Armstrong, Carolyn (Carolinn, Coralinn, carlan) B.

Armstrong, Carolyn (Carolinn, Coralinn, carlan) B.

She appears in the 19191920192119231925 ,1926 and 1930 Chandler (Arizona) City Directories as the wife of George R. Armstrong.

They lived at 202 Dakota (1923). The 1925 directory gave their address as 217 N. Washington. The 1926 directory said they lived at 116 N. Dakota.

The 1930 directory said they lived at 329 N. California.

The 1940 Chandler Resident Directory said Carolyn and George lived on the east side of north Washington, beyond east Cleveland. Their phone number was 185.  Howard Armstrong, a student, and Raymond Armstrong, a salesman, also had the same address and phone number.