1923 Chandler City Directory

1923 Chandler City Directory


Adams, J. E. (Caroline A.):  RD1, Box 15.
AETNA CASUALTY & SURETY CO., The First National Bank, agents, San Marcos Place
AETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank agents, San Marcos Place
Alvino, Art: blacksmith, lived in Mexican town
Akers, W. H.:  address:  Rural District 1, box 16
Alcantar, Frank (Mary): teamster, home on Delaware St.
Allen, John S.: director, First National Bank
Alterman, Joe S. (Celia): (Chandler Fruit Market), home on California
AMERICAN KITCHEN (Charles Eckles, manager), on Boston, corner of Washington
AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS: J. L. Whitener, agent; telephone 110
Andersen, John (Karene), vice-president, First National Bank
Anderson, B. Eugene (Elizabeth): machinist, home on south California
Anderson, E. A. (Dick)
Anderson, Thomas: rancher
Andrade, Robert (Piena): meatcutter, home on Colorado St.
Appleby, G.: rancher: RD1, box 77
Arambula, Manuel (Josephina): billiards, east Boston, home at rear of same building
ARIZONA-EASTERN RAILWAY CO. , George Gann, agent, ft.(foot?) of Commonwealth Ave.
ARIZONA-MEXICO PRODUCTIONS CO. (W. H. Clark, W. A. Warriner Sr.): motion picture producers, on Boston, corner of Arizona Ave.
Armstrong, George R. (Coraline B.): mayor of Chandler and plumber, home at 202 Dakota
Armstrong, James J. (J & J Market), resident of Pasadena, Calif.
Arneil, Joseph D. (Bella C.): veterinarian surgeon, home on Boston St.
Arnold, Daniel M. (Caroline): bookkeeper for Chandler Garage and Justice of the Peace, home on north Delaware
Arvizo, Peter (Lizzie): butcher
ATTAWAY-CAMPBELL GIN CO.: Alex J. Campbell, manager, cotton ginning, on Delaware at Arizona Eastern Railway track
Attaway, C. B., address:  RD 1, Box 11
Austin, A. L.: RD1, Box 2
Austin, Fred P. (Mary E.): superintendent, Chandler Public Schools; h-225 S. (?) Washington
Austin, Laura V.: lived with T. W. Austin
Austin, Thomas W. (Alice): rancher, home on California
AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank agent, San Marcos Place


Bagley, Amos H. (Helen G.): driver, Chandler Ice Co., on south Dakota
Baldo, Cecelia: student, lived with Mrs. Gertrude Baldo
Baldo, Gertrude Mrs., home on Colorado St.
Baldwin, Clarence A. (Emma H.): cashier, Bank of Chandler, president of the Bank of Gilbert, home on Arizona Ave., southwest corner of Cleveland.
Bales, Arthur: laborer, home on California
Bales, Ella: student, lived with W. A. Bales
Bales, Randall: auto operator, lived with W. A. Bales
Bales, W. A. (Bessie): laborer, home on California
BANK OF CHANDLER: Alexander J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, vice president; Clarence Baldwin, cashier;  F. E. Burridge, assistant cashier; F. H. Bouton, manager, insurance Dept., San Marcos Place
Barackman, William G. (Kathryn): dentist, Boston, near San Marcos. home: RD1
Barr, Orpha B. Mrs., president Woman's Club, home, 126 N. Washington
Basha, Edna, manager, N. N. Basha; residence, 320 N. Washington
Basha, Nejeeb N. (Nejeeby), dry goods on Boston, corner of Bristol, 320 N. Washington 
Beatty, Ella Mrs.; home on Colorado St.
Beckman, Charles M. (Contilia), home on Oregon St.
Beers, Samuel E. (Elizabeth): painter, home, Dakota St.
Bell, Emma Mrs.: waiter, Chandler Cafe
Bernard, A: RD 1, Box 34
Beye, J. W. (Larne):  RD1, Box 42
Billings, Fred: RD1, Bopx 81
Bland, Ida E., widow of W. E.: lived with C. M. Wilson
Bleak, Richard M. (Ellye): blacksmith, Boston near south Washington; Mesa resident
Bolen, O.: RD1, Box 126
BOSTON HOTEL (Charles Eckles): Boston corner of Washington
BOSTON POOL HALL: W. A. DeVault, manager; Boston, corner of Washington
Bouton, Callie: widow H. S.: physicians attendant, home on Commonwealth Ave.
Bouton, Floyd H.: manager insurance department, The Bank of Chandler
Bouton, Sarah Mrs., home 233 N. Washington
Boyles, Martha A.: lived with C. M. Wilson
Bradley, Lina Mrs., lived with Y. Delci
Brass, Charles N. (Cora B.): rancher, home Gilbert Road, 2 miles south on same
Brechler, Anne C. Mrs.: telephone operator at The San Marcos; lived on Boston St.
Brechler, Leonard B. (Anne C.): auto operator, home on Boston St.
Brion, A. A.: RD 1, Box 71
Brockett, Harry (Doris): auto mechanic for C. M.Wilson & Co.; home on California St.
Brockett, Jewell B. (Henrietta), teller, Bank of Chandler, lived one mile east of Chandler
Brockett, Lawrence D.: truck operator, 130 S. Dakota
Brockett, M. Luther (Mary): laborer, home on 130 S. Dakota
Bronson, Jesse H. (Elva): miner, home on Commonwealth and Dakota
Brooks, Beatrice: grade school teacher
Brooks, J. W.: RD1, Box 109
Brooks, William (Mary E.): carpenter, home on south Dakota
Brown, E. D.: RD 1, Box 136
Burns, George: RD1, Box 113
Burridge, Frank E. (Frances M.): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Brown, George B. (Bessie): barber on Boston near San Marcos Place, home on north Dakota
Brown, J. F. (C. M. Wilson & Co.); Casa Grande resident
Brown, J. W., RD 1
Browning, Mack C. (Eva M.): foreman, Southwest Cotton Co. ; home 113 N. Dakota
Brubaker, Henry E. (Ethel): lumberman, home on east Buffalo, corner of Colorado
Bryson?, Henry A. (Clara): carpenter, home on California
Brackelew?, J. W.: RD1, Box 70
Buelna, Laureno (Teresa): farmer, lived with Y. Delci
Burnett, C. M.: RD 1, Box 111
Burnett, O. O.: laborer, for Attaway-Campbell Gin Co.; home, 326 Colorado
Busby, Walter (Lulu): manager, Chandler Ice Co., Tempe resident
Bottenham?, E. A.: RD1, Box 91
Bybee?, Sunshine Mrs., lived with B. L. Sanders 


Campbell, Alex J. (Florence): manager, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co., home 3 miles or east or south of Chandler
Carper, W. Joseph (Ora): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Carroll, Clifford C.: laborer, lived with S. N. Carroll
Carroll, John H.: laborer, lived with S. N. Carroll
Carroll, Samuel N. (Ola): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Caudill, William S. (Bessie): insurance agent on Boston St.; city clerk and treasurer, home on south California
Celaya, Ida: High School teacher;  lived with H. Brockett
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: Park R. Mitten, editor and publisher, 109 Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler, Alexander J.: president, Bank of Chandler; Chandler Improvement Co., Chandler Water & Power Co., Chandler Land & Securities Co., Consolidated Canal Co. and the San Marcos Hotel Co.. He lived at the San Marcos Hotel.
CHANDLER CAFE (Andrew Contos and George Contos): short orders and special meals at all hours, Arizona Ave.
CHANDLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (W. A. Warriner Sr., secretary-manager)
CHANDLER CITY COUNCIL: George R. Armstrong, mayor. Members: J. B. Weber, W. D. McBrayer, Oris Holdren and George E. Foster
CHANDLER CITY COURT: William S. Caudill, Judge and Recorder
CHANDLER EGYPTIAN COTTON GINNING CO.: E. A. McDonald manager, on Delaware (foot of?)
CHANDLER GARAGE (Oris Holdren), Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER-GOODYEAR STAGE LINE (J. W. Krebs, A. H. Bagley, Arizona, corner of Boston
CHANDLER GRADE SCHOOLS : Fred P. Austin, superintendent, Mrs. Mabel Singleton, principal, on north Oregon St.
CHANDLER HIGH SCHOOL: Fred P. Austin, superintendent and principal, on north Arizona
CHANDLER ICE CO.: Walter Busby, manager; Mrs. E. Robichaux, secretary-treasurer, south Delaware
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary and manager of real estate development, San Marcos Place
CHANDLER LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. INC.: A. D. Hartley, president, south Washington, near Boston
CHANDLER-MESA STAGE LINE, San Marcos Place, corner of Commonwealth Ave.
CHANDLER TRANSFER CO. (J. L. Whitener and B. M. Whitener):  trucking and transfer heavy hauling, Arizona Ave., Tel 110
(Phoenix number illegible)
CHANDLER WATER & POWER  CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary; San Marcos Place
Chandler Woman's Club:  Mrs. Orpha B. Barr, president
Choy, C. H.: clerk, San Marcos Hotel, home on Oregon St.
Childers, Howard: auto operator, Chandler Transfer Co.
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary E.): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Chitwood, Cliff C.: student, lived with C. R. Chitwood
Chitwood, Mabel: steno, Bank of Chandler, lived with C. R. Chitwood
Christian Church: Rev. C. T. Radford, pastor; on Cleveland
Christian Science Reading Room, Monroe Cottage, north Oregon
Christian Science Society, N. Colorado, corner of Cleveland
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Buffalo corner of Colorado
CITIZENS INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank agent; San Marcos Place
Clack, Vera E. Mrs.: stenographer, Chandler Chamber of Commerce, Hotel Chandler
Clack, Wade Hampton (Arizona-Mexico Productions Co.), Hotel Chandler resident
Clark, Sadie M. Mrs.: washerwoman, home on South California
Coder, Eliza J. Mrs, lived with J. D. Arneil
Coffin, George E. (Matilda): storekeeper, San Marcos; home on Dakota St.
Coffman, David W. (Eliza); home on Commonwealth Ave.
Cohen, Jacob: billiards, Arizona Ave.
Collins, Harry J.: instructor in charge, San Marcos Golf Club
Contos, Andrew (Chandler Cafe): home on south California St.
Contos, George (Chandler Cafe); home on south California St.
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary, San Marcos Place
Cook, Edna M.: teacher, Grade School
Craft, Anna Mrs.: proprietor, Hotel Suhuaro, home, same
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare W.): real estate, Boston, near San Marcos Pl.; home on Boston near Dakota
Crisp, David B. (Clara): rancher, home on California St.
Curtis, Lyman A. (Pearl): rancher, home on California St.
Curtiss, Fred J. (Pearl S.): clerk, Lemon Bros., home, 140 S. Dakota
Curtiss, Vienna: student, lived with F. J. Curtiss
Curty, L. D.,  R.D.1, Box 6


Damon, William F., RD1, Box 53
Daniels, Etta Mrs.: housekeeper, residence, S. N. Carroll
Daniels, Henry J.: foreman,  lived on  E. Boston St.
Davee, Harvey W. (Josephine): barber, home on north Dakota St.
Davee, Violetta: student, lived with H. W. Davee
Davis, Arthur C.: foreman, lived with Britt Rogers
Davis, Earl C.: student, lived with M. A. Davis
Davis, Elijah, J. P. (Emma): rancher, home on Dakota St.
Davis, Marshall A. (Etta): laborer, home on California
Davis, Merle L.; lived with M. A. Davis
Davis, Palmer M.: miner, lived with Britt Rogers
Deatheridge, Henry: soft drinks, on Boston St.
DeBolt, Ida B.: bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler
DeBolt, W. Everett: salesman
Delci, Ylario (Lydia): home on Delaware, near Boston
Denny, Adelia C.: widow of S. H. B., home on Dakota St.
DePriest, G. M.: RD1, Box 21
DeSouza, James E. (Aline C.): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co., home, 218 E. Buffalo
DeVault, William A.: clerk, lived at Boston Hotel
DeWitt, K.: rancher, RD1
Diegus(?), William H.: RD1, Box 126 (illegible)
Dobbin, Alta: student, lived with W. J. Carper
Dobbin, Elizabeth, lived with W. J. Carper
Dobbin, Lucy Mrs.: housekeeper, lived with W. J. Carper
Dobbins, G. C.: rancher
Dobson, John H. (Lecty): president, First National Bank
Dorrough, E. Wallace (Esther L.): auto mechanic, home on east Cleveland
Drain, W. H.: RD1, Box 112
Duron, Bruno: RD1, box 32 


Eckles, Charles (Boston Hotel), resident of the same
Edwards, Emma, widow of George, home at the rear of 110 N. Colorado
EL VERJEL RANCHO CO. (George F. Lewis & Sons): fruit canners, 1 1/2 miles SW of Chandler
Eldredge, Daniel (Mary F.): furnished rooms, 124 S. Oregon
Eldredge, Daniel K.: laborer, lived on north Colorado
Eldredge, Lloyd G., lived with Mrs. L. G. K. Eldredge
Eldredge, Lola G. K. Mrs., home on north Colorado
Ellis, Henry J. (Grace M.): restaurant on west Boston, southwest corner of Oregon, lived at same place
Enright, John P.: sheetmetal worker on south Washington
Episcopal Guild Hall, north Washington, corner of Cleveland
Esber, Alex (Victoria): dry goods, Boston, near Arizona Ave., home on south Oregon
Estrella, Manuel (Juoaquina): foreman, home on Colorado
Estrella, Ray: clerk, Chandler Fruit Market
Ethington, P. P.,: RD1, box 143


Farmer, Ben: rancher, RD1, Box 47
Farmer, George H., lived at Boston Hotel
Ferguson, Elias W. (Hannah), lived at 217 N. Washington
Ferguson, Uesta: teacher, grade school, 217 N. Washington
Fifal, William: RD1, Box 133
First Baptist Church, Rev. T. F. Lowry, pastor; south Dakota St.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE: John H. Dobson, president; John Andersen, vice president; W. N. Johnson, cashier; on Boston, opposite San Marcos Place
Fosler, John (Augusta): carpenter, home on Boston St.
Foster, George E. (Caroline): engineer and member City Council, home on Boston St.
Frazee, Mattie, Mrs., lived at Hotel Suhuaro
Friedberg, Joseph (Julia M. C.) (The Leader): lived at Suhuaro Hotel
Fullen, Smith E.; resident of Hotel Suhuaro
Fuller, Alvin: laborer, lived with Mrs. Lucy Fuller
Fuller, Fred: RD1, Box 10
Fuller, Lucy Mrs.: home on Colorado St.
Fuller, William A.: lived with Mrs. Lucy Fuller


Gann, George (Pearl): agent, Arizona Eastern Railway Co., home ft. of Commonwealth Ave.
GARDNER DRUG CO. (H.C. Gardner), San Marcos Place
Gardner, Hazel Mrs.: teacher, Grade School
Gardner, Hugh C. (Florence M.) (Gardner Drug Co.): home, 224 N. Washington
Gauger, Clarence E. (Emma): home on Dakota St.
Gavette, C. A.: R.D. 1, Box 117
Gawthorp, E. S.: R.D. 1
Gaylord, Beatrice: student, lived with W. M. Gaylord
Gaylord, William M. (Hattie): groceries on Boston near Arizona Ave., home on south Oregon
Gephart, John S. (Elsie R.): engineer, home on California St.
Gibbons, M. L.: undertaker, Commonwealth Ave., lived in Mesa
Gibson, Irving L.: pharmacy, lived at Hotel Suhuaro
GILBERT-DOBSON APARTMENTS, ss Boston, opposite San Marcos Place
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician on Boston near San Marcos Place,  home on Colorado near Buffalo
Giles, A. J.: R.D. 1, Box 36
Gillette, Leslie E.: student, lived with G. E. Coffin
Gonzalez, Frank (Emelie), home on Colorado St.
Goodrich, P. M.: R. D. 1, Box 128
Gorath, Fred: rancher
Gordon, C. R.: R. D. 1, Box 35
Graham, H.P.: R. D. 1, Box 39
Gray, Jack: R. D. 1, Box 57
Gray, Lewis: R. D. Box 1
Gregg, A. T.: R.D. 1, Box 104
Griffin, Nate H.: rancher
Griffith, Dio D. (Myrtle): plumber, home on Colorado St.


Hall, Edward E. (Carrrie): police City of Chandler, home on California St.
HALSTEAD, J. D. LUMBER COL, W. B. Richins, manager, south Washington St.
Hammer, George Mrs. : rear of 124 S. Oregon
Handley, Otho N. (Lily): assistant cashier, Chandler Improvement Co. and rancher
Hansen, B. A. : R. D. 1, Box 99
Hansen, John R. : R. D. 1, Box 52
Hansen, Ora G. : teacher, Grade School
Harding, M. E. ; R. D. 1, Box 74
Harmer, Alvin M. (Nella E.) : pharmacist, Gardner Drug Co., home 200 Arizona Ave.
Harmon, J. M. (Sarah J.) : auto operator, Chandler Transfer Co.
Harmon, L. Cedric (Martha): home on north Oregon
Hartley, Arvie D. (Nellie F.): president Chandler Lumber & Supply Co.
Hawkins, Blanche Mrs.: manager, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co., home 12 N. Oregon
Haws, Theresa: manager, Vance Bros., Mesa resident
Hayes, Jasper l. (Idella): clothes cleaner on Boston, corner of California; home, same
Hays, Ethel: widow, D. A.; home, California St.
Haywood, Leland: pharmacy, Weber's Arrow Pharmacy, Mesa resident
Heffner, Wayne (Rena M.): service station on Arizona Ave.; residence one mile east and 1/4 mile north
Henry, John G. (Leonora E.): carpenter, home, 350 California
Henry, Louis: painter, home, 207 N. Washington
Hicks, Eva Mrs.: waiter, Hotel Suhuaro, home on Dakota
Heissner, Katie B. Mrs.: clerk, D. M. Tucker
Higgins, Marguerite Mrs.: telephone operator, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph, home: 242 California
Higgins, Walter M.: janitor, home, Dakota St.
Hilbers, Ida C.: Grade School teacher (last name?)
Hill, A. B.: ginner, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co.
Hill, Bert (Bernice): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Hill, Bratcher (Hattie): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Hinson, William W. (Laura): shoe repair on Boston, near San Marcos Pl., home on south Oregon
Hoggard, Hardy: laborer, home on Dakota St.
Hoggard, Wade (Dona): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Holcombe, George (Kate): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Holcombe, Marshall, resided with George Holcombe
Holdren, Floyd: student, lived with Oris Holdren
Holdren, G. Mildred: student, lived with Oris Holdren
Holdren, Oris (Ruth) (Chandler Garage) and member City Council, home on east Buffalo, corner of Colorado
HOME INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank agent, San Marcos Place
Hoon, Minnie A. Mrs., telephone operator, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co., lived with Britt Rogers
Hoover, A. R., residence, R.D. 1, Box 135
Hoover, J. C.; residence, R.D. Box 139
Horath, Fred; R.D. 1, Box 5
HOTEL CHANDLER (David A. Jacobson); Boston, corner of Arizona Ave.
House, Margaret C.: teacher, high school, lived with A. M. Harmer
Houston, C. C.: R.D. 1, Box 96
Howey, Emma P. Mrs.: stenographer,  A.E. Price; res. 207 N. Washington
Howey, Frank V. (Emma P.): h. 207 N. Washington
HUBER BROS,  R.D. 1, Box 22
Huber, J. Joseph (Helen): manager, Southside Gas & Electric Co., h. N. Delaware
Hughes, Taliafero W.; r. W. W. Hinson
Hulcatt, Clarence F. (Mary E.); h Dakota St.
Hull, Frank J. (Tura): foreman, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co., h. Commonwealth Ave.
Hunsaker, Anne (widow of Gordon); h. Colorado St.
Hunsaker, Ivan: farmer, lived with Mrs. Anne Hunsaker
Hunt, J. F.; R.D. 1, Box 132


Islas, Clara, lived with Mrs. J. Islas
Islas, Joaquina Mrs.: domestic, home on Boston near Colorado
Islas, Otila, lived with Mrs. J. Islas
Islas, Trini: waiter, Chandler Cafe, lived with Mrs. J. Islas


J AND J MARKET (J.N. Armstrong), Boston, near San Marcos Place
Jackson, Roy A. (Nellie C.): assistant principal, Chandler High School; home, 204 Buffalo
Jacobson, David A. (Hotel Chandler):, residence, same
Jacobson, Ray Mrs.: domestic,  Hotel Chandler, residence, same
Jennings, James M.: meatcutter, Lukin Cash Grocery and Meat Market
Jepsen, Andreas: director, First National Bank
Johnson, Abel:  R. D. 1, Box 23
Johnson, Gus: R. D. 1, Box 28
Johnson, John (Lutie G.); home, north Colorado, near Cleveland
Johnson, Joseph W.; R.D. 1, Box 88
Johnson, Walter N. (Emily M.): cashier, First National Bank
Johnson, W. T.: R.D. 1, Box 37
Jones, D. Dudley: principal, Goodyear School
Jones, Martha J. Mrs.: Grade School teacher
Jones, O. C.: R. D. 1, Box 64
Jones, T. C.: R. D. 1, Box 3
Jordan, Berma Mrs.: High School teacher, lived with F. C. Jordan
Jordan, Fred C. (Berma L.): physician on Commonwealth Ave., home on Arizona Ave.
Joyner, Ada Mrs.: 305 Dakota St.
Jue, Sing: groceries, Colorado St., one block south of Boston; home, same


Keener, David A. (Elsie): attorney, First National Bank Building; home on Boston St.
Kestler, Roy: R. D. 1, Box 75
Knights of Pythias, meeting in Monroe Building
Knox, T. A. Mrs.: R. D. 1, Box 8
Koch, Ernest J. (Rafaela): vice president, Bank of Chandler; secretary and manager, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Colorado St.
Koch, Ernest J. Jr.: student, University of Arizona; lived with E. J. Koch
Koch, Rafaela: lived with E. J. Koch
Krebs, John W. (Ethel): blacksmith on east Boston (owner of Chandler-Goodyear Auto Line); home on south Delaware
Krucker, Herbert F.: student, resident of Hotel Suhuaro
Kunst, Henry: carpenter for The San Marcos Hotel


La Due, Ruth: social worker; 124 S. Oregon
Laird, Olivia F.: teacher High school, lived with A. M. Harmer
Lamoreaux, Orrell: R.D. 1, Box 130
Lang, H. B.: R. D. 1, Box 115
La Paglia, V.: R.D. 1, Box 45
LEADER, THE (Joseph Friedberg): dry goods, Boston, near San Marcos Place
Lem, Kau: cook, Boston Hotel; residence, same
LEMON BROS. (Herbert G. and Roy G.): hardware, auto supplies, farm implements, tents, furniture, harness, variety goods, etc.; south Arizona Ave. near Boston
Lemon, Hubert G. (Gladys) (Lemon Bros.); home on south Oregon
Lemon Roy G. (Tillie) (Lemon Bros.), home on south Oregon
Leon, Anna: waiter, Chandler Cafe, home on Delaware near Colorado
Lewis, George F. (El Verjel Rancho Co.)
LEWIS, GEORGE F. & SONS (El Verjel Rancho Co.)
Lewis, Terry (Pearl R.): foreman, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Ginning Co., residence, three miles south of town
Lewis, Webster J. (Helen G.) (El Verjel Rancho Co.)
Leyda, Cecil: clerk, Chandler Improvement Co., lived with J. H. Smith
Leyda, Virgil W.: steno, Chandler Improvement Co.
Linderman, Florence A.: High School teacher, lived with Dr. K. M. Gilbert 
Lisonbee, J. Lorenzo (Eda): farmer, home at rear of 217 N. Washington (last name? writing fuzzy)
Lively, Wheeler G. (Sular M.): foreman, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on Boston St.
LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank agent; San Marcos Place
Lorenz, William: saddle stable, east Boston, home at same place
Lowry, Theo F. Rev. (Myra T.): pastor, First Baptist Church, home on south Dakota St.
Loyal Order of Moose Chandler Lodge No. 582
Lukin, Abe (Lucille) (Lukin Cash Grocery & Meat Market); home on California
LUKIN CASH GROCERY & MEAT MARKET (Abe Lukin); Arizona Avenue
Lyman, Clarence F.: soda dispenser, Gardner Drug Co., Mesa resident
Lynch, E. E.: watchman, Southwest Cotton Co.


McBrayer, William D. (Laura): member City Council and deputy tax assessor
McBride, John H. (Willie): carpenter,  home on Cleveland St.
McCally, C. W. (Carrie P.): R.D. 1, Box 43
McClellan, D. A.: rancher, R.D. 1
McCleve, Henry: R.D. 1, Box 82
McCrite, John: rancher: home on Dakota St.
McDonald, E. A.: manager, Chandler Egyptian Cotton Ginning Co.; resident of Phoenix
McGaughey, Otto N. (Fay): auto mechanic, home on north Oregon St.
McGhee, Collwell S. (Nellie F.): foreman, Chandler Water & Power Co.; h, 130 N. Colorado
McGinnis, J. C.: r.D. 1, Box 89
McNeil, George M. (Ruth): foreman, Chandler Arizonan


Maddox, Guy (Flora): laborer, lived with W. W. Higgins
Madray, Lester H. (Ethel M.):  teller, First National Bank; home ? (unreadable) north Colorado
Madrigal, Michael (Amalomorita): laborer, home on south Washington, near Boston
Mallory, Harry: auto operator, Chandler Tranfer Co., home on south Dakota St.
Malone, Charles L. (Bertie): carpenter, home on Dakota St.
Malone, Jewel I.: student, lived with C. L. Malone
Martin, Charles A.: pressman, Chandler Arizonan
Martin, Hortense A. Mrs., 300 N. Washington
Martin, J. F.: R. D. 1, Box 20
Martin, Samuel J. N. (Margaret L.): carpenter, home on California St.
Martinez, Nick (Martha): meatcutter, Pay'n Takit Store, home on California St.
MARYLAND CASUALTY OF BALTIMORE: The First National Bank, agent, San Marcos Place
Mason, Wesley N. (Elva): assistant engineer, Hotel San Marcos, home on south Oregon
Masterson, William
Matus, J. M.: R.D. 1, Box 25
Meason, James M. (May): physician on Commonwealth Ave.
Meehan, Andrew W.: lived with G. T. Meehan
Meehan, George T. (Bessie): painter, home on north Delaware, near east Buffalo
Meeker, George (Bertha): home on south Oregon
Mendoza, Jose: R. D. 1, Box 137
MENHENNET THEATRE, Boston, next to Post Office
Meredith, George R. (Regina): foreman, C. M. Wilson Co., home: 137 S. California
Metcalfe, Bert H. (Bess): janitor, high school; home on California St.
Methodist Episcopal Church, Cleveland between California and Dakota
Meyer, Peter (Bertha): barber, San Marcos Hotel
Middleton, R. A.: R. D. 1, Box 29
Miller, Joseph R. (Anna): apiarist, home on 126 S. Dakota
Miller, R. Monroe: R.D. 1, Box 44
Millet, Eunice A.: widow of Alma; home on Colorado St.
Mills, John N. (Tennee): laborer, home on Dakota St.
Mitten, Charles A.:  with Chandler Arizonan
Mitten, Park R. (Irma O.): editor and publisher, Chandler Arizonan
Molino, Serafino (Catalina): carpenter, home on Colorado St.
Monroe Building, San Marcos Place
Montgomery, Ira J. (Josephine): manager, Pay'n Takit Store, home on Boston St.
Morato, Dolores Mrs.; home, end of east Boston
Morgansen, Andrew L.: cattleman
Morgansen, Nellie, Grade School teacher, lived at Gilbert-Dobson apartments
Morgareidge, Albert T. (Halcyone): president, Reliable Hardware; home one-half mile east on Higley Road
Morrison, Leroy P. (Aleen A.): supply agent, Standard Oil Co., home on Boston St.
Mott, A: R. D. Box 57
MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO.: Mrs. Blanche Hawkins, manager, 127 N. Oregon
Mumford, Jennie: housekeeper for R. A. Jackson
Muncey, Fred A.: farmer, lived with W. M. Muncey
Muncey, William M. (Belle): rancher, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on south Dakota
Murphree, F. P.;  R. D. 1, Box 94
Murray, Joseph S. (Lillie): home on north Delaware
Musser, John R.: lived with Robert B. Musser
Musser, Robert B. (Margaret): home on Oregon St.


Neil, Grover J.: R.D. 1, Box 14
Nelson, E. G.: R. D. 1, Box 101
NEW JERSEY INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
Noriega, Francisco: clerk, lived on Arizona Ave. near Court
Norton, George W. (Maggie): rancher
NORWICH UNION INSURANCE CO.: The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
Norwood, Charles C.: lived with G. T. Meehan


Odd Fellows meetings, in Monroe Building
Olson, Ole: R. D. 1, Box 7
Openshaw, D. A.: R.D. 1, Box 26
Openshaw, Thelma F.: bookkeeper, C. M. Wilson & Co.; R.D. 1
Orente, Lola: waiter, H. J. Ellis, lived at Mexican Town
Ortiz, L. M.: R.D. 1, Box 118
Overacker, E. S.: R.D. 1, Box 58
Owen, Elsie P.: student, lived with Harry Roberts
Owen, Mary: widow of Homer


Palmas, A: laborer, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co.
Parke, Agnes H. Mrs.: domestic science teacher, Chandler High School, home on Arizona Ave.
Parke, Lee S. (Agnes H.): agricultural teacher, Chandler High School, home on Arizona Ave.
Parke, Leonard C.: postmaster, lived in Jacobson Building
Parkhurst,  Jacob L.: R.D. 1, Box 105
Parkinson, Albert T.: R.D. 1, Box 120
Parrish, Earle P.: machinist, home on Dakota St.
Patton, M.D.: R.D. 1, Box 102
PAY 'N TAKIT STORE NO. 6, Ira Montgomery, manager, Arizona Ave.
Payton, Frank P. (Bertha): foreman, home on Dakota St.
Reel, Rulon S. (Vessa): machinist, lived on north Dakota St.
Peevey, Thomas I. (Melissa): laborer, 133 S. Dakota St.
Perkins, R. Eugene: high school student, lived with R. J. Perkins
Perkins, Reuben J. (Zena): carpenter, home on north Delaware, corner of Cleveland
Petersen, W. H.: R.D. 1, B ox 12
Peterson, Elmer B.: high school student, 210 N. Washington
Peterson, Henry L. (Cora A.): 210 N. Washington
Pevehouse, Claude (Mary): laborer, home on south Oregon
Phelps, Alberta: student; lived with J. M. Phelps
Phelps, Joseph M. (Frances): foreman, Salt River Valley Water Users Assn., home on Dakota St.
Pittard, H. A. : R.D. 1, Box 33
Pleasant, William P. (Ethel): carpenter, home on south California
Plumb, W.L.: R.D. 1, Box 65
Pollard, Lena M. Mrs.: Chandler High School teacher; home at 130 N. Washington
POPULAR STORE, THE (Serrano Bros.): dry goods, on Boston near Arizona Ave.
Post Office: L.C. Parke, postmaster, west Boston, opposite San Marcos (not legible)
Powell, Guy: lived with A.F. Sadler
Price, Arthur E. (Louise C.): attorney, Monroe Building, home on north Washington? (not legible) Cleveland
Prudhom, Harold C.: manual trng (?) teacher at Chandler High School
Pruitt, David F. (Lela): ginner, Attaway-Campbell Gin Co. home on California


Radford, Carlo: student, lived with C. T. Radford
Radford, Charles T.: pastor, Christian Church
Radford, Rex: student, lived with C. T. Radford
Ray, Jewel Mrs.: teacher at Goodyear School
Reese, John T.: rancher
Reinecke, Rawland F. (Beatrice): kitchenman, Hotel San Marcos; home on California
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO.: A.T. Morgareidge, president; J. D. Thorn, secretary (?), on Boston near San Marcos Place
Reynolds, Ralph L.: bookkeeper, Chandler Improvement Co.; home on west Chicago (?)
Rice, Eva: widow of N.A., lived with Myrtle E. Rice
Rice, Irene: cashier, Pay 'N Takit Store; R.D.
Rice, Myrtle E.: music teacher; home on north Colorado near Cleveland
Richins, Wellington B. (Edith W.): manager, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.; home, 126 N. Washington
Riggs, Henry:  R.D. 1, Box 65
Roberts, Clyde A. (Ruby E.): manager, O. S. Stapley Co. Inc.; home, 126 N. Washington
Roberts, Harvey (Effie): laborer, home on Dakota
Robertson, Irene Mrs.: grade school teacher
Robertson, Orrick C.: salesman, C. M. Wilson & Co., 200 S. California
Robichaux, Edna: widow of Henry; secretary-treasurer of Chandler Ice Co.
Robinson, Dorothy F.: home, 220 N. Washington
Robinson, Grace P. Mrs.: manager of The San Marcos Hotel; home, 220 N. Washington
Robinson, Will H. (Grace P.): writer, home, 220 N. Washington
Rodgers, A. J.: R.D. 1
Rodgers, E. A.: R. D. 1, Box 140
Rodgers, L. H.: R. D. 1, Box 134
Rodriguez, Frank (Leona): laborer; home on south Washington near Boston
Rogers, Britt (Jalie): rancher; home on Dakota St.
Romand, La Elissa: widow of Rafino; home end of south Boston
Romero, Emilie: waiter, H. J. Ellis; lived in Mexican Town
Rountree, Guy H. (Minnie A.): rancher; home on Dakota St.
Rountree, Thelma: student; lived with G. H. Rountree
Rowland, Crede W.: salesman, O. C. Stapley Co.; lived with J. P. Rowland
Rowland, Ernest T. (Pearl); transfer business; home on south Oregon
Rowland, John P. (Jennetty C.); home on Boston St.
ROYAL INSURANCE CO., The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
Rucker, Leonard F.:  R. D. 1, Box 38


Saba, Solomon (Bahruya); home on south Oregon
Sadler, August F. (Ethel M.); home, California St.
ST. PAUL FIRE & MARINE INS. CO., The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
Salazar, Pedro: R. D. 1, Box 97
Salladay, James F. (Rose): rancher; home, California St.
Sam, Lee: clerk, G. Y. Wah
Sam, Sing: cook, Boston Hotel
SAN MARCOS GOLF CLUB: Harry J. Collis, instructor in charge; 1/8 mile east of The San Marcos
SAN MARCOS HOTEL CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; E. J. Koch, secretary proprietor, The San Marcos
SAN MARCOS, The San Marcos Hotel Co., proprietors; Mrs. Grace P. Robinson, manager; San Marcos Place, corner of Buffalo
Sanders, Bessye L.: teacher, grade school; home on Dakota St.
Schmalzel, Michael J. (Nell): clerk, Standard Oil Co.; lived at Galbraith Ranch
Schule, G. M.: R.D. 1, Box 13
SCOTTISH UNION & NATIONAL INSURANCE CO.; The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
Seaver, Anna N. Mrs.: grade school teacher
Seaver, Fred S. (Winifred): barber; home, 334 California
Sellars, A. H.: R. D. 1, Box 100
Sellars, Martha Mrs.: home on Dakota St.
Sellers, Clarence H.: salesman, Standard Oil Co.: lived on  Roy Wood ranch
Serrano, Albert P. (Serrano Bros.): lived on Boston St.
Serrano Bros. (L. P. and A. P.): Popular Store owners, Boston near Arizona Ave.
Serrano, George P.: clerk, Serrano Bros.; lived on Boston St.
Serrano, Louis P. (Serrano Bros.): home on Boston St.
Simpson, G. S.: R. D. 1, Box 36
Sims, Roy: R. D. 1, Box 73
Singleton, Mabel Mrs.: grade school principal; home: 118 N. Colorado
Singleton, Richard H. (Mabel): auto mechanic; home, 118 N. Colorado
Sitler, Mary: school nurse, lived with Dr. K. M. Gilbert
Smith, Joseph H. (Lucy): manager, J and J Market; home, 124 S. California
Snyder, Oneita P. Mrs.: hairdresser, San Marcos Hotel
SOUTHWEST COTTON CO.: W. W. White, manager., ft. of Delaware
SOUTHSIDE GAS & ELECTRIC CO.: J. Joseph Huber, manager
Sparks, Joseph F. (Maude): city marshall, City Hall; home, 148 S. Dakota
Speck, Frank R. (Hazel): pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church, California, southwest corner of Cleveland
SPRINGFIELD FIRE & MARINE INS. CO.: The First National Bank, agent; San Marcos Place
STANDARD OIL CO.: L. P. Morrison, supply agent; Delaware, corner of Boston
Staples, J. Afred (Loretta): clerk, Pay 'N Takit Store; home, 203 Boston
Stapley, O. S. Inc.: C. A. Roberts, manager; hardware and farm implements; Boston, near Arizona Ave.
Stephenson, J. H.: R. D. 1, Box 74
Stevens, Ben: engineer, Chandler Ice Co.
Stevens, Sam D. (Julia L.): teamster; home, south California St.
Stevens, Sam D. Jr.; R. D. 1, Box 138
Steward, Ralph F. (Sadie): home, Dakota St.
Steward, William: R. D. 1, Box 19
Stewart, Charles D.  (Cecelia R.): home, north Delaware, corner of Cleveland
Stewart, Henry: R. D. 1, Box 48
Stewart, Joseph R.: laborer, Chandler Ice Co.
Stewart, Owen L.: R. D. 1, Box 72
Stidham, Albert: R. D. 1, Box 98
Stow, Floyd: student; home, 242 California
Stow, Mark W. (Martha A.): superintendent of buildings, Chandler Public Schools; home, 242 California
Stow, Martha A. Mrs.: operator, Mt. States Telephone & Telegraph Co.; home, 242 California
Strain, Isabel: grade school teacher; lived at Gilbert-Dobson apartments
Straus, Albert: manager: Menhennet Theatre; resident of Suhuaro Hotel
SUHUARO HOTEL: Mrs. L. L. Craft; proprietor, Buffalo, corner of Arizona Ave.
Sutton, C. A.: R. D. 1, Box 63
Swader, J. A.: R. D. 1, Box 61


Tate, Charles F. (Leslie A.): R. D. carrier; home on north California
Terry, Isla Mrs.: bookkeeper, First National Bank
Terry, W. C.: R.D. 1, Box 68
Thiebaud, Rodolph L. (Rebecca L.): rancher, home, 137 S. Dakota
Thomas, J. S.: R.D. 1, Box 4
Thompson, Van (Nettie): teamster; home, south Dakota
Thompson, W. Tony (Minnie): laborer, home on south Dakota St.
Thorn, Caroline Mrs.: stenographer, First National Bank
Thorn, Joseph D. Jr. (Caroline): secretary-treasurer, Reliable Hardware Co.; home, 240 N. Washington
Tornow, Marie B.: student; lives with W. A. Warriner Sr.
Tucker, David M. (Jeanie): dry goods, Arizona Ave.
Tyler, Robert M. (Charlotte): carpenter; home, 346 N. Washington


Underhill, Anson: R. D. 1, Box 90
Underhill, S. M.: R.D. 1, Box 94
UNION AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO.: San Marcos Place., corner of Commonwealth Ave.
UNION STOCK YARDS: Arizona Eastern Rail Road Co. tracks, half mile south of depot


Valenzueda, Manual: billiards east Boston
VANCE BROS., Theresa Hawes, manager: bakery, Boston, near Arizona Ave.
Vance, George A. (Martha): home, north Colorado
Veale, E. R.: R. D. 1, Box 85
Vest, A. E.: R. D. 1, Box 59


Wah, George Y.: groceries and meats, east Boston
Wah, Hee: grocery, south Arizona, near Boston
Walker, B. W.: R. D. 1, Box 103
Walker, Lloyd: R.D. 1, Box 114
Ward, Robert E. (Josephine): auto operator, Chandler Transfer Co.; home, south Oregon St.
Ware, Frank: yardman, J. D. Halstead Lumber Co., resident of Gilbert
Warriner, W. A.: secretary-manager, Chamber of Commerce; home, 215 N. Dakota
Warriner, W. A. Jr. (Florence G.): rancher; home, one mile south of town
Washburn, J. B.: R. D. 1, Box 24
Weber, Esther J.: student
Weber, John B. (Luella R.) (Weber's Arrow Pharmacy) and member City Council; home on California St.
WEBER'S ARROW PHARMACY (J. B. Weber): Boston, corner of Arizona
Weickle, John: clerk, Lukin Cash Grocery and Meat Market
Weisenberg, Modest Mrs.: teacher, grade school 
Wheeler, B. B.: R. D. 1, Box 87
White, Wallace W.: manager, Southwest Cotton Co.: resident of Phoenix
Whitener, Bernadine M. Mrs.: clerk, American Railway Express Co.; home on Oregon Stl.
Whitener, Jesse L. (Bernadine M.) (Chandler Transfer Co.) and agent American Railway Express Co., home on Oregon; telephone 110
Whitten, L. R.: R. D. 1, Box 92
Wiggins, Dixie: student: 124 S. Dakota
Wiggins, Kate A.: widow of J. R.; home 124 S. Dakota
Wiley, Denova E. Mrs.: telephone operator, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.; lived with J. H. Broson
Wilkinson, A. Willis (Ola): salesman; home, 143 S. Dakota
Williams, Charles H.: assistant postmaster; lived with Delmer Williams
Williams, Delmer (Effie A.); home on north Oregon
Williams, Donald L.: student, lived with Delmer Williams
Williams, Maud: R. D. 1
Willis, Amasa (Edna): sheepherder; home on California St.
Willis, Charles H.: auto mechanic, C. M. Wilson & Co.; home on Higley Road
Wilson, Clarence M. (Marvel L.) (C. M. Wilson & Co.); home, 210 N. Arizona Ave.
WILSON, C. M. & CO. (C. M. Wilson, J. F. Brown): garage, Boston near Arizona Ave.
Wilson, G. M.: R. D. 1, Box 31
Wilson, Vernor L.: laborer; lived with Mrs. S. M. Clark
Winn, David (Rozetta): real estate; home, 350 N. Delaware
Winn, Howard F.: laborer, 350 N. Delaware
Winn, Roscoe: laborer; 350 N. Delaware
Wolf, Albert (Barbara): musician, lived with A. J. Wolf
Wolf, Albert J. (Senta L.): rancher one mile south and two miles west
Womack, Wilma J.: student; 121 S. California
Womble, John W. (Pearl): home, south California
Worley, Arthur B. (Dora): truck operator; homeon north Colorado, near Cleveland
Worley, Artie;  lived with A. B. Worley
Worley, Boone: student, lived with A. B. Worley
Worrell, George W. (Rosie): corral boss; home on south California
Wright, Robert L.: blacksmith, J. W. Krebs, resident of Chandler Addition


Yee, Wing: clerk, Wah Hee (Hee Wah)
Yontz, Ralph E. (Nettie): watchmaker, San Marcos Place; home, 350 N. California St.
Yontz, Ralph E. Jr.: student; lived with R. E. Yontz
Young, John M. (Ida A.): carpenter, home, 121 S. California

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