1918 Chandler City Directory
Adams, Caroline
Adams, J. E.: farmer
Acunia, Agnes
Ahrens, Henry J. E.
Ammon, B. F.: auctionman, S. W. Cotton Company
Andersen, John: rancher
Andersen, Thomas: rancher
Anderson, J.H.: farmer
Araurhula, Manuel : billiards
Armstrong, George R.: salesman, Reliable Hardware Company
Armstrong, James N. (Daisy E): rancher
Armstrong, Lyman B.: clerk, S. W. Cotton Company, residence, Suhwaro Hotel
Arnold, D.M.: Justice of the Peace
Arnold, Emma C.
BANK OF CHANDLER: Alexander J. Chandler, president; Pleasant M. James, cashier
Baptist Church: Reverend J. G. Clark, pastor
Bardwell, James G.
Barnette, Aldine F.
Barnette, Dora
Beardsley, Herbert G. (Nell): agent, Arizona Eastern Railway
Beckham, Charles M. (Quentilla): constable and salesman, J. L. Entrekin
Benn, Hans: rancher
Bennett. C. C.: farmer
Bentley, Maude: head waiter, Hotel San Marcos
Berg, Oscar W.
Bergum, John (Salena): proprietor, Chandler Bakery
Bernard, Albert: farmer
Blackwell, Lula
Blackwell, William M. (Lulu): teamster
Blackwell, W. M.: farmer
Bland Ida, widow Edward: residence Dr. F. C. Jordan
Bleak, Richard M.: blacksmith
BOARD OF EDUCATION: H. L. Peterson, president, A. T. Morgareidge clerk, John Anderson member
Bowman, Rance L, (Bessie): (Bowman & Smith)
Bowman & Smith (R L Bowrnan, Joseph Smith) grocers
Bracamonte, Peter: restaurant
Bradford, Walter C :bookkeeper, Bank of Chandler
Bradley, Andrew T.: rancher
Bradley, Carrie L.
Bragg, George W.: barber
Braley, James A.: contractor. N. V. Braley
Braley, Nathan V. (Rebecca J): contractor or construction, builder
Branaman, Agnes C. Mrs
Breustedt, Otto W.: farmer, residence RFD 1
Brimhall, Delta
Brimhall, O.: farmer
Brockett, Harry: yardman, J. D. Halstead Lumber Company
Brooks, Arthur R.
Brown, Audrey Mrs
Brown, Clarence H. (Audrey): rancher
Brown, Elvis: farmer
Brown, Ford: student
Brown, J. W.: farmer
Brown, Lucille: operator, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company
Burns, Vinna Mrs
Butterfield, Rolla: mechanic, Holden & Heffner
Caffey, A.S.: foreman, South West Cotton Company
Calhoun, John C.
Calhoun, Joseph E.: grocer
Calhoun, J. D. Mrs: high school teacher
Campbell, M. A. Mrs
Carey, B. F: farmer
Celaya, Ida: teacher, Chandler School
CENTRAL BLACKSMITH SHOP (W. S. and H. G. Lemon): H. E. Means, manager, general blacksmithing
CENTRAL GARAGE: (W. S. and H. G. Lemon): L. L. Gibson and G. F Larison managers, auto repairing
Chandler, Alexander J: president, Bank of Chandler, San Marcos Hotel Company and Chandler Improvement Company
CHANDLER ARIZONAN: S. A. Meyer, editor and proprietor
CHANDLER BAKERY: John Bergum, proprietor
CHANDLER CAFE: (Andrew J. and George Condos)
CHANDLER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: P. M. James, Theodore Dickinson, E. W. Hanna, committee
CHANDLER CLEANING & DYE WORKS: C.M. Gilbert, proprietor
CHANDLER HARDWARE & CYCLE CO.: W.S. and H.G. Lemon; hardware, harness, farm implements, etc.
CHANDLER IMPROVEMENT CO.: A. J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary and manager, real estate development
CHANDLER OSTRICH FARM: A.J. Chandler, proprietor
Chandler Woman's Club: Mrs. K.M. Gilbert, president
Chitwood, Charles R. (Mary): carpenter
Chitwood, Glenn: student
Chitwood, Mabel: student
Chitwood, Nora: student
Christensen, Chris: farmer
Church of Christ (Scientist): W. J. Lewis, reader
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Henry L. Peterson, bishop
Clare, Forest (Frona): laborer
Clare, S.S. Mrs.: restaurant
Clark, G. E.: teamster, S. W. Cotton Company
Clark, Harley D.: rancher
Clark, J.G. Rev.: pastor, Baptist Church
Cobb, B.: rancher
Coffman, David W. (Eliza): real estate
Comer, Henry: waiter, W.A. Page
Condos, Andrew J. (Christella): Chandler Cafe
CONSOLIDATED CANAL CO.: A.J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary
Corbett, Fred: farmer
Corbett: Lillian
Crawford, Calvin (Alice): auto operator
Crenshaw, Benjamin M. (Clare W.): real estate, insurance and notary
Crenshaw, Clare W. Mrs.: steno, Chandler Improvement Co.
Cribb, John: blacksmith, H.E. Means
Crisp, David (Clara): rancher
CRITERIAN THEATRE: O.B. Gibson, proprietor
Crowl, Grace: resident RFD 1
Crowl, T.J.: farmer, resident RFD 1
Curry, Lloyd J. (Curry & Frye)
CURRY & FRYE: (L.J. Curry, George Frye), billiards
Dains, W.L., resident of Gilbert RFD 1
Dalton, Orson H.: farmer
Davis, Arthur: suctionman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Davis, E.J.P.: pressman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Davis, Thomas C. (Wessie): laborer
Davis, William: feeder, S. W. Cotton Co.
De Bolt, Ida: clerk, Elk P.O.
De Bolt, Pearl: clerk, The Leader
De Bolt, W.E.: farmer
Defore, S.C.: salesman, McArthur Bros.
DeHarack, Francis: chef, Hotel San Marcos
Denny, Adelia, widow, S.H.B.
Derden, Charles W.
Derrick, John (Josephine): rancher
Derrick, Josephine Mrs.: furnished rooms
DeSouza, James E. (Aline C.): cashier, Chandler Improvement Co.
Dickenson, Granville E.
Dickenson, Theodore (Delia F.): manager, J.D. Halstead Lumber Co.
Dingus, William H.
Dobbins, A. John (Lucy): farmer
Dobbins, John: student
Dobbins, William: laborer
Doebler, John H.: teacher, high school
Donie, Perryman: laborer
Drain, W. H.: farmer
Dubs, Muriel: teacher, Chandler School
Duncan, Clara: musician
Durfee, C.O., Mrs.
Eckles, Charles: furnished rooms
Edwards, Emma L.
Edwards, Estella
Edwards, George: rancher
Edwards, Virgil T.: farmer, resident RFD 1
Elder, Randle: yardman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Eldredge, Lola Mrs.
Eldridge, Daniel K.
Eldridge, David P.: farmer, resident RFD 1
Eldridge, Earl (Josephine): laborer
Ellis, Henry J.: meatcutter, Delmer Williams Grocery
Emerson, Eugene H.: farmer
England, C.C.: farmer
Entrekin, Jesse L. (Maggie B.): real estate, loans and insurance, irrigated lands
Entrekin, Jessie L. Jr. (Nellie M.): salesman, Jesse Entrekin
Escolado, Jesus: laborer, S.W. Cotton Co.
Estrada, F.N.: clerk, Harry Lukin
Etheredge, John H. (Cynthia)
Etheredge, Sterling: hay dealer
Fairbanks, R.H.: farmer
Farmer, Benjamin: farmer, resident RFD 1
Farmer, George H.: farmer
Fix, Robert: guide, Bill Huggett
Fletcher, John B. (Annie): laborer
Forbis, Archibald (Agnes): rancher
Frazzee, Walter
Freeman, Mark P. ( Winnifred E.): livery and transfer, storage
Friedberg, Joseph (Julie): The Leader
Frye, George: (Curry & Frye)
Fullen, C.G.: farmer
Fullen, Smith: clerk, (Delmer) Williams Grocery
Fullen, W.J.: farmer
Fuller, Elizabeth: teacher, Chandler School
Gandy, J.V.: farmer
Gann: Charles: farmer
GARDNER DRUG CO.: Hugh C. Gardner, proprietor
Gardner, Hugh C. (Florence M.): proprietor, Gardner Drug Co.
Garrett, Gordon
Garrett, Edward: farmer
Garvin: James M.
George, Omar: farmer
Gibson, L.L. (Clara): manager, Central Garage
Gibson, Oscar B. (Willie): proprietor, Criterian Theatre
Gilbert, Charles M. (Frances): proprietor, Chandler Cleaning & Dye Works
Gilbert, Kramer M. (Bessie): physician
Gipson, Benjamin A.
Gipson, Chris C.: farmer
Godding, Milon O. (Elizabeth): engineer, Hotel San Marcos
Gollards, George L. (Lillian): postmaster
Gorath, Fred: farmer
Gordon, Carl R.: rancher
Gravalcaro, Crespine: laborer, S.W. Cotton Co.
Gray, Rotha: teacher, Chandler School
Green, Moses G.: farmer
Gregg, A.T: rancher, resident RFD 1
Griffin, Nate H.: farmer
Griffith, Dioa (Myrtle): clerk, Gordon Hunsacker
Griffith, William (Maude): salesman, Reliable Hardware Co.
Grittens, R. Franklin: farmer
Gruewell, R.O.: rancher
HALSTEAD LUMBER CO.: Theodore Dickinson, manager
Hamm, O.R.: farmer
Hanna, Isabel: student
Hansen, Amy J.: teacher
Hansen, Sylvia, A., residence RFD 1
Harding, M.E.: farmer, residence RFD 1
Hardy, Leonard W.
Harmer, Alvin M. (Nella E.): clerk, Gardner Drug Co.
Harris, J.B.: rancher
Harrop, Harry: farmer
Hayes, I.D.
Hayes, Jasper L. (Ida): blacksmith
Hebgen, O.F.: farmer
Heffner, James W.: rancher
Heffner, Wayne (Holdren & Heffner), residence Suhwaro Hotel
Herera, Leandro, laborer, S.W. Cotton Co.
Herman, D.: pressman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Herman, J.M.: apiarist
Herzberg, Harry: clerk, Harry Lukin
HICKS BROS. (Ira and Oscar): second hand goods
Hicks, Ira (Hicks Bros.)
Hicks, Oscar (Hicks Bros.)
Hoffmaster, H.G.: oiler, S.W. Cotton Co.
Haggard, M. James (Purlina): building contractor
Hoggard, W.H.: farmer
Holden, Harry: mechanist, Holdren & Heffner
HOLDREN & HEFFNER (Ori Holdren, Wayne Heffner): garage
Holdren, Ori (Ruth) (Holdren & Heffner)
Hopper, L.H., resident RFD 1
HOTEL SAN MARCOS, San Marcos Hotel Co., proprietors, Mrs. W.H. Robinson, manager
Huber, A.C.: farmer
HUBER BROS. : farmers
HUGGETT, BILL LIVERY, well Known Arizona guide
Huggett, William W. (Florence): Bill Huggett Livery
Hunsacker, Gordon (Anne): second-hand goods
Hunsacker, Ivan: clerk, Gordon Hunsacker
Hunsacker, Violet, student
Hurst, J.H.: farmer, residence RFD 1
Hurst, W.L.: farmer, residence RFD 1
Husted, Edward, :waiter, W.A. Page
Jackson, Della Mrs.: exchange manager, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Jackson, Thomas J. (Della): electrician
Jacobson, David A. : Hotel Chandler
Jacobson, Ray, resident of Hotel Chandler
James, Pleasant M. (Gertrude E.) : cashier, Bank of Chandler
Jennings, S.J.: foreman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Jepson, Andres: rancher
Jimanes, Pantileon: pressman, S.W. Cotton Co.
John, Raymond, laborer, S.W. Cotton Co.
Johnson, Grace E.: printer, Chandler Arizonan
Johnson, Edgar L. (Addie): rancher
Johnson, George R.: farmer
Johnson, Gust: farmer
Johnson, John: rancher
Johnson, Joseph W. (Delpha): rancher
Johnson, Paul V.: farmer
Johnson, V.R.: farmer
Jones, John W. (Vivian): public schools custodian
Jordan, Fred C. (Berma): physician
Jones, Thomas R.: farmer
Keeley, H.A.: superintendent, Public Schools
Knights of Pythias Chandler Lodge No. 31, D.A. Jacobson, CC, C.C. Bennett, K of R & S
Knudsen, Knute: farmer
Kunce, O.C.: rancher
Kunst, O. Henry (Bertha): gardener, San Marcos Hotel
Kurshuer, Emil: foreman, Golf Links, resident of Suhwaro Hotel
Kurth, E.: farmer
Kurth, Nelson: farmer
Kurth, Warner C.: farmer
Laine, Fannie B. Mrs.: clerk, The Leader
Lain, Walter (Fannie B.): mechanic, Chandler Improvement Co.
Lang, H.B.: farmer
Lang, William H., resident Gilbert
LaPaglia: farmer
Lapp, John: ginner, S.W. Cotton Co.
Larison, George F. (Mamie): manager, Central Garage
Lattin, Mary: student
LEADER, THE, (Joseph Friedberg), dry goods
Leckey, D.L.: rancher and ostrich raiser
Lemon, Hubert G. (Olga),: (Chandler Hardware & Cycle Co.)
Lemon, William S. (Chandler Hardware & Cycle Co.)
Lewis, George F.: rancher
Lewis, Paul (Fannie): baker, Chandler Bakery
Lewis, Webster J.: farmer
Lukin, Abe (Lucille): manager, Harry Lukin
Lukin, Harry Abe: Lukin grocery manager
Lyea, Thomas: solicitor, Chandler Cleaning & Dye Works
McBrayer, William D. (Laura): farmer
McCally, C.W.: farmer
McFrederick, C.A.: rancher
McGee, C.S.(Nellie): laborer
Maddox, Theobold: assistant manager, Hotel San Marcos
Madrid, Samuel: barber
Makres, Gus: cook, Chandler Cafe
Mallory, Harry: ranch foreman, Chandler Improvement Co.
Malvarez, Jose: feeder, S.W. Cotton Co.
Marsh, B.L.: rancher
Martin, J: eng, resident Hotel Chandler
Martin, J.T.: farmer
Mather, Stephen D.: farmer
Mathews, Charles H. (Jessie): laborer
Mathews, Jessie B. Mrs.: clerk, Williams Grocery
Means, Herbert E. (Velma): manager, Central Blacksmith Shop
Meehan, James C.
Megenity, Anna
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. William Reberger, pastor
Meyer, Peter: barber
Meyer, Samuel A. (Vera J.): editor and proprietor, Chandler Arizonan
Michaels, W.R.: farmer
Miller, R.M.: oiler, S.W. Cotton Co.
Molena, Serafin: billiards
Moore, O.W.: carpenter
Morgareidge, Alva T. (Halcyon G.): manager, Reliable Hardware Co.
Morgensen, Joseph
Morris, Harvey M.
Morris, Jesse, mechanic, Holdren & Heffner
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co.: Mrs. Della Jackson, exchange manager
Mulcahy, Mabel: teacher, Chandler School
Musser, Robert B. (Margaret G.): The White House
Navarita, Peter: restaurant
Newby, William E.
Newman, Frank: traveling salesman, resident of Hotel Chandler
Norwood, Charles C. : shoemaker
Norwood, Charles H. : farmer
Norwood, M.M. : farmer
Norwood, William B. : farmer
O.K.MEAT MARKET (Payne and Payne): groceries, meats, fruits, etc.
Page, Warren A. (Winnie): restaurant
Pallanes, Jose: farmer
Parkerson, W.E. : farmer
Parkerson, W.J. : farmer
Parkinson, Albert T. : farmer
Parkinson, Cecil E.
Parkhurst, Jacob L. : rancher
Payne, Jack (Katie): Payne & Payne
Payne, Robert H. (Arraline): Payne & Payne
Payne & Payne (Robert H. and Jack): O.K. Meat Market
Pearce, George W. : farmer
Peel, B.F. : farmer
Peeler, Margaret E. : clerk, R.B. Musser
Peeler, Martha E. , widow of Jason E.
Perkins, Ben F.
Perkins, S.H. : farmer
Peterson, Charles: farmer, Gilbert RFD 1
Peterson, E.H. : farmer
Peterson, Henry L. (Cora): rancher
Peterson, Howard C.
Phelps, Joseph: rancher
Phillips, James W.
Phillips, Thaddeus: rancher
Pierpont, B. Frank (Lenora): gardener
Pierpont, Vera: stenographer
POST OFFICE: G.L. Gollards, postmaster
Price, Arthur E.
Puckett, Alfred A. (Margie): laborer
Puckett, Earl: laborer
Puckett, Ernest: laborer
Puckett, Gladys: student
Puckett, Hugh (Vina): laborer
Quinn, Mabel: teacher, Chandler School
Ray, James W. : farmer
Reberger, William, Rev. : pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church
Reed, F.C. : salesman, McArthur Bros.
Reese, Daniel T.
Reese, John T. : farmer
RELIABLE HARDWARE CO. : A. T. Morgareidge, manager
Resner, Mary Mrs. : laundress
Rice, Beulah Mrs. : teacher, Chandler School
Rice, Ed: meat cutter, O.K. Meat Market
Rice, Merton N. (Beulah)
Robertson, James T. : farmer
Robinson, Dorothy: teacher, Chandler School, resident of Hotel San Marcos
Robinson, William H. : proprietor, Suhwaro Hotel, author and member of State Board of Agriculture and Horticulture, resident of Suhwaro Hotel
Robinson, W.H. Mrs.: manager Hotel San Marcos
Rodgers, Britton M. (Jalie): rancher
Rodgers, Edgar A. : farmer
Rogers, Andrew J. : farmer
Rogers, Commodore P. : farmer
Rogers, Iva: teacher, Chandler School
Rowell, Madge: teacher, High School
St. John, Jane, widow of George S.
Sanders, Frank R. : rancher
SAN MARCOS GOLF CLUB: Dr. F.C. Jordan, secretary
SAN MARCOS HOTEL CO.: A.J. Chandler, president; Ernest J. Koch, secretary, proprietoers Hotel San Marcos
Schuele, J. Martin: rancher
Seaver, Fred S. (Winnifred): barber
Sellers, A.H. : rancher
Sellers, Martha E. , widow of Samuel S.
Sellers, R.P. : rancher
Sevey, George T. : farmer
Shirey, Anna Mrs.
Shott, George E. : farmer, resident of RFD 1
Singleton, Richard H. : mechanic, Holdren & Heffner, resident of Suhwaro Hotel
Skousan, Ida Mrs.
Slawson, A.P. : carpenter
Sloan, Charles P. (Nancy J.) : rancher
Sloan, J.N. (Anna O.) : clerk, Curry & Frye
Smalley, Grace: laundry
Smith, Helen W. : teacher High School
Smith, Joseph (Lucille): Bowman & Smith
Smith, Mary A.
SOUTHWEST COTTON CO. : gin office, L.B. Armstrong, clerk
Sparks, J.L. : meatcutter, Harry Lukin
Sparks, Laurie: driver, Harry Lukin
Stall, D.W. : farmer
Stall, Harry
Stall, John F.
Stevens, J.W. : farmer
Stevens, Samuel B. (Julia): teamster
Stewart, Anna E. Mrs.
Stewart, C.D. : farmer
Stewart, Jewel: teacher, Chandler School
Stewart, Orville
Stewart, Owen L. : farmer
Stewart, Sarah Mrs.
Stiles B. (Roxie): teamster
Stiles, B.L. : pressman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Stow, Mark (Martha A.) : barber, F.S. Seaver
Stromberg, Edwin O. : rancher
SUHWARO HOTEL: W.H. Robinson, proprietor
Sutherland, W.W. : farmer
Sutton, C.A. : farmer
Tabor, George E.
Talos, Gus: waiter, Chandler Cafe
Tate, Charles F. (Lesbia): clerk, P.O.
Tennis, Earl G.
Thiebaud, Morton J.S. : auto operator, Fike's Auto Livery
Thomas, Frances: operator, Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.
Thomas, John S. : farmer, resident of RFD 1
Thorn, Carroll R. (Merle): assistant cashier, Bank of Chandler
Thorn, Joseph D. Jr, Reliable Hardware Co.
Thornhill, W.J. : painter, resident of Suhwaro Hotel
Traver, H.A. : farmer
Tripp, William H. : farmer
Turner, J.W. : rancher
Underhill, S.M. : rancher
Vance, L.W. : farmer
Walker, Wallace S. : farmer
Watson, Ivy: clerk, The Leader
Webster, William J.
Weeks, Matthew C.
WHITE HOUSE, THE, (R.B. Musser): dry goods
White, J.W. : rancher
Wiggins, Austin B.
Wiggins, James R. (Kate): carpenter
Willard, Henry (Lucile): bowling alley
Williams, Delmer (Effie A.) : (Williams Grocery)
WILLIAMS GROCERY (Delmer Williams), groceries and meat market, ice dealers
Williams, Maggie Mrs. : laundry
Wilson, G.M. : famer
Winn, David: expressman
Winters, Ross M. (Mildred S.) : clerk, Gardner Drug Co.
Wood, Roy: farmer
Woodson, Gertrude M. Mrs. : rancher
Woolf, Alice Mrs. : clerk, R.B. Musser
Woolf, John (Alice): foreman, S.W. Cotton Co.
Wright, Mabel: high school teacher
Yarborough, P.A. : farmer
Ybarro, Gregory: clerk, M. Araurhula
Young, Charles A. (Maydie): janitor, Chandler Improvement Co.
Young, J.M. : carpenter
Zook, F.L. Mrs. : hairdresser