Allison, John James

Allison, John James

He appears in the 1920 and 1921 Chandler City Directories as a blacksmith working on Boston Street.  He and his wife Effie lived on Colorado Street.

The 1926 directory lists a "Jno'" Allison as a blacksmith and said he lived with Henry Stewart. (Jno was apparently an abbreviation for John.)

The 1929 directory said he managed Chandler Machine Works and that they lived at 168 W. Boston. The 1930 directory also said he managed Chandler Machine Works and that he and Effie lived at 130 W. Boston.

The 1931 directory said he was a machinist, working at 130 E. Boston. He and Effie lived at 130 W. Boston. The 1932 directory gave the same information but said he worked at 150 E. Boston and that he and Effie lived at 130 W. Boston. The 1932 directory also said Vernon Allison lived there.

John J. Allison is also listed in the 1940 Chandler Resident Directory as an owner of JJ. Allison & Son, a machine shop. He and Effie L. lived on the north side of West Boston, beyond California. Their phone number was 177.

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