & the Children to have a good dining room & can get no use of it. She cannot have them come in for the noise--but she is to be felt for the most, that she is not able to get off her bed."5

Mary Ann was 34 when she married Reverend Joseph Chandler. After marrying Joseph Chandler, she gave birth to 5 children.

"Early in life she was led to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior and was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist Church of which her parents were leading members…In 1859, she was married to Rev. Joseph Chandler, pastor of the Baptist Church at Coaticook and Dixville. She entered heartily and sympathetically on this large field, and for a number of years rendered her husband valuable assistance in his work. But failing health soon put an end to her activities.

During almost fifty years she was an invalid leaving her home only at rare intervals. The death of her husband and two sons were severe trials borne with Christian resignation. In the past three or four years her health has been gradually failing, and with the dying year passed with rest and peace and blessedness into the home above. Mrs. Chandler was a woman of marked individuality, she had abounding faith and an intimate knowledge of the Scriptures. Though denied the privilege of attending services of the church, she kept up her interest in the work till the very end.6"

To see other photos of Mary Ann Lorimer Chandler, click HERE.

1Lorimer, Craig G., A Lorimer Family History: 1770-2000, (Madison, WI: Craig G. Lorimer, 2011), p. 124.

2Ibid., p. 124.

3Ibid., p. 125.

4Ibid., p. 125-26.

5Ibid., p. 126.

6Ibid., p. 124.

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